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My head was pounding. I could see some sort of light penetrating through my eyelids and tried opening them but they refused to budge. My throat itched from the alcohol induced dryness but my whole body ached too much for me to cough knowing any slight movement would make me wince with pain. I could feel heat on my face where the light was reflected on to me. It was clearly sunlight.

That was strange though. The way my bed was positioned in my room meant that it was impossible for the sun to reach my face since my window was in an awkward position.

Shit. I blindly felt around with my arms and realised the bed I was laying on was much bigger and softer than my own ...?

I forcefully opened my eyes making myself groan as the light pierced in. Fuck. Taking a few seconds to get adjusted to the bright light I heaved myself up. I was right, this was not my room. That familiar sick feeling I got in my stomach when I was nervous emerged. Where the fuck was I?

The room looked like that out of a cliche Hollywood movie, it was minimalistic but very sleek and expensive looking. There was the huge plush cream coloured bed I was laying on with multiple silk pillows surrounding me. Near the huge Ivory framed window was an armchair with folded clothes on it. There was a wall sized mirror pinned up next to a cream door. I was so taken aback with confusion it didn't register that I could feel the bedsheets on my skin. I wasn't wearing my dress? Throwing the heavy duvet back I saw my bare thighs protruding out of an oversized crisp blue shirt, it was clearly a men's shirt from the way it awkwardly fitted me.

Fuck fuck fuck.

My eyes widened at the thought ... No? There's no way? I couldn't have?

I patted down my thighs to my middle and could still feel my chiffon underwear intact and nothing felt strange down there. I heaved a sigh of relief, I knew I wasn't capable of having sex with a random guy but the fact that I couldn't remember last night really made me doubt myself and actually terrified me.

Where the fuck was I? How did I get here? Was I at a hotel? If so, it was a pretty fancy one? Did I hook up with a rich guy from the party last night or some shit?

The party, I could remember the beginning but the more I tried to recall towards the end of the night, the more I struggled, I couldn't remember anything past me at the bar drinking. God, this was definitely the last time I drank. Next to the bed was a white marble cupboard with a bottle of water and paracetamol next to it. Suspiciously, I held the water up to the light to inspect it, I had seen enough crime dramas to know not to drink it seeing as I didn't even know whose place I was at. I would just have to firm the piercing headache rather than risk the possibility of being drugged.

The ticking of the wooden clock on the wall in front of me brought me out my frantic thinking. Aside from the therapeutic tick tock, there was complete silence. I crept out of the bed and cautiously opened the adjoining door, just as I thought, it was a bathroom.

Inside there was a new toothbrush in its box, unopened shower gel, toothpaste, a small unopened jar of coconut oil and exfoliating gloves still in its packaging. Someone had clearly prepared this for me, that made me feel even more uneasy if anything, as though I was a hostage they were accommodating.

I decided to simultaneously shower and brush my teeth as quickly as possible in case someone walked in on me. The shower physically and mentally washed away the dirt I could feel from yesterday night, running the water over my chest, I remembered the man I met yesterday and how he ran his fingers over my chest.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I froze swallowing the gasp that almost escaped from my mouth. Shit, I couldn't hide since it was obvious I was in the shower as it could be easily heard. I ran the water across my face and then tied my wet hair up. It felt so good washing out the makeup from my face and gel and hair products from my hair. I grabbed the fresh towel by the wall and I wrapped it around my torso and clutched the door handle. I was surprised to see my hand shaking, I didn't think I was this anxious.

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