Back to sender - Part 2

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You're coming, even if it means I have to strip you, dress you myself and carry you out of here. You're coming" he mirrored my posture and crossed his arms looking down at me. A smile played on his lips, he was enjoying this.

A strange feeling erupted within me as his eyes scorched into me, our breathing became synchronised while we defiantly held each other's glare. Micah was very persistent but instead of feeling flattered, it was irritating. I was exhausted and in no state of mind to be playing games.

"Micah" I sighed heavily when I realised he wasn't backing down, as usual I was the first to break. "I'm not going and I'm not in the mood, so can you please go!"

He regarded me for a few seconds, pulled his plump bottom lip in to his mouth and bit down in thought. Why did that small yet simple action ignite something within me?

"You promised."

"Well, so." I shrugged. He was clearly naive to think a simple pinky promise was some kind of binding agreement.

"So you lied then."

"Mmhhmm." I shrugged nonchalantly again clearly bored, if he was gonna waste his time, he was more than welcome but he sure as hell wasn't going to waste mine. I headed towards the couch and resumed watching ANTM trying to block his presence out. Considering the fact that there was a towering good looking man leaning on my door staring me down, it was definitely difficult to concentrate. The awkwardness grew with the tension in the room, it was getting painful, I had to break it ... Again.

"You're gonna miss the party you know."


More awkward silence ensued. I was mentally cursing myself for opening the door without checking who it was but knowing him, he probably would have found some other way in.

"Why do you want me to go so bad?" I was curious as to why he was so hell bent on my attendance, I was slyly apprehensive of the answer too. He looked up clearly thinking again before shrugging carelessly.

"I don't know" he paused. "I guess I like being around you and want you to have fun too I guess ... with me" I try hard to stifle the cheesy smile spreading on to my face as he answered with a few shrugs here and there. It was obvious he was attempting not to show he cared but his words were enough.

"What if I don't want to have fun?"

"Hmm, Let's make a deal."

I perked up interested, a deal? If it meant lying again to get him out I was down.

"You go. Stay for exactly an hour then leave, I'll be with you throughout so it's not awkward AND I'll take you home too." He was putting all his cards on the table and I could not lie, the offer did sound tempting now. I didn't have to feel left out and uncomfortable for being around strangers and one hour in an atmosphere like that would go as quickly as five minutes. Lord knows who I was kidding when I tried to convince myself ANTM and pizza could compete with an apparently notorious party. However, as advantageous as the deal was, my stubborn self didn't want to give Micah the satisfaction of agreeing with him for once.

"An hour? Exactly an hour?" I confirmed veiling the growing excitement in my voice.

"60 minutes exactly" he looked serious still waiting for my answer. I might as well put him out of his misery.

"Fine, whatever" I was not going to show any excitement whatsoever despite the fact that nerves were creeping up on me.

Micah nodded at me with that familiar smile playing on his lips. It really was strange how he did that; he could maintain a serious face yet a flash of a smile would flicker for a few seconds.

Wallflower KleoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora