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Prom night

Splash. I threw the cool water on to my face in an attempt to wash off the remaining streaked mascara. Miguel handed me a wad of napkins as he leaned on the counter tapping away on his phone.

"You look funny when you cry, you know," he faced me smirking.

Was he serious? Miguel's annoying sense of humour and teasing was the source of our many arguments, even now. Admittedly, I welcomed his insensitive remark, I was glad to see he didn't pity me like everyone else probably did right now. I kissed my teeth at him longer than usual trying to hide the smile.

"Best believe this is the first and last time you'll ever see me crying,"

"Over man, you know, aww," he chuckled and cooed at me. I kicked him in the shin hard, he knew I hated being patronised.

"It wasn't even that, it was anger." I sulked, that was partially true I guess. My phone buzzed again for the hundredth time that hour, it was probably someone else looking for an inside scoop I thought rolling my eyes. I pulled my phone out and Jordan's name was plastered on the lock screen. I almost laughed; he escaped before he could face his fate and had the audacity to text me? Now? Curiously, I slid the unlock button and read the text:

Meet me at the cage. Please

I pulled in my bottom lip and chewed as I considered whether this was a good idea or not. I wasn't as furious as before and I was thinking somewhat rationally now, too rationally that I was scared I'd fall victim to his allure. My judgement was still clouded with adoration that I didn't trust myself, even now.

"Who's that?" Miguel curiously asked without looking up from his phone.

"Oh," I stuttered. "Just Deanna asking where I am. Erm, I better go."

He looked up at me suspiciously before he nodded and stepped back out of my way. I don't know why I didn't tell him, I knew if I did his protective nature would disapprove of this rendezvous.

The cage was the basketball area on the college grounds next to the colossal football pitch. I trudged my way over there, my heart sinking with each step as I started to drown in realisation; me and him were officially over. We were actually done. I was single, thinking it aloud was strange and made it more real, especially after it had been so long. I spotted a hooded figure who stood tall staring into the dark distance with his hands in his pockets. All this time I'd been quizzing myself, what drove him to Sandra? As eager as I was to know, I knew whatever left his lips just wouldn't be satisfactory.

"Uhum," I cleared my throat timidly.

He swung around and peered at me nonchalantly with those soft eyes. I held his glare defiantly waiting for his first words.

"Kleo ..." He mumbled looking down then up at me.

"Yes?" I was surprised by how confident I sounded despite turmoil occurring inside of me just watching him.

"I ..." He slowly stepped forward making the grainy floor crunch and drank me in with his sullen eyes. "I don't know what to say" he finally mumbled.

"Tell me this, Jordan," the anger which had subsided earlier was slowly started to bubble again. He didn't know what to say to the girl who had done everything for him for the past year in which he then fucked over? Bullshit.

"Why?! Was it because of me not giving out? You always told me you'd wait? Was that all fucking bullshit?" I threw at him hiding the croakiness in my voice, it hurt knowing that no matter what I did, I wouldn't be able to satisfy him in terms of intimacy.

He stood there pathetically staring at his shoes, my subconscious was ridiculing me; this was really the man you chose for yourself, Kleo? You dun fucked up.

"No ... No," he quietened for a few seconds. "I don't know, I guess Sandra was ... just there." he shrugged.

That was it.

"So your excuse to fucking me over like this is 'the opportunity was just there'? Fuck you Jordan, you sorry excuse of a man. I'm embarrassed not only that I'm in the middle of this but that I ever thought you were worthy of me, you prick!" I was on an unstoppable roll jabbing him in the chest after each point. With each prod, his soft face hardened emphasising his sharp jaw which he kept clenching yet he didn't flinch. I was clearly having no effect on him physically but verbally, I let loose.

"You should've came for me, not her, it wasn't worth it, over me," his voice level started to heighten as he coldly stared at me. He was really still defending the local bicycle? I spluttered loudly and threw my hands up, his ego was really fucking with him at the moment.

"You're FUCKING right, I should've came for you first then her, oh and Jordan, don't flatter yourself, honey, I wasn't fighting over you, you're a lost cause now," I smiled sweetly at him taking a few steps back.

"Kleo ... I ..."

"It's funny, Jordan, you're just like those other fuckboys you claim to hate," I held my face as I pretended to think, I knew that would strike a nerve.

"No, I'm not. I just ..."

There was no way I was actually going to stand here and listen to whatever drivel he was about to spew.

"You ain't shit," I spat at him emphasising on every word to show him how much I meant it as I walked backwards. He stood there pathetically just watching me depart. I was disappointed to say the least, I actually deluded myself into thinking he'd try and fight for 'us'. But I was definitely glad he didn't, it made this a whole lot easier.

Turning around I made my way back to the college, I just wanted to go home and crawl into the comfort of my kingdom: my bed.

"Don't text me, don't call me, delete my number, don't even look at me!" I yelled out without looking back, I was scared if I did, my poise would crumble and I'd fall apart in front of him, but I refused to give him the satisfaction.

"Sayonara!" I finally shouted whilst throwing up a peace sign. That was the last I'd plan to hear or see of him.

That night was the first time I walked home from college, my feet ached from the constant movement and my head heavy from all of tonight's noise but my pierced heart hurt me the most. I got a few more texts later from the girls, Ayesha had apparently attacked Naomi on my behalf I discovered. Strangely, I didn't feel anything, Naomi was once like a sister to me so I knew I wouldn't be able to touch her myself but I was still reeling from her betrayal. I was a fool for ever expecting this much from her I guess. Me and her had known each other since I could remember, both our mothers were neighbours and good friends. We both attended the same secondary school where we were inseparable but everything changed when we transitioned to college, this was the catalyst to her new form. She started evolving slowly, wearing more and more provocative outfits, smothering her face in make up to the point where she looked unrecognisable. However, Her attitude was the biggest change, she became more and more vindictive to the extent where others feared her knowing if they even gave her the wrong look, she'd humiliate them. Her consciousness regarding males also peaked, it was cringeworthy watching her flirt or throw herself at the guys in our college. I always thought this was inevitable, girls change as they grow I guess, but surely not this much. It definitely surprised me how fast she conquered the social ladder as she went from being that cute girl to one of THE girls in college. Naomi wasn't just changing, she had completely reinvented herself, part of this devil sent deal was that she chose new people to surround herself with. Surprisingly, I was glad, she was attracting too much attention anyways, I didn't need that. She was now good friends with Sandra and the other irrelevant minions, nonetheless she still came and hung around my presence. This time though, it was obvious who she had chosen and as they say, the higher you climb, the harder you fall ...

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