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The auditorium was huge, it looked like those theatres you see on T.V with endless rows of plump looking blue chairs. There was only a handful of students scattered around the room so I must have been early, everyone seemed engulfed either in their work or on their phones. At the bottom of the staircase was a bald spectacled man going through a messy sea of papers on his desk, he looked up and caught my glare and awkwardly held it. The two weeks that I'd been absent I'd notified the head of the Law department and even faxed over a copy of my doctors report so I guess I was safe but I was still nervous of my professors reaction to me waltzing in two weeks late.

"Aha," he said smiling at me as I descended the staircase towards him. He looked at a piece of paper and then at me.

"Kleo ... paytra?" He uneasily announced.

What is it with white people? They can pronounce 10 syllabled names of diseases with the whole bloody alphabet in them and names of the most complicated European artists etc but struggle with the basic of ethnic names. I forced a smile and decided against correcting him ... this time.


"You're looking good. I'm Mr Banks, you haven't missed much aside from the formalities, introduction and the beginning of Tort Law," he started faffing through his papers again looking like a madman and thrusted a bunch of papers toward me.

"Here, that's everything you'll need, you may need to ask someone to copy their notes from last week down."

I grabbed the stack of crumbled notes and turned around observing the room for the perfect spot. There was an implicit rule where the spot you picked at the beginning of the year was where you'd remain all year long. I didn't want to sit too far back in case I couldn't hear Mr Banks but I didn't want to sit too forward where I was in his full view. I settled for the middle corner, I'd go unnoticeable and I'd get some work done I smiled to myself.

Looking at my Michael Kors watch I had 8 minutes since lecture would start. I put my headphones in blaring out some Biggie and sprawled out over my desk with my hood up. I was so tired, summer had really fucked my sleeping pattern up and I was only getting 3 hours sleep a night.

Minutes later, I could feel movement and rustling next to me, I really couldn't be bothered to look up so I continued to be sprawled out. Abruptly, I felt two taps on my shoulder, I still didn't get up, I was not in the mood for small talk or whatever rubbish I would be faced with. A finger suddenly entangled itself into the mass of curls on my head and pulled my right earphone. I sat up annoyed at the fact that a stranger had the audacity to even dare to touch me and was faced with the face of a grinning caramel manboy. I could've burst out laughing right there and then if I wasn't seething, I was livid and here was this idiot skinning teeth.

"I said," his voice was deep, the guttural kinda deep, I was surprised by this as he had a cute boyish face which didn't match.

"You okay?" He continued with the stupid lopsided grin clearly amused by the way I was shooting daggers at him.

"Don't even touch me again," I spat and shuffled away from him as much as the wall next to me would allow. Maybe I wasn't so wise in picking my spot, I didn't take into consideration that I may be confronted with unwanted guests and if I wanted to escape, I'd be blocked in by the wall.

The lecture was going pretty well, everyone always reiterates how boring and pointless lectures are but I was actually enjoying it. It helped that I already did Law as an A Level so I pretty much knew all the basics and I wasn't confused, which is more than what could be said for the annoying thing next to me. Every once in a while he'd sigh and from the corner of my eye I could see him googling the most basic of terms on his MacBook. Whilst scribbling away the different types of Offences Against A Person, I could hear the familiar rustling of pens and peered up to see his huge hands rummaging through my pencil case. He took out a biro and without even acknowledging my stare, continued writing. The audacity of the cunt.

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