Is this seat taken?

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Giiiiiiirls, girls like this

*beat drops*

I had one hand firmly gripping the steering wheel as I swerved into the university car park, the other hand was in the form of a gun sign being waved about recklessly. I was blasting out old school garage in my car on my way to my second lecture. I was early which annoyed me, being early meant finding some way to waste my time or awkwardly stand outside my lecture room. The bass of the song vibrated through the car and seeped out through the open windows, I'm guessing everyone could hear as people were staring in my direction. I didn't bat an eyelash; when it came to good music, I didn't care, I was obligated to dance and move, even if people were gawking at me. It helped that my car was nice too: a 2011 sleek black Zetec, my pride and joy I had been saving up for since Year 12.

I drove into the allocated space in front of the university entrance and decided to let the song finish. Still half skanking, I scanned the small clusters of people hanging around in front of the entrance, just as I was about to turn off my stereo, a mop of bright blonde and black hair demanded my attention. I had an idea of who it was but I had to be sure I decided. The girl was on the phone standing in front of the main doors, only exposing half of her face, she was laughing and twisting a few strands of her curls. After a few seconds, she shifted so she was now in full view. Naomi.

After that prom night, I had immediately deleted and blocked Naomi's number, that didn't stop her from calling my house phone so she could grovel or knocking on my front door pleading to see me, each time I'd either completely ignore the doorbell or forcibly close the door on her face. The down side to having family friends is that when you have a disagreement, your parents get involve, which is long. A few weeks into the holiday, when my mum realised something was up between us, she invited both Naomi and her mother over. I was livid, it was so awkward and unsurprisingly, they made us do the whole childish 'hug and make up in front of us' shit. Of course, we complied to shut them up but that didn't change anything, if anything it made me dislike her more; being forced to embrace her. However, when I was ill, she did come around a few times to check up on me and I guess we fell into a comfortable neutral position regarding each other; we were not friends but we were not enemies anymore. I guess I was about to find out how this arrangement worked I thought as I locked my car and walked towards the front doors.

When she noticed someone walking towards her she glanced upwards momentarily before turning back to whatever she was fixated to on the floor, I think she must've realised it was me because she looked up again surprised. This time her glance lingered.

"Kleo?" she exclaimed quietly putting her phone down and smiling uneasily. She stood there awkwardly twiddling her fingers, she was acting as though I was some untamed strange monster she wanted to touch but was too afraid to.

"Naomi," I replied purposely in a bored unwavering tone. Let's not get too comfortable now.

"It's ... Nice to see you," she chirped, I could faintly hear the remorse in her voice but I wasn't Adam about to fall for the Snakes act again. I had forgiven her because, in all honesty, I did once adore Naomi, but I wasn't a fool to just forget so I could fall victim to whatever she pulled next.

"Yeah, it would be," I mumbled back before pushing the doors open and proceeding to my lecture. I felt a pang of guilt, maybe that was uncalled for my conscious argued but my subconscious disagreed, she didn't really expect me to resume our friendship like everything was normal, did she?

I had 15 minutes to spare and I was clueless as to what to do with time. The library was too far away to go to in that time and the lecture doors wouldn't be open yet. I decided I might as well go toilet and kill time there. The toilets in uni differed greatly from college ones; they were modern and bleach white and constantly smelled lemony. I walked towards the towering mirrors nailed onto the walls, all the cubicles were vacant so it was only me in here. I looked good today, warranting a boost in confidence, you know them 'oo kill em' days, I was having one of those. My hair was the same as usual; huge curls just passing my shoulders and covering my eyebrows whilst they sat heavily on my eyelashes. I wasn't wearing any make up but I still loved how my skin shone regardless, my freckles stood out more again the smooth brownness of my skin. I pouted my full lips as I was impressed with how well they were now looking, after I literally smothered them everyday with coconut and cherry butter to smoothen them after being ill had ravaged them. Today I had gone for an eccentric look, I was wearing a two piece pastel pink and yellow Aztec patterned set. The top part consisted of a short sleeved shirt which was slightly cropped to reveal some skin from my torso, the bottom part was a tight fitting trouser that hugged my figure snugly. To top the ensemble off, I was wearing Colgate white Air Maxes, my new babies. After inspecting myself, I swung my loose leather backpack on to my shoulder and walked to my lecture. It was now 3 minutes to 10, the doors should be open by now. After struggling with the heavy oak door, I scanned the room, a lot of people were here already, Mr Banks was at the front faffing about as per usual. Glancing at spot, there was IT with his feet up on his phone, he definitely had a knack for making himself comfortable wherever he went it seemed. After that night in my house, I hadn't seen him since. Me and Miguel were in my room conversing whilst he was in the living room entertaining himself with Cartoon Network. Cartoon Network? I mean, really? The last I saw of him was when he left with Miguel that night.

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