Custard and Pizza Crusts

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My nose felt cold and wet as the bridge began to sting, I put my hand up to itch it and felt the stickiness of blood ... again. Heaving myself up from my bed, I grabbed my bedside mirror and glanced at myself, I was a mess. Dried blood coated my nose and fresh blood oozed out which I wiped away with tissue, the nose bleeds were becoming more frequent and were now happening in my sleep? I definitely needed to make an appointment now. Just the thought of being in a hospital or a GP made me shudder with fear, especially after what happened to dad.

I rolled over to my phone plugged in the charger, it was 6:45am, I had a few hours until my lunchtime lecture. I looked at my messages, Ayesha still hadn't responded to my text from yesterday night which wasn't like her and there was a message from an unknown number.

'Miguel gave me your number, don't be mad at him, I forced him to, Save it. Micah'

It was sent at 3am, probably when the whole shindig ended because I could remember hearing Kim and Femi stumbling in to their place in the early morning. Miguel knew exactly how I felt about people obtaining by number without me knowing so this irked me. I proceeded to block Micah's number and delete the message. It's hard to explain why he irritated me so much, especially after finding out it was Naomi who he was with yesterday. Of course it wasn't my business and Naomi owes me no loyalties there as there was nothing between me and him but it made Micah seem like another basic wasteman.


I had 10 mins until my lecture started and I was outside Ayeshas lecture hall as she had just finished. I hadn't seen her for a while and also wanted to make sure everything was all right with her. Everyone trickled out in groups, it'd been 8 minutes and she was still in there. I walked in to the auditorium, she was by the lecturers desk with another boy speaking to the lecture. She saw me enter and smiled waving me over.

"So do we need this book?" The Spanish looking boy asked the lecturer.

"No, but I recommend it as you can take it into the exam" he replied.

"Are they in the library?" Ayesha asked.

"Yeah but I have copies from my uni days I could give you guys" The lecturer probably wasn't in uni too long ago I assumed. He had the Ken look going, long blonde hair in the middle which curled to the side and the generic white boy fade. His eyes were shockingly blue and had tanned skin which glowed of a Caribbean holiday. He was Hitlers Arian wet dream.

"Thanks" Ayesha beamed at him as the boy and her shook his hands.

We strolled out towards my lecture room hand in hand, I wanted to give her a grilling but thought to lay off.

"So where've you been?" I asked.

"Doing work and just chilling"' she spun around to face me. "And I know what you're getting at, I was with him too, chill"

I had to roll my eyes at her discreetly, she was acting like I was overeacting.

"I am chill" I kissed my teeth. "Obviously I'm gonna assume something's up when you don't pick up your phone, don't text back and miss motives, just looking out for my nigga" I nudged her playfully on the shoulder and she pulled me in for a hug.

"True, but I'm good and just having fun" I nodded at her as we pulled up to my lecture hall. We soon high fived each other and then parted ways, I was 6 minutes late and jogged up to my spot in the dark room. After getting out my notepad and pen I scoured the room for the others but none of them were here, Micah was nowhere to be seen, Raphael was absent and Theresa was missing. This was definitely not a coincidence considering the fact that they were all friends.

The lecture was so depressingly boring, Contract Law might just be the death of me, especially with this soon to touch her grave lecturer. I became occupied with my iPad to pass the time and went on to my snapchat and Miguel's story playing his videos. There were all these figures dressed up in army gear and masks waving around these makeshift guns. Miguel could be heard laughing as he shot the others with paint and ducked their pellets. Oh, he was paintballing ... without me. On his story, Micah could be seen smiling with a gun, he did look cute undeniably, next to him was Naomi with his arm slung over her, strangely, annoyance washed over me upon seeing this. There was another picture of Jordan, Raphael, Miguel, Micah and Kadeem posing with the plastic guns as if they were the real things. If Miguel was going to go paint balling surely he'd notify me first I questioned, I looked at my phone and sure enough there were 7 missed calls and 5 texts from him. My phone was on do not disturb so I hadn't seen or heard it, damn. So I was going to suffer in this lecture alone, I definitely underestimated how fun Micah's presence was. Throughout the lecture, behind me I could chattering and chuckling from a male, nothing pissed me off more than inconsiderate cunts like this. The first 50 minutes of the lecture went swiftly and the lecturer announced our break, it was awkward because I still didn't know anyone here but I didn't care. Zoning out in to Trey Songz and Chris Browns new mixtape (Yassss) the booming of voices could be overheard from behind me, this time it was a number of voices. I paused my music to see what rubbish the idiot behind me was spouting this time.

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