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My heart started hammering to the point where it was all I could hear and feel and the familiar acidic taste of bile rose from my throat. This can't be happening I silently prayed.

I quickly spun around before he noticed me and clumsily threw my hoodie on my head. Micah was still engrossed on his phone whereas Ayesha was staring me, gouging my reaction.

"Why don't we get some lunch?" She gave me a weak smile and pulled me in.

This is what I adored most about Ayesha; I didn't have to front or put on this facade where I was unbothered. She'd been there for me throughout. I was never the 'talk about your feelings' type of person because it made me cringe as I felt vulnerable. However, with Ayesha she didn't talk, or give you advice, she just listened.

What was he doing here? What if he goes here? Please, God no. My mind was racing with thoughts and questions as to what brought Jordan, my ex, here. This was probably some manipulative ploy to hurt me even more.

*Flashback to the night of Prom*

"Say hello to Snapchaaaat!" Ayesha giggled as she took a selfie video trying to fit us all in.

"Heeeeey," Deanna slurred putting one finger up as she pouted.

I smiled at the camera and waved awkwardly as I continued dancing. It was the end of exams, the night of prom and the beginning of summer and we were determined to live it up. Yesterday was my last ever A Level exam and to say I was relieved was a huge understatement. We were literally counting down the days to summer in our Whatsapp group and constantly talking about all the things we'd try this summer. Here I was, at Club Pure, with my girls Ayesha, Deanna, Aminah and Ade gyrating ontop of our VIP table, dancing with bottles in our hands, with not a care in the world.

"I wonder how much fun the others are having?!" Ayesha shouted over all the noise to us laughing. She was right, it was our budget school prom, instead of going we decided to do our own thing with no restrictions. Besides, I didn't know most of people in my year so there really was no point in me going, I'd rather be enjoying the night with my circle. Also, the theme of the prom was Vegas, it really did sound too lame for my presence.

Me and Ayesha linked arms as Loyal blared through the club. Stumbling on to the floor, we both screamed simultaneously and started throwing our hands up in the air. I felt a sudden vibration in the pocket of my shorts playsuit and pulled my phone out. It was a text from Jordan;

Don't have too much fun without me, should've come prom with me :( x

I smiled to myself as I put my phone back, it was the small things like this that made me love him. It had only been a day since I last saw him and I already missed him, pining for his smell, his touch. Me and Jordan had been together for only a year but I was smitten, it was the way his eyes bore into me and made me feel like a shy schoolgirl, the way he'd sense whenever I was upset or angry, the way he'd constantly go out of his way for me. I've never been the relationship type but there was no avoiding this, he made me feel vulnerable and exposed but I loved it because just as he could see all of me I could see all of him too. I knew I was Icarus, flying too close to the sun and that I'd Inevitably get burnt, but I knew whatever pain followed, it would be worth it, for a taste of him.

After dancing for over an hour, the back of Nikes were digging into my heel, I needed to sit down. I scoured our area of the club for the girls. I spotted Deanna and Ade at the bar, presumably buying more drinks and Aminat was nowhere to be found. In the corner next to an oversized speaker was Ayesha, her luminous red curls bouncing lower and lower as she whined onto this excited looking boy. I was in awe of how well she could control her waists and how low she could wind her derrière. I sat down at our table and poured myself a drink from our Berry ciroc bottle. We'd really gone all out for tonight, call me a nerd but I felt like a celebrity. After downing a bitter shit, Ayesha came limping towards me clearly out of breath.

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