chapter 18 : almost time

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The family evening came to an end very quickly which I was all too grateful for especially after what happened with my aunts.

We said goodbye to everyone , before getting into a cab and heading back to the hotel .

"You all be safe tonight and don't do anything I wouldn't " Camila homily said as we all arrived at the hotel .

"A couple of your cousins are joining as well" aria added and I just nodded not really caring what happened.

Mattia quickly noticed my not too interested mood and pulled me back slightly as everyone got into the elevator . "We'll take the next one," he said before the doors shut.

"Okay princess what's up? You've been in a weird mood since earlier" he asked looking down at me and I immediately hid my face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me .

As we stepped into the elevator I explained what had happened and his face broke out into a frown . "Baby don't listen to them you know you're perfect and besides as long as I think you're perfect nothing else should matter" he said cupping my face .

"I can always cancel with the boys to remind you how perfect I find you and your body," he said after kissing me . I just chuckled as the doors opened on our floor , "nope you're going to have to wait for the honey mood for that" I said before saying goodbye and heading to my room.


A few hours later I was being dragged into club after club with Aria and Vic telling almost everyone there that I was getting married soon which resulted in an insane amount of free shots being sent to us.

A few of my cousins had joined us as well and we were now all dancing in the middle of the dance floor .

Suddenly I felt someone come up behind me and start dancing. I quickly moved a bit away attempting to be polite when the person grabbed me by my waist forcing me into them.

"Oh don't you wanna dance with me baby?" I heard an all too familiar voice say and I immediately turned around to see Mattia smiling down at me .

I stood trying to figure out if I was just this drunk or whether he was really there , "surprise" I heard aria and vic yell from next to me .

"We knew you two wouldn't really have fun without each other so we brought you together to end the night with each other" vic said and I couldn't help but smile at the realization.

Mattia quickly leaned down and brought his lips to mine , "hmm you taste sweet , have you drank a lot ?" He asked with his eyebrow raised in a joking manner . I simply just nodded before dragging him to start dancing again.

The six of us strolled into the hotel completely wasted at around 3 am , and like expected all of us ended up crashing in the same hotel room.

After laying for a few minutes I felt Mattia shake me lightly , "baby wake up Cmon" he said and I sat up to see everyone else was sleeping. "Where are we going ?" I attempted to stand up .

Mattia simply led me out of the room and into what should've been his and the boys room before flopping onto the bed , "I wanna cuddle like alone" he said while pouting with outstretched arms .

This is I knew he was super drunk because whenever he was he always wanted to just be alone and cuddle and not have other people around .


I woke up a few hours later with a massive headache and laying ontop of mattia . I attempted to shift off of him but he quickly tightened his grip on my waist . "Nuh uh" he groaned in his sleep before rolling over and pinning me to the mattress . "I don't wanna get up yet" he said lowly into my ear, immediately sending goosebumps down my body .

For some reason, the last couple days I was extra horny and I'd been avoiding him because I knew he'd make fun of me but right now he was practically irresistible.

Before I could say or do anything I felt Mattia slowly begin kissing my neck Almost as if he had read my mind . I could feel him smirk against my skin as he slipped his one hand between my legs and into my underwear, "so so wet for me" he bummed against my skin.

The very very lovely moment was ruined as I shot up and ran to the bathroom overwhelmed with nausea and I immediately began throwing up into the toilet.

Mattia sighed before walking over , "are you okay ?" He asked, rubbing my back gently as I continued to spill my guts .

After the incident we both just showered and then got ready to meet up for breakfast, well in our case lunch . The six of us sat at the hotel's breakfast buffet looking like literally death , "imagine the wedding was today" ale chuckled and I groaned at the thought. "I might've died in all honesty" I said before attempting to eat more food but just getting hit with more nausea .

"Don't force yourself to eat , we can always stop to get something on our way there" Mattias said while rubbing my back.


We were now driving to the wine farm where the wedding was going to be , it was going to be at Bosjes wedding venue in Worcester which was just over an hour's drive out of Cape Town .

We were going to be staying there for the next evening instead of driving up the morning of the wedding .

When we arrived the weather had changed drastically and it was now insanely hot , which to all of our dismay wasn't helping with the hangover.

"It's so pretty" I said as we walked around watching as the wedding planners had started setting up . "I'm so excited for tomorrow," Mattia said as he interlaced our fingers .

Authors note,

hi again ,

just a disclaimer , before we get to the details of the wedding I just wanted to say this is just what I envisioned for them please feel free to imagine whatever you prefer , lastly if you wanna see pictures of the wedding venue I chose you can google it to get a better idea.

love ya

- han


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