chapter 6 : overthinking kills

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quick authors note

i'm opening this for suggestions so comment ideas :

for their wedding song ?

places to go on honeymoon ?

also super random but who do you ship more ?
mattia and kelsey or mattia and hannah ? 👀

mattia's pov

the next day kelsey dm'ed me and we met up at a coffee shop in the mall .

"so let's cut to the chase , there's no way you came down here for a reunion " i said . she sighed taking a sip of her coffee , "no mattia i didn't , i came back to see you . are you happy now i said it " she said .

"but why , it's been 5 years why now " i asked , "because i saw how happy you are with her and i got jealous in all honesty it made me realize maybe we could've worked if i wasn't such an asshole back then and just kept in contact with you " she said . i could feel a headache starting .
"you left us kels , all of us vic , taylor , kai you left me after you promised you'd never change " i said and i felt my voice crack and i hated it , i hated that after all this time she could still make me feel like this . "tia ... i'm so sorry you have to believe me " she said and i rolled my eyes . "yea whatever kels but you have a whole life up there , there was no need for you to come back and literally hurt all of us again " i said . "who am i hurting i came back to rekindle old friendships and from last night everyone seems very happy to see me " she said taking a sip of coffee . "not all of us " i said , "awh why not am i ruining your little fantasy you built up to distract yourself from your hurt " she said and my eyes went wide "what did you say " i asked . "you heard me matti , let's be honest, if i never left and she came would you still have been so inlove with her " she asked me and i went quiet completely speechless.

"you know what kels , you didn't stay you left , and i do love her not because i was hurt but because she fixed me and showed me what real unconditional love is regardless of what happens . " i said , "and also i don't know what your intentions were for coming up here but i want no part in it " i said standing up , i reached in my wallet and threw $20 on the table . "such a gentleman, that's what i always loved about you " she said giggling before i walked away.


i got home and found hannah napping on the bed , "baby " i said softly trying to wake her , "hmmm" she said stirring awake .

i spent the next 20 minutes explaining what happened to her and also breaking down , "why the fuck does it hurt still " i asked as she embraced me in a hug , "baby you cared about her and she threw that in your face when she left it's normal to feel like this " she said . "i just have a bad feeling about her being around " i said , "do you wanna call everyone and talk about it " she asked , "yea" i said .

we called everyone up on a group facetime and i explained what's happened .

"mattia don't you think you're over reacting " vic said , "vic i wouldn't have called everyone if i thought i was " i snapped at her , "i'm just saying i don't think she has the purest intentions for being back " i said . "i getchu man i got that feeling too she's been hitting me up to make plans whole day and let's just say it doesn't sound too "friendly" " said kairi , " see " i said and vic pulled and conflicted face , "she left you too , stopped speaking to you it wasn't just me " i said and he face fell as realization set in . "i guess you're right " she said .

we spoke a bit more before ending the call .

hannah's pov

mattia left to go get some food and i've been sitting on the bed overthing for the past 10 mins which has now lead to me crying .

mattia walked in and took one looks at me before putting the food down and walking over and pulling me into his chest .

"baby please stop crying " he said into my hair and i could hear the pain in his voice . "i'm sorry , i'm sorry she's back i'm sorry you're hurt " he started rambling . i shook my head in his chest , " it's not your fault i promise i'm just overthinking " i admitted . his eyes searched mine before he crashed his lips into mine . his hand cradled my jaw and i moved to sit on his lap .

our lips moved perfectly in sync reminding me just how well we work , mattia broke the kiss and looked into my eyes "i don't want anyone else , hell ill fucking marry you right now to prove it to you hear me " he said . i nodded , "yes tia " i said softly , before he kissed me again . "you're perfect " he said gently into the kiss , "you're beautiful " he said slowly kissing my jaw , "no one else could ever compare to how amazing you look in my eyes " he practically whispered into my ear. the goosebumps ran across my skin . "you're everything i've ever wanted and more " he said now kissing my neck .

"tia " i giggled , "yes baby" he said lowly pulling back to look at me , "i love you , but could we maybe not do this right now " i giggled almost shyly . " i love you more , are you sure ?" he asked completely still . "yea " i said and he nodded . "okay sweetheart" he said giving me a quick kiss before i climbed off his lap .

"not gonna lie that's one way to turn a girl on and make her feel loved all at once " i said grabbing the take out . "that was the plan , i'll pick up where i left off later if you want " he said raising his eyebrows , "mhm i like the sound of that " i said and he smirked.

authors note

okay i promise y'all will get some smut in the next chapter i've been leaving y'all hanging i'm sorry 😹

also sorry this is short but i wanted to make up for not updating last night

love y'all
-han ❤️

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