chapter 4 : it cant be her ? right ?

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it's been a couple months and honestly not much has been happening , i know right super shocking for us .

anyway it's around june now , mattia and i both decided we weren't going to do anything for our birthdays because we want to save the money for when the wedding eventually does happen and for the honey moon and stuff .

we've also pick a date , we decided to go with next year in fall because it will be spring back home in south africa and we're looking to have two ceremonies for both families instead of my family flying up here which will probably more expensive and as for honeymoon we're still clueless .

and the only other thing you missed is that mattia and i kinda dropped out of college , he decided to focus on social media because obviously what's making money and if he focuses all his attention on it he'll do better. as for me i've been doing some courses in social media management so that i can help mattia and stuff and i also got a job at his talent management company .

anyway now you're all caught up , we're all just chilling at kairi's house eating pizza .

"did you guys get this message too ?" vic asked showing us her phone , "yea i did " aria said and the boys agreed too . "what is it ?" i asked . "it's an invitation for our schools reunion " she responded , "i also went to school their technically why didn't i get one " i said pouting and they all laughed , "you're still coming with we're allowed to bring a plus one " mattia said slinging his arm around me . "lovely , when is it " i said getting excited , "uhm next week tuesday apparently " . "don't you guys have a meeting with talentX that day " i asked looking at the boys , "yea but it's the morning and will probably be over by like 2 " ale said and i nodded.

we left kai's house at around 11 pm , " could you drop me at aria's house when you go to the meeting because it'll be dumb to drive back to the city just to get me " i said , "i don't mind baby whatever you'd prefer " he said lowly , "what's wrong " i asked , " i don't know for once i'm the one with a bad feeling " he said rubbing the back of his head . "ahh baby don't stress about it too much " i said playing with his hair and you could almost see him physically melt under my touch .

when we got home , we changed into some comfy clothes and got into bed , "you feeling better " i asked as mattia was laying on my check scrolling on insta , " a bit " he said softly and i kissed the top of his head before dozing off.


"okay message me when you leave the meeting " i said , "yes baby" he said slightly annoyed with me . i just rolled my eyes and kissed him quickly before heading inside aria's house .

"hi mrs rodrigues " i said hugging her mom "hi hannah , i haven't seen you in forever " she said , "i know , but i'll be around more often now that i'm not studying at nyu anymore " i said and she smiled . we spoke for a while before i went up to aria's room .

"hi bitch " i said flopping onto her bed , "i have no idea what to wear tonight " she said frantically running out of her bathroom in a towel . "aria it's only at 7 tonight , you have time chill " i said giggling , "easy for you to say i need to look good everyone from high school is going to be there " she said looking through her dresser . "aria , you're literally dating 1/3 hottest guys that ever went to that school , and you're gorgeous you have nothing to worry about " i said and she seemed to calm down , "okay what are you wearing" she asked me , "my clothes are in mattia's car but i brought a couple of options " i said before explaining them to her .


it was around 4 when mattia walked into aria's room , "aria your mom was lowkey flirting with me again " he said and aria chuckled, "she's inlove with you and kai honestly i'm convinced " she said straightening her hair , "hey baby" i said as he put the bag down and sat down next to me on the bed . he hugged me causing me to fall so now we were laying down cuddling "hi" he said so softly . "how'd the meeting go " asked aria , mattia turned to face her but still laying down . "uhm really good they're planning for us to go to LA to collab with sway and hypehouse around the beginning of july " he said , "oh and they want you all to come with to help with content " he added , "no way we're going to LA i'm excited " aria said dancing around , "oh and trevor said he wants you to meet with him before we go because they might want you to work with some up and coming social media stars there " he said to me and i smiled broadly . i was super excited , because i've never been to LA and also because i loved the work i was now doing more than anything .


i was around 6:30 now and we were all dressed , aria was driving with and and we were getting kai, ale and vic there at 6:45

i was wearing this

and aria was wearing this

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and aria was wearing this

"aria we need to go " mattia said in a monotone voice from downstairs

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"aria we need to go " mattia said in a monotone voice from downstairs . "see i'm not that bad " i said putting lipgloss on , "honestly i don't know why i couldn't get ready with the guys , and you guys get ready together " he said , "either way you guys would be waiting for us " i said giggling as aria came downstairs .

we arrived at school and met up with everyone else before walking in , the gym was decorated pretty well considering it was just a reunion , "wow never thought i'd be back here so soon " mattia said looking around , "never thought i'd be back " i chuckled .

"hey man " a guy walked up to mattia and mattia looked as if he was contemplating whether to greet or not . "hey , hannah you remember josh diaz " he said , "yea vaguely sorry " i said smiling at josh who returned it . "you look good " josh said to mattia , "likewise" mattia said before walking off pulling me with him . "what was that " i asked , "i don't like him " mattia said , "why " i asked genuinely curious "it's a long story can i tell you at home " mattia asked holding my and and i nodded . we greeted taylor and a couple other friends before finding our seats .

"why's there an empty seat" i asked looking at our table , "no idea " said taylor next to me .

"no way " i heard alejandro say looking up , "nah it can't be " kairi added . "it's kelsey" mattia said.
i looked between them confused before following their eyes to the girl walking towards our table .

authors note


i'm not gonna say much cause another chapter coming later tonight ❤️❤️

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