chaper 11: negative

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i quickly grab the two tests off the counter before mattia sees them .

negative .

a wave of relief floods over me . mattia is still standing staring at me , "well?" he asks excitement clear in his face , "it's negative " i said and his face falls . just then it hits me , it's everything we've ever spoken about and hoped for no wonder he was so upset.

before i knew what was happening mattia's arms were wrapped around me as i was sobbing into his chest , i didn't even register that i was crying until he spoke "han it's okay " .

a knock on the door brought me back to reality , i pulled out of the hug and wiped my face . he seemed annoyed , "well be out in a sec" he said before looking back at me . "are you okay ?" he asked and i nodded before walking out .

everyone's eyes were instantly on us , i just shook my head and the girls faces fell . "what's going on " kai asked and aria hit his arm signaling him to shut up . "we still playing man ?" asked ale mattia cautiously , vic looked over at me and i shot her pleading eyes , "actually i'm not feeling too great could we head home ?" she asked and ale nodded clearly now consumed with worry for her.

they all said their goodbyes and left .

i sat down on the bed , and a few minutes later mattia joined me , "what's going on in your head baby " he said as his hand started drawing circles on my back.

"i don't know , at first i was so worried that i might be pregnant , terrified actually but then when i saw your face and how disappointed you were that it was negative it hit me that it's everything we both wanted " i said , "baby , i wasn't disappointed... okay maybe a little but it's not a huge deal either , also you have every right to feel terrified about something like that . but i just want you to know i love you irregardless of everything " he said and my heart felt like it might explode . "i love you too " i said leaning into his shoulder .

a few hours have pasted and now mattia and i were sitting eating ice cream in bed , " i think i should make an appointment at the doctor to find out what's going on though " i said and he looked at me confused before he realized what i meant . "oh yea " he said shifting awkwardly , "do you want to come with to the appointment? " i asked and he seemed surprised by my question "am i allowed to ? " he asked and i chuckled "yes babe , i mean it's an appointment to discuss the plan for you know everything so i'd what you there " i said and he smiled , "then i'd love to come with " he said and kissed me lightly on my lips .

i got up and called to make an appointment with a gynecologist at a nearby hospital, they said they had an availability tomorrow at around 11 which worked out great cause it means i didn't have to drag mattia out of bed.


the next morning mattia and i drove to the appointment and got to the hospital at around 10:45.

"miss wells , dr harris will see you now follow me " the receptionist said , "sorry it is okay if my fiancé comes with me right " i asked her as we walked and she looked over at mattia and nodded nervously , clearly taken aback by how attractive he was i don't blame her honestly .

we walked into the room , "here are some scrubs you can change into them dr harris should be in , in a couple minutes " she said smiling before stealing one last glance at mattia and then walking out .

i started undressing , well i mainly just took off my pants and underwear before putting the gown on , i could feel mattia's eyes on me the entire time . "could you help me tie this " i said gesturing to the back of the gown which was very open . i heard mattia audibly gulp before tying the strings .

i walked over and sat down on the bed , just then a knock on the door followed by the doctor waking in mattia visibly stiffened on the chair  . we exchanged introductions before he left again to get a folder to create my file .

"you've got to be fucking kidding me " mattia huffed holding my jeans on his lap . "what wrong " i asked concerned , "he's a guy" mattia said , "yea i see so " , "and he's gonna look at you..there " mattia added and i nodded "male gynecologist are pretty common." i said and he scoffed "i wonder why" . i chose to ignore the comment.

the doctor returned , and did the full exam before finally sitting us down and explaining the plan. "so i'm gonna suggest you stop the pill for about 3-6 months , the antibiotics you took appear to have been so strong that they threw your body out of its natural menstrual cycle so you'll be needing time to get it back" he said and i nodded , " as for sex and contraception for the two of you condoms are probably the safest bet especially considering you guys are wanting to try and have children" he said i heard mattia swear under his breath . "thank you dr harris " i said shaking his hand and then mattia did before he left the room again.

"here " he said plainly handing me my jeans, "baby" i said and he looked at me clearly annoyed . i decided to rather not fight now while we were in public and just got dressed . we walked out to the front desk so that i could give her my health insurance details before we left ." we should look at getting a plan together it'll probably be cheaper " mattia said next to me as i signed the paper and i nodded in response .

when we got home mattia fell onto the bed , "can't you change doctors " he mumbled and i looked over at him " mattia it's not that big of a deal he sees so many females a day " i said and cringed at the thought as well . "i fucking hate the idea of having to use a condom now " he added sounding even more pisses off . "i'm-im sorry " i said kinda sad , it was probably just all the hormones . "no baby i didn't mean it like that it's just be being selfish and horny " he said chuckling a bit .

"can we go to the store and get some snacks please " i asked  and he nodded "i just wanna change out of these jeans " he said and i agreed i put on some black shadow hill sweats and he put on a grey pair . my face deadpanned instantly realizing what he put on .

"what's wrong " he asked for the third time since we got to the store . "the sweatpants" i said , he chuckled "babe they're just pants what about them " he ask innocent clearly trying to annoy me as we walked through the isles. "they aren't just pants and you know it " i said before stoping to grab some chips . when a group of girls walked past all of their eyes lingering on him just a bit too long . i threw the chips in the shopping cart and stood in front of him . he looked down at me with a smirk playing on his lips . "i don't know if it's all my hormones making me like this but i swear to god if one more girl stares at you i might lose it" i said , "why's that" he asked annoying me further "because they aren't fucking looking at you they're trying to see your dick through these pants " i said plainly before walking off.

mattia's pov

i really don't know what's going on with her but i like it and in all honesty if she keeps this up the condom plan won't work out speaking of which

i tossed a pack of them into the cart and she cringed , "it's so weird seeing you buy them " she said and i nodded "i mean i could always just not use them" i said next to her ear watching as the goosebumps ran  across her skin . "maybe buy another pack " she said and i chuckled tossing another pack in before heading to the self check out .

authors note

hi babies

i hope you all are doing okay ,
i don't wanna keep apologizing for taking long to update but please just know i do try to update as often as i can .

i can never thank you all enough for all the continuous love and support

i love you
han 😘

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