Chapter 1:

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Present Day

Karla knew that something would be different that day when she woke up. She didn't know what it would be but she knew that she could feel it. When she came downstairs Charlie was making breakfast. It always seemed like if it wasn't for Charlie who know what would have happened to her. They had nanny after nanny till they were about 14 and 15 respectively. Their parents had paid attention to them but work with them had always seemed more important to them sometimes. Karla and Charlie had always been close and you could tell that they were related. They had the same long chocolate brown hair and the same button nose. The only difference was that Karla had green eyes and Charlie had blue eyes. Charlie was the one person that Karla knew that she could rely on. No matter what, Charlie had made Karla's life less dull.

"Today just feels weird." Karla stated.
Charlie gave Karla a look like you're doing it again. This was probably why she had little to no friends. Karla had always given off a weird vibe that made people not want to talk to her. The other children always wanted to talk to Charlie. Charlie had gotten some friends for Karla and the friends that stuck didn't seem to mind that she was giving off a weird vibe. Hell, some of the time they enjoyed it when she did. They always knew that when Karla had a weird feeling that something was going to happen.
"Yea. Well lets just see if something weird happens okay. I love you but you cant keep going around saying that you get weird vibes." Charlie spoke.
"Hey i stopped doing that. I've learned that I'm fine with the little friends that i have. I know that you want to protect me Charlie but at the same time you cant do that forever. What about when you go to college and get married?" Karla asked.
"I know that i cant protect you forever but i want to protect you for as long as i can. Your my baby sister and i hate the day to know that you're going to be here alone when i leave." Charlie replied.
Charlie was in her senior year of high school and she had already gotten accepted into a few schools. She knew where she wanted to go. Hannah was such a small town that there wasn't much. Charlie would be leaving to go to a bigger town for college and Karla will be left behind. To say that Karla was worried about not going to be to the same school with Charlie was an understatement. Charlie had helped Karla do some early admissions for college. They had both gotten great grades because of their parents. Their parents were a successful lawyer and nurse in town. They sometimes had to travel so of course they didn't mind leaving Charlie along with Karla behind. They were present when they were home and did go to talent shows or whatever else the daughter had. Karla was happy that they had parents that were both present and gave them their space.
"I just have a weird feeling about today. That's all. Much rather let you know instead of people think I'm going off the deep end again. Plus you know that you're really the only one i tell when i get these feelings. Don't know how others know when i don't really like being the center of attention." Karla stated.
"I believe you. If we didn't look almost identical i think people wouldn't believe that we are related." Charlie replied laughing.
It was nice to have Charlie on her side when it came to things like this. Because of Charlie, Karla didn't have to deal with any bullying even though she easily could have. Karla was forever grateful to have a sister like Charlie. Even though Charlie sometimes had to be a parent to Karla, think they both wouldn't want it any other way. They were the best of friends and sometimes it worried other people. When they got to school they went their separate ways. That's when Karla noticed it. The cars that hadn't been there yesterday or any other day before that. Karla knew that this might have been part of the weird feeling that she had been feeling the last few days. The only reason why she told Charlie was because it felt stronger today then it had the last few days.
"Apparently we got new students." One of her friends Mary had stated.
"Like more than one? That's weird. Who would want to transfer in th middle of the semester?" Karla asked.
Karla wasn't one to get into gossip but she saw Mary shrug. Mary usually knew almost everything that went on in this town. Mary had looked like a person out of a photo. When Karla looked at old photographs of the family she saw the resemblance between Mary and her great great grandmother Mary Jo. That's probably why her parents named her Mary. As she grew up the more she acted almost like a modern version of Mary Jo minus the gossiping. Karla was surprised when Mary wanted to be her friend. Threw Mary, Karla had met 2 more friends. They had become her core group of friends.
"All i know is that their father and mother wanted a fresh start. They have like 5 kids. Think they are all adopted as well. The guys are really hot. One of them might be you're type." Mary stated.
Karla groaned as Mary interlocked their arms together. Karla sometimes wish that she had never told Mary that she never had a boyfriend, sex or let alone kissed. Mary had made it her mission from the day Karla told her was to at least get her kissed. Karla sat in Chemistry when she noticed that a guy was sitting next to her. She didn't want to introduce herself because she didn't want to give him a reason to see that she was weird. Mary nudged her as she pointed and mouthed that he was one of the new kids.
"Oh come on. You cant be serious Mary. Not taking the first move. If he wants to talk to me he can talk to me." Karla stated.
She noticed that he tensed when he heard the named Mary. Karla just thought it was a bad break up with a girl named Mary. Sometimes bad breakups happened. Karla didn't want to intrude because she knew if she asked questions and someone overheard their conversation wouldn't be their conversation by the end of the day. It would be twisted to fit not only the student body's narrative but also the towns narrative. Karla thought that she would have to answer to not only Charlie but her parents as well. There were somethings that she didn't want to do. Having that conversation was one of them.
"Is she your friend?" Karla heard the boy next to her mumble.
"Yea. I'm sorry for her. Shes a bit out there. She loves to gossip. If you want to keep anything between us i can give you my number." Karla replied.
They both heard a squeal come from behind her followed by a wack. It wasn't hard to guess that it was the teacher hitting Mary on the back of the head because she wasn't paying attention to the lesson again. Karla grew to love science and she loved her chem teacher. He was strict but fair. Think that's why everyone loved him. Mary liked the Chem teacher as well even though he constantly told her to pay attention. Mary didn't mind considering that she had like an A in everything. At the end of class the boy rushed out the door and Karla didn't even know his name. Mary rushed over to her and wanted to know everything.
"So whats he like?" Mary asked.
"We didn't talk that much. I did notice that he tensed when i mentioned your name. But think that could just be because of a Mary he had a bad break up with. And i don't want you telling anyone. If you do I'm going to be telling Charlie everything. I mean think i know why i have been getting a weird feeling the last few days." Karla replied.
"Because everyone is going to have their own stories about them. I think they are mysterious. They definitely look the part." Mary stated.
They had walked passed the newer students in the hallway. She noticed that the guy from Chem was looking right at her. Like he was looking into her soul. It was hard to miss. She looked at Charlie and think she noticed the look from the guy as well. Karla can tell that Charlie was getting into overprotective sister mode.
"Charlie calm down. If he becomes a problem then you can kick his ass. But for now just let the new students get comfortable. He seems nice from our brief conversation in Chem but I'm not basing anything off that. If he wants to be friends with the weird girl with only 4 friends then don't stop him." Karla stated.
"I think I'm getting a weird feeling. I think there is something off with him and his family. I don't know what it is but is there." Charlie mumbled.
"We will talk about this more at home okay. Because i didn't get that feeling from him but i do agree. There is something up. But please don't cause a scene. Just want to get threw the year without an embarrassing moment." Karla stated.
Charlie knew what Karla meant. Karla had dealt with alot and this was one of the rare years where she didn't have to cave into herself because someone was talking about her for one reason or another. Charlie didn't like the fact that a guy was checking out her sister but at the same time she knew that Karla had to make her own mistakes. If this turned out to be a mistake then Karla had to learn it. And that is what Charlie was afraid of. Karla getting her heart broken because of a guy. Things were going definitely going to be different. Lets just hope they turned out to be better for the best. That's all Charlie wanted. Especially for Karla after she went to college.

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