Chapter 10:

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Things had been different since that Sunday that John had surprised every one of the Davis household. Things had been different between John and Karla and it seemed like everyone noticed. Charlie tried not to considering she lived with Karla but it was hard when everyone seemed to be talking about Karla and why she had caught Johns's attention. This should have been news months ago and no one talking about it till now? But at the same time, it seemed like people wanted to see what was going on with them before they started their rumors. It was towards the end of the school year so why do they have to be finding new things to be talking about now? When August comes around this will just be old news anyway.
John had tried to give Karla her space but at the same time try and gain her trust back. Karla knew that he was trying but it was hard for her to open up again to him because last time when she tried shes the one who got the cold shoulder. Karla didn't know if she could do it again. So Karla tried to ignore the potential soul mate connection that she felt with him. John did the subtle things like passing her notes in Chem telling her how pretty she looked that day and the good morning along with the good night text. They both knew that there was a good chance that Karla wouldn't reply but Karla enjoyed the gesture nonetheless. She knew one of these days she will write back but she didn't know if she was ready to put her heart back on the line.
"There's something for you on the counter. The flower delivery person dropped it off about an hour ago." Martin stated.
"Think you will like them." Amelia stated.
Karla and Charlie both looked at each other before going to see what was on the counter in the kitchen. They both saw a jar of red, pink, and white roses. Charlie found the note but didn't read past it when she saw the name Karla written in beautiful lettering that looked like it came out of the medieval period. Charlie handed the note to Karla and Karla was still confused about what was happening and why.


I know that these flowers won't change the way you think but I hope it changes the way you think I feel. I miss you and your laugh. How your eyes twinkle when you talk about your art or the worlds you write about. I hope one day I get the chance to tell you how wonderful I think that you are. I know this doesn't change anything but I hope one day soon I can try to unlock your heart. For good this time.

Sincerely yours,

Karla's mouth dropped as she looked up from the note back to her family who was smiling. She didn't know if this was a sign or if it was with the help of Valentina and what she had overheard that day in the library. Karla knew that things were going to change between her and John. She just hoped they were for the better. Karla knew she was taking a risk when she held the phone in her hand with John's contact pulled up. She still hadn't decided if she was going to let him back into her life or not. She heard a tap on her window and saw John. She opened the window as he came swooping in.
"Thank you for the flowers." Karla mumbled.
"You're welcome. Valentina helped me pick them out. I don't know why considering she's not your biggest fan or the fact that I like you. But I think something is changing inside her. Sometimes I wish I knew what was going through her head." John stated.
They both stood awkwardly for a while before Karla's instincts took over and she was hugging John and taking in his forest pine mixed with cologne smell. Karla had grown accustomed to the smell of him when he was around. Karla always thought that she would want someone who smelled of the paper and old books that Martin usually smelled of but for some reason John's smell had become her favorite smell.
"Does this mean you forgive me?" John asked.
"If you promise not to be so cold towards me. It was confusing." Karla stated.
"Promise. Friday night I want to take you out on a date. Heard Jaspers is really good and their burgers are pretty good." John stated.
"Hold on are you asking me out?" Karla asked.
"Yea. I hope that is okay. If not, I completely understand." John replied.
"Well, it's a good thing you are cute. Because I would love to go on a date with you." Karla stated.
They both heard cheering going on outside the door. Karla opened it and saw Amelia and Martin standing outside her door. Karla folded her arms as she looked from her mother to her father. She saw Charlie coming up the stairs sharing a guilty look.
"They were curious and I tried to cover for you. Give you both some privacy because of its none of our business." Charlie stated.
"Well, thanks for trying Charlie. Think we both appreciate it." Karla stated.
"So how long has this guy been coming into your room?" Martin asked.
"That's my cue to leave." John started walking towards the window.
"John use the door downstairs. You know we have one." Karla stated.
John had an ah-ha moment before moving past the family. Karla laughed before looking back towards her family whose eyebrows were still raised. She knew that this was going to be a lecture that she didn't know that she wanted.
"This was the third time. I was going to tell him after the first time that we had a front door but then he gave me the cold shoulder so I couldn't. This was the first time since our fight that he has come in through the window." Karla answered the question.
Martin and Amelia shared a look before going into a long lecture that Karla started zoning out of. By the time they were done at around midnight, Karla had fallen asleep. They both left the room before looking at each other.
"Do we let them do this? Date I mean?" Amelia asked.
"If not they are going to do it anyway. I mean our parents forbade us from seeing each other at the start of our relationship but we found a way together. We don't have to like it darling at least not right now but we do have to let her make her own decisions. She will let us know if she needs us." Martin stated.
They both knew that they liked John but they didn't like what they had done to their daughter it had been rough but Karla had started to put herself slowly back together. It was times like these where they both wished they didn't work so much when the girls were younger. Because now that they are making time for their daughters was the time they were about to be empty nesters.
John knew that Karla was his mate and was starting to accept it. Which meant sooner or later he would have to tell her about the secret. The family didn't want him to tell her but at the same time, they knew that this was his mate. The one he had been waiting for since he was changed in 1776. The problem was how Karla was going to react. Because John nor the family knew for sure. Could they trust someone with their secret? John knew that he didn't want to be outed for being a vampire. Yet again. But at the same time for the first time in a while, it seemed like John was at home. He had no idea if Karla had something to do with that. She probably did but moving again would be a whole lot harder this time knowing he found his mate than leaving her behind.
"You should tell her. But if you do. Prepare for her not to talk to you till she knows if she can accept it. This is a big deal. A lot of human couples have deal breakers." Rune stated.
"Yea but none of them currently have a vampire for a mate." John spoke.
"She's my ancestor she will probably react the same way I did when I found out Belladonna was a vampire. Even though deep down I knew what I wanted I still had to go home and play husband and father. I didn't talk for Belladonna for roughly 6 months but when I made my choice of what I knew I wanted that's when I also made my decision to disappear. She might not take 6 months but she still might need time. Think for anyone this new life that they might be coming into needs time. Just trust the process but also trust Karla." Rune stated.
John knew that what Rune was saying was right. He couldn't be for sure if Karla would even be up for something like this. If she was she had to leave behind her family and friends. Watch them grow old, have families, and die while she stayed the same age forever. John knew that if Karla accepted this lifestyle there were things they had to talk about. Like if she wanted to become like him. John wanted Karla to become like him be completely her choice. Even though John and the rest of his family didn't have a choice he would make sure that his mate had one. John knew that regardless of what she wanted he would have to accept it. He just hoped that the choice that she made would be the one that gave them both what they wanted.
"Your right. I know what I want for her. But at the same time, I want to give her the choice. I just got to get over this hump and tell her. It will be different but at the same time, it will be worth it. I think I know when I want to tell her." John stated.
"That's great. I can't wait to hear how she takes it. Also, cant wait to hear about your date with her on Friday." Rune stated.
John groaned at the fact that Rune was hunting close enough by that he heard back. Rune laughed as they walked into the forest making sure to go back to the house well fed. They knew that things weren't going to be the same for much longer. Soon, Karla would know their secret and he didn't know if he was ready for what came after that. But he knew that it was time. He felt ready and he needed to calm his nerves before he talked himself out of it. Deep down he wanted Karla and if he wanted her, John knew that it was time to face reality.

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