Chapter 27:

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Things were getting better as time went on. Even though Karla was still worried about Charlie. From what she heard, the surgery went great and Charlie was in recovery. Karla was keeping Genevieve up to date on what was going on and things were going great from what Karla was hearing. When Karla told Mary what was going on, Mary immediately wanted to fly back from her holiday to be with Karla.

Mary: I feel like i should be there. For support
Karla: I know you want to be here but this is the one time where its just you and your parents. Think you should enjoy it. If anything happens you and Genevieve will be the first to know.

Karla knew it would be best if Mary stayed on holiday. It was the annual thing that they did and Karla knew that Mary was looking forward to it. Karla was happy that Mary was getting this time with her parents. Especially before the stress of senior year and all the things that came with it. Karla wanted Mary to focus on having a good time. She didn't tell Mary about the trip because it would have more than likely been called off anyways. She had told Genevieve and even though Genevieve was disappointed that there was no trip she understood why there would be no trip.

"You should go see how your sister is doing. As much as she loves hanging out with me she asked for you." Damien stated."Are you sure? I know that you have been hitting it off. Don't want to interrupt that." Karla asked.Damien pushed her towards Charlies room as Karla went closer. Karla always hated hospitals and she never understood why. When she got to Charlies room she went in and saw that Charlie as laying there with a bandage on her head. Karla went and sat next to her as she grabbed Charlies hand."Thought you didn't want to see me again. Especially not after the surgery." Charlie stated."Even if i didn't, mom and dad would have gotten a few members of Johns family on their side. Plus it seemed like you and Damien have been hitting it off." Karla spoke.Karla immediately saw the smile on Charlies face when she brought up Damien. For some reason, Karla knew what it was that Charlie was going threw. It was the beginning of what happened with John without the whole situation that they went threw. Charlie looked happy anytime Damien was brought up."Do you think its crazy that I'm starting to like him?" Charlie asked."No not at all. He wanted to get to know you. He likes you but he wanted to get to know you to see if it was something he should pursue or not. He seems to have found a catch." Karla replied."There's something off about him though. I don't know what it is. I was wondering if you will tell me what it is." Charlie stated."I want to tell you. But that's something that Damien has to tell you. Hopefully you will forgive me one day. Because it will take some time for you to digest but i think you will still love him just the same." Karla stated.Karla wanted to tell her but she knew that it was against the rules. At least as far as Karla knew. Maybe it was time to ask those questions after all knowing now that she had time to fully digest what it was that John was."But you will tell me everything i need to know. Once Damien does tell me what it is?" Charlie asked."Of course. You know after you get over being mad at me for not telling you. Just know i didn't tell you because it wasn't my secret to tell. Its theirs. Damien's and Johns along with their whole family. So when Damien tells you it is because he trusts you enough to tell you. I don't want to break that." Karla replied.Charlie smiled knowing that whatever it was Karla was keeping both John and her safe. Things were going to be different but hopefully the things that will be different will bring them closer together as sisters. Karla didn't want to lose her sister but at the same time knew that this was her decision to make. Karla made her decision the night a vampire almost attacked their mother at the hospital. Karla was willing to tell Charlie about that once she knew what the secret was."It will be love at first sight huh?" Pandora asked."It seems that way. I cant wait for her to get out of the hospital. She didn't deserve this. But hopefully Damien will help her realize that she doesn't want to live without him and that will help her decide what it is she wants." Karla stated."Maybe that's something to ask Valentina. To see if shes seen Charlie like us. Shes been trying to see if shes seen Charlie like us. But i think its because Charlie doesn't know she hasn't seen what it is shes decided. But I think that you did good not telling her." Pandora stated."But she will more than likely find out. If not from Damien then she will figure it out. Charlie loves things about history. I don't know much about Damien but i have a feeling that Charlie is going to figure it out. Or at least have superstitions." Karla stated."You sure did. I think it had something to do with a book in the library." Pandora stated."Hey it worked out. I now know what you are and i got a good grade on that American Revolution paper. Plus it was kinda the start of me realizing that maybe John wasn't fully human. I didn't know about the rest of you but it definitely made us closer." Karla stated.Things were looking up for Karla. She didn't know if it had something to do with the fact that she now knew that her sister was going to be okay after surgery or if it had something to do with John. But whatever it was, Karla was happy with the outcome of this chapter in her life. She knew that she was going to get John and possibly live happily ever after as well as possibly get her sister forever. She knew that things were different but a good different. Things were going to be okay. And Karla was okay with that. At least for now everything that Karla wanted she was getting and things were going to be better."You love my sister don't you?" Charlie asked.John looked at Charlie as he came into the room with some yellow roses. He set them on the table and sighed. He knew that he loved Karla more than anything. Even more than Mary Jo but of course Charlie didn't know about his life before a few months ago when he just showed up."Yes. I love her. I don't know how to describe it. Your sister makes me want to be a better person. I made some questionable decisions in my past that hurt others. I knew from almost the moment i met your sister that i wanted to change for the better. I know we didn't start off on the right foot after how i treated Karla but i will make it up to you as well as Karla." John answered."We did start off on the wrong foot. I judged you before i got to know you. Things have been hectic especially lately but i do want to try again. I know now that you are good for her. I mean you brought her here when you both heard that i was here. I don't know many guys who would have stuck around in your position." Charlie stated.John felt that Charlie was feeling upset about something. But he knew better than to ask what it was that was going on in her head. Maybe it was a good thing that Pandora wasn't here because it seemed like something that she doesn't want anyone to know. That includes John. So he offered her his hand as she squeezed it for comfort. There were things that he didn't know about Charlie that maybe should be between sisters. But things were different and he was just happy that Charlie was willing to give him a second chance."Visiting hours are over sir." A nurse stated."Its okay. Hes family. But if you can let his brother stay. Damien that will be great." Charlie stated."His parents already brought him an RV. So that way he can be near you without disturbing the rules of the hospital. But he can stay till you fall asleep as it has happened the last few nights." The nurse stated.John had given Charlie a kiss on the check as he left to get back to Karla at home. Things seemed to be going great and John could see himself proposing to Karla sooner than what he was expected. John hadn't felt this way about anyone in a long time. He hoped that Karla would say yes when he decided to propose to her. Karla ran and hugged him when he came home."What are you doing up?" John asked."Was waiting for you to get home you silly. Hows Charlie?" Karla answered with a question."She seems to be doing okay. You saw her earlier in the day so nothing has changed. But things got better between us. She said she wanted to give me another chance." John replied.Saying out loud was weird to say. John was still getting use to the fact that Charlie was giving him another chance. John saw Karla sigh as they went inside. John was happy that Charlie was going to give him another chance considering how much Karla meant to the both of them. Karla found herself laying in bed with a book as John slid in next to her. It honestly seemed like as soon as it feels like John could get use to this he finds something new about Karla. That was something he knew that he could get use to. Finding new ways that made the woman he loved exactly that. He pulled Karla into him as he kissed the side of her head."What was that for?" Karla asked."Just because i love you." John answered."I love you too." Karla replied.It honestly felt like things were definitely falling into place. Not only with John and Karla but with the whole family as well. John only wished it could stay like this. But knowing how this worked there was always going to be something or someone looming in the shadows wanting to take what what wasn't theirs.

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