Chapter 4

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The next morning, things felt strange for Karla. She started feeling like she was being watched. She hadnt felt it since that morning. Karla decided to shake it off and decided to go downstairs and have breakfast with her sister and father. It was still weird that their mother was not there and their father was. When Martin was home their mother, Amelia, had come home roughly 30 minutes before.

"So wheres mom?" Charlie asked.

"Shes still working in the hospital in the next town over. I know its usually her home before me but there is a dip in cases that need lawyers right now. Ive decided to take a break. Im still employed by the firm but if they dont need me then theres no reason for me to be there." Martin stated.

Karla looked at her father knowing that something really wasnt right but she wasnt going to question it. She had not be questioning alot of stuff that she normally would have. Charlie looked at Karla giving her the Why arent you asking a million questions look.

"Because for whatever reason if he doesnt want to tell us then he doesnt have too. Theres more too it but asking a million questions isnt going to help anyone. Lets just wait till mom gets home then see what happens." Karla answered.

Both Charlie and Martin looked at Karla like they couldnt believe like that just came out of her mouth. It was something that she wouldnt normally say. Martin gave his oldest daughter a look before turning his attention to his youngest. To be fair, Karla was confused about all of this herself. With meeting John and the feelings to now this. It was all confusing that shes sounding more mature than she did a year ago. It might have something to do with the fact that John and his family showed up but it wasnt for sure.

"Are you feeling okay?" Charlie asked.

"I think so. I feel fine but for some reason this is all confusing." Karla stated.

"Its completely fine sweetie. You are allowed to be confused from time to time. We have all been confused. Youll figure out." Martin stated.

Charlie and Karla went off to school as Charlie looked at her. Charlie was getting this feeling that something was happening to her sister. But she knew that if she brought it up she would be told that shes being over protective. Charlie worried for Karla and she would continue to worry for Karla even when she did go to college. Things would be different. When they got to school Karla immediately found her friends and went over to them. Charlie knew that she would be okay.

"John is looking at you again." Genevieve stated.

Karla looked and saw that Genevive was right. John was looking at her. Karla waved as she saw John smile. To be fair he had the most adorable smile that Karla had ever seen on someone of the opposite gender. Karla started blushing hard before turning back to her friends.

"Someones got a crush." Katy teased.

Karla didnt want to admit it but she was starting to feel something for John. She just didnt know what those feelings where just yet. She didnt want to admit anything to anyone till she knew what it was for herself.

"If i do i wouldnt tell yall till i knew. Plus were getting friendly. Whats wrong with that?" Karla asked.

"Ive heard Mercy and Valentina talk about how they didnt want anyone else to join their family. Its like they are some sort of cult." Mary stated.

"Well theres nothing wrong with people getting to know each other. Plus, im not marrying the dude tomorrow. Were just friends. Meaning at the end of the day he goes back to his house and i go back to mine." I stated.

Karla didnt know what Mercy and Valentinas problem was with her. They had never talked to her in their time here. So why should it matter weather or not their brother was being friendly with some one? Thats what Karla didnt understand. Why would these two people who she hadnt had one conversation with have a problem with her. It was times like this that she wished that her mother was around. Yes, she would be coming home for the weekend when it wasnt that busy of a time but she was in Amelias words 'On The Clock' even while at home. Amelia was a present mother but she wasnt the best at giving advice like her father or her sister. Thats probably why she ended up going to Charlie with her problems.

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