Chapter 19:

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When John left the perimeter of Karla's house that morning it was when Damien and Aliester came and got him. John was hesitant because he didn't want to leave Karla defenseless just in case some once came and attacked her while he was gone. Aliester convinced John that nothing was going to get Karla as long as they took watch. Which from the looks of it no vampire wanted to do. John made it home to see Belladonna waiting for him. That's when it hit him.
"What is it?" Belladonna asked.
"Do you remember what you said to me after you and Rune found me? About a vampire you couldn't catch from like Canada?" John questioned.
"Yes. I don't know what that has to do with Karla and why her mother was attacked at work." Belladonna replied.
"What if the vampire who changed me is back and wants to change my mate. Its only been roughly 300 years since we thought about them. Not saying its a coincidence but it could be. Let you wait long enough to where you forgot then come back wreaking havoc." John stated.
It made sense but how was he going to make sure his family stayed fed, watch Karla and her family all while looking for this unknown vampire. He became worried about Karla and her families well being if this was the case.
"Calm down. I can feel your emotions from over here." Damien stated. "We did a perimeter run and there was nothing out of the ordinary. But think we should still do a few night shifts that can translate into day shifts. I don't know if her friends are going to be involved but they might be since they are friends with Karla."
"Great. Even more people that we are having to protect." Valentina mumbled.
"No. We wont protect Mary or Genevieve unless we know for sure that whoever is doing this is for sure after Karla and those closest to her. We still don't know who it even is and what they want yet." John stated.
Which they didn't know for sure who was behind it especially if it had been 300 years since the last one of them was changed into a vampire. John was going to talk to Karla to see if there was anything that she needed from him. There was still so much about this world that she got sucked into just because he found his mate who just so happen to be human. He called her and he knew that he had woke her up.

Karla: Hello?
John: Sorry to wake you but are you okay?
Karla: Are you asking about me or my mom? Cause I'm fine as for my mom I'm not sure.
John: We might need to do a protection thing.
Karla: Not even going to ask cause it might just cause more questions than I'm ready for this early in the morning. Especially before coffee. Which by the way can you have in the afterlife?
John: It helps with the blood control but not the point. Do you mind if me and my family watch your house for a few nights? We think that something is up.
Karla: Sure but its going to cost you one date.
John: Perfect. Ill pick you up tomorrow.

Everyone smiled at John when he got off the phone that he just rolled his eyes. He knew that they were teasing him in his mind and quite frankly he didn't care as much now as he did back in mid march. He decided that it would probably be for the best if he left Karla alone for the day. He knew that if she need him, she had a way to reach him. As well as Valentinas visions.
After the morning call from John, Karla decided it was best time to start her day. She didn't know what was going on but if they needed to watch her house, she wasn't going to say no. It could cause her to zone out with the answers that she needed to concentrate on. She knew that in due time John would tell her the real reason why him and his family were watching their house. She chose not to tell her parents because she didn't want to disturb them. Plus, the less they knew about the world the better.
"Morning sweetie. Do you want some breakfast?" Amelia asked.
"Sure." Karla replied.
Amelia placed the eggs and bacon along with coffee in front of Karla as she took a sip of the coffee and felt her shoulders relax as the first sip entered her body. Karla had a feeling that her mom would want to talk about the night of the attack but Amelia had been doing so better and talking about it would just make it worse. Especially if she couldn't tell what exactly John was. She knew that she didn't have the whole story but it was better to not have the whole story so it was better at speculating what actually happened that night.
"I don't want to talk about what happened that night. But i think it might be best to talk about it with someone." Amelia stated.
"You don't have to talk about it mom. It was traumatic so i don't blame you for not wanting to talk about it. But if you want to talk about it with a professional then I'm not going to stop you. Think it would be best if you did but think they might just tell you what we've been wanting you to do. That's just not to take it easy and try and sleep a few hours a night. Knowing you the second part wont be a problem considering that you were a nurse at a hospital." Karla stated.
"There is a hospital in town that is looking for part time nurses. They called when they heard about what happened. I know that it wont be much but I'm thinking about taking it. Just till I'm ready to go back full time." Amelia stated.
Karla was elated when she heard the news. Karla always wanted her mom to work in town at the hospital. This way it can help Amelia decide on a new passion if she so pleased. It made Karla feel at ease knowing that her mom wanted to work at the hospital in town. Yes the hours will be different but at least this way Karla and John can keep an eye on her. Karla thought that John would want to keep an eye on Amelia at the hospital just like he wanted to keep an eye on her as well.
"Well I'm happy for you mom. When do you start?" Karla asked.
"I actually am going to try and start today. They said i could start today if i wanted to." Amelia replied.
"Have you told dad yet?" Karla asked.
"Yes. He thinks i should wait some more but i just hate being cooped up in the house." Amelia stated.
Karla completely understood where her mother was coming from. So when they finished breakfast Karla thought it would be a good idea to take her mom to work. Not because she didn't trust her mom behind the wheel but because she was worried that she might get a call of something similar from the other night. Think it was still taking Karla by storm considering that it was something terrifying. She let both Mary and Genevieve know that she would be out today and if they wanted to hang out then they could. Karla knew that Genevieve would be a long shot considering that it was summer time and this time of year would really help the store for the rest of the year. There was a knock on the door as Karla saw both Valentina and Pandora.
"Were here to check on your mom." Valentina stated.
"Shes just getting ready for her shift at the hospital in town. To be honest, I'm kinda worried but i think that if you guys can check in a few times during her shift and give me updates that would be great. It could even be your mom and dad." Karla spoke.
"They actually want to meet you. Since they think that it is time for them to meet Johns girl. Belladonna's words not mine." Pandora stated.
Karla was never good at meeting the parents even when it was Mary's parents on their first sleepover in the 3rd grade. It didn't help that Karla had been labeled the weird kid most of her life. Knowing that she was going to meet Johns parents would have been evident but Karla didn't think that it would come this soon. Especially considering everything.
"Karla are you taking me to work?" Amelia asked.
"I can if you want me too. Just let me know when your about to get off so i can come pick you up okay." Karla replied.
They were leaving as soon as Charlie was waking up the drive with a guy. Karla looked at Valentina and Pandora as they stiffed. Karla made a split second decision that might be great for everyone involved.
"Stay here and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Especially if he is one of you. You're more than welcome to let John and the rest of your family know." Karla stated.
"I think he is. A new kind." Valentina stated.
"Then we better get in there and stop it huh?" Pandora stated.
Karla noticed that they both smiled as Karla went to the car and drove Amelia to work. Karla felt weird knowing that her mom was going back to work but she knew that she needed to trust her mother and what she was doing. She always did. She might not have understand when she was younger but Karla fully understood now. Even if she doesn't like it. She was about to drive away when John got into the passenger seat.
"Okay. Whats going on? You and your sisters are acting weird." Karla asked.
"We think that someone is targeting you and your family for some reason. I think that its the vampire that changed me. But here's the thing. I don't know who changed me. My mom and dad are going to keep watch on your mom while Damien and Aliester are doing a perimeter check around your house." John stated.
Karla was worried but she knew that she had to just trust John and his family and whatever it was they were trying to protect her and her family from. Even though things were getting bad, Karla felt the most comfortable with John around. Karla knew that things were going to be okay. And whatever was after her, Karla had a feeling that John and his family would take care of it. Like killing whoever it was. Karla had a feeling it was a person who wanted to kill her more than anything. But she had to trust the process that was happening.

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