Chapter 11:

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Karla was looking forward to Friday all week. To say that she was excited for her date with John was an understatement. But now that Friday was here. The last Friday before school let out for the summer was overwhelming. Friday rolled around and Karla started to become nervous about her date with John. Even her friends seemed to notice that she was on edge.
"So you forgave him and he just asked you on a date?" Mary asked.
"Yea. He gave me flowers and my parents, nannies and even Charlie taught me not to be rude. I thanked him and we got to talking. I don't think he's fully out of the woods yet but a date sounds nice and not going to turn that down." Karla replied.
"Still it was nice to have you back. Even when it was for a little bit." Katy stated.
Karla wasn't sure what that meant but she was sure that nothing was going to happen. So far John still let her have her friends. Even though she had been spending a lot of time with Genevive more didn't mean anything to her. They were still going to hang out over the summer.
"We're still going to be friends. Nothing is going to change that. You've had a boyfriend and you didn't forget about us." Karla stated.
"You say that but things will change. When id had boyfriends I ditched yall the time if he wanted to hang out. I don't know why looking back because I always felt like a bad friend. You guys always brought me back in when it ended." Katy stated.
Karla always saw the hurt on her friend's faces when it ended. This could be her only high school relationship and things could be different between her and John. But Karla worried that Katy could be right. She could end up ditching them when John wanted to hang out.
"Katy shouldn't be putting thoughts into your head. You're already nervous. Hope this date tonight goes pretty well and it's the beginning of the start of something new." Mary stated.
Karla smiled at Mary using a High School Musical reference that was their thing in the 5th grade. Karla always remembered the memories of staying up late once a year till about high school to watch the High School Musical series. To say high school was nothing like those movies became a letdown for the girls by the end of their freshman year. Yea, they still had Katy and Genevive it still didn't settle their disappointment of the expectations they had going into high school. Then again they did go to the only high school in Hannah Texas so it shouldn't have been surprising.
"It probably won't be the start of something new. But will keep that spirit." Karla stated.
"As you should. Because of the way John looks at you. It's the way a guy looks at the girl he wants to marry one day." Katy stated.
Karla facepalmed because here it was again. Karla didn't know if she could handle the "Soulmate talk" again. Genevive already gave her that and she hasn't let go of it. But know that Mary and Katy were about to give it to her it just made her want to run away. She didn't know if she wanted to hear her two other friends talk about a possible marriage. Karla was just 17 and even though she thought about her wedding and her "happily ever after", she still needed to see if John was the person she wanted to spend right now with. Not forever.
"Well if that's the case then can I see if I like the guy first. You know before booking my honeymoon to Australia." Karla stated.
"You are going on a date with him so it's a start," Katy stated.
Karla knew that Katy and Mary were both rights in this instance and if Charlie and Genevive were here they would probably tell her the same thing. Genevive was out sick while Charlie had one of her classes so it was better not to disturb either of them. It felt better at the end of the day when the final bell rang that Karla felt relieved. She met up with her sister who had a smile on her face. That usually only meant one thing. She was up to something. Karla didn't know what Charlie was up to.
"Oh geez. What did you do?" Karla asked.
"Me nothing. But my ears overheard something. I'll tell you in the car on the way home." Charlie stated.
Karla groaned because that was usually never good. When her sister overheard something that usually means that Karla is getting involved one way or the other. Charlie told her that she overheard Aleister stating that John was going to go all out for this date with Karla. Karla didn't know if it was true considering she didn't know the family that well. She just shrugged it off as something that Aleister was saying maybe because he got caught last time.
"You know he's probably just saying that cause I overheard them that one time in the library and they just want to be extra careful. We live in a small town Charlie." Karla stated.
"Maybe. But it could be true. You never really know." Charlie stated.
This didn't help with Karla's nerves before the date. She was going to dress in a tee and some jeans. But now she doesn't know whether or not to dress fancy or not. When they got home Pandoras car was outside. They knew it was Pandoras because they had seen it around the school. Pandora looked up and smiled as she dragged both girls inside.
"John told me what he's planning to do tonight for your date and I thought id help. You looked kinda nervous today." Pandora stated.
Karla felt slightly relieved that Pandora was over. It doesn't help that they don't know each other that well but it does help to have someone from John's family willing to help. Karla sat on her bed as Pandora looked at her closet. The look on Pandoras face was like she smelled something horrible. Which didn't make sense because wearing her everyday clothes and being herself is what caught John's attention in the first place.
"He said that we were going to go to Jaspers. I can just wear something casual for that." Karla stated.
"Not for a first date it's not. Especially considering John wants to make a great first impression on you and blow you away." Pandora stated.
"Fine. What do you have in mind considering you seem to know what I'm going to be wearing." Karla stated.
Pandora smiled and got out a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt with a black tank with her black converse. Karla rolled her eyes wondering why she needed help in the first place. But she wasn't going to pass up on the help considering it might have taken her twice as long if it wasn't for Pandora being here. Karla got ready before Charlie did her hair and Pandora did her makeup naturally. By the time they were done the doorbell rang and Pandora squealed because that could only mean that one person was here. John. Karla felt ready for this date. For the first time all day, she felt ready. She went down the stairs to meet John who was dressed casually. In a grey tee and some pants. This was probably the most casual that Karla had ever seen John since he had moved into town.
"Hey." Karla stated.
"Hello, my darling." John spoke back. "Your parents were just giving me the rundown of the rules for tonight. I will have you back by midnight. Aleister and Damien helped me with this date."
Karla smiled she took John's hand. It was a simple gesture but one that made her feel wonderful. Karla didn't know what came over her when she touched John's hand but she felt extremely gitty. Like she had since the moment that she laid eyes on this man.
"So what do you want to do?" Karla asked.
"We're going to go to the old movie theater in town. I think there is a movie there that I think you will like." John replied.
They got to the Gritty Hannah Movie Theater and got tickets for Born Guilty. They ended up getting some popcorn and some candy. The weekends were usually the busiest time for the movie theater because it was either people going on dates or it just was a weekly thing where friends and families went to the theater. They kept records of the best ticket sellers and showed them again towards the holidays when school was out for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Karla enjoyed the movie that John had picked out more than she thought she did.
"If you're up for it we can go to Jaspers or we can take a walk around the park." John stated.
"I'm not hungry after filling up on popcorn and candy. Let's take that walk around the part then go get some food. Jaspers doesn't close till 11 on Friday and Saturday." Karla stated.
John and Karla went to the park and were just walking around. Karla learned a lot about John. Well, what John wanted to tell her. There were holes in the story that could be filled in once John told her the truth. But John wanted to make sure that he stuck to the story that was agreed upon and added to over the 300 years of his vampire life. They found themselves outside Jaspers without realizing it. Karla just ended up laughing as John looked up and smiled.
"Guess we found our way here without meaning too." John stated.
"Your just really good company." Karla spoke.
John kissed the side of her head as they went into Jaspers. They got a table for 2 and ordered. John got some mozzarella sticks and a cheeseburger. Karla got the bacon cheeseburger with a side of ranch. There was silence after they had ordered but when the silence did occur throughout the night it was never awkward. Eventually, they found the grove that worked for them and they were happy throughout dinner. It was easy and natural to talk to John and the flow of the conversation made it easy.
"How are you feeling?" John asked.
"Honestly great. This has been one of the best nights I've had in a while. To be honest I can't wait for the second date." Karla replied.
The relief came off John's face. It seemed like they were both worried about tonight for no reason. It was nice to know that Karla wanted to see him again for a second date. There were still nerves about what he wanted to tell her. He knew that he had to tell her before someone else figured out what he was and told her. But tonight wasn't that night. He probably tells Karla between now and the end of the school year. That way if she did want to think about if she could accept him or not she would have the summer to think about it. Also, they wouldn't have to see each other in school and it is even harder for them especially Karla to make a decision. When he walked her to the door of her home. John kissed Karla's lips tenderly before making sure she got inside okay.
"Thank you for tonight. It was amazing." Karla mumbled.
"You're welcome. Hopefully, our second one can live up to this incredible first date." John stated.
Karla smiled before going inside and telling Charlie all about it. Karla honestly was starting to believe that maybe what everyone was saying about John and him being her soulmate was true. Because that night she finally knew that she fell hard for John Whitlock.

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