Chapter 14:

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Karla was awoken by her sister waking her up with a smile on her face. Karla knew that things were going to be different but she couldn't be happier for Charlie. Karla made sure that Charlie got into the shower on the second floor as she made breakfast and coffee. Martin was surprised when he came down how calm Karla was.
"You seem calm." Martin stated.
"One of us has to be. It's not going to be Charlie because she's too excited and probably will become nervous. You're probably nervous. And when is a mom supposed to get in?" Karla asked.
"Right now." Martin stated.
Karla finished up the eggs and made 2 coffees how she and Charlie liked it before going to see her mom. Karla hugged her mom before heading up with the coffee to make sure that Charlie didn't need any help. Even Charlie noticed how relaxed Karla was being and was kinda scared of having Karla do her face or her hair.
"I'm not going to hurt you. Were not 5 when I put gum in your hair and made you get that bowl haircut that made you not talk to me for a week. If you think I'm going to hurt you I can always get mom up here. Think she had an overnight shift last night." Karla stated.
"I'm just surprised how calm your being. Thought you would be freaking out too." Charlie stated.
"That will be next year when it's my turn to graduate. This year I'm taking a back seat and letting you get all the attention. Especially after the last 2 months. You've done so much for me. The roles deserve to be reversed where I do this for you. You deserve this." Karla spoke.
Karla noticed that Charlie started to tear up as she handed her sister her coffee. It was going to be a long day if they had to keep reapplying the makeup on Charlie's face. Charlie hadn't told anyone that she was going to go to graduation parties or not. I don't think that even Charlie knows what she wants to do. It was weird to know that come August, Karla would no longer have her sister around. Karla might have the house to herself if both parents decided to go back to work in other towns. Karla always thought that maybe she could ask John to stay over or Genevive but she didn't think either parent would let their kid move into a mansion that was occupied by one person. Karla had yet to meet John's adopted parents but she had to assume they were also vampires along with the rest of the family. It made the most sense but today was Charlie's day and Karla didn't want to interrupt her sister's day with a talk about a boy.
"Please don't think about John today. You have all summer to think about him. I just ask for one day." Charlie stated.
"Sorry. You're right. I was just thinking about not bringing him up so that way it doesn't take away from you and all the accomplishments you achieved. Plus it will be hard to think about anyone other than you today." Karla stated.
Charlie smiled as Karla helped her into her black strapless dress. Karla helped straighten Charlie's hair as their mom came in to take pictures. Karla understood why their mom was taking pictures. But it didn't help that their parents watched them grow up through pictures. So Karla just let it go and bit her tongue. She didn't want to ruin Charlie's day. That's what she had to keep reminding herself anytime she thought of something that might ruin her sister's day.
"You look so beautiful. Oh, one of John's sisters is here. Think her name was Pandora." Amelia stated.
"Do you want to take over doing Charlie's hair?" Karla asked.
"Sure. You going to see what Pandora wants?" Amelia questioned.
"Yea. She might be here to help Charlie. Don't know for sure." Karla stated.
Karla handed the straightener to Amelia before going down the stairs to see Pandora standing there. Pandora came and hugged Karla before smiling at her.
"Do you know?" Pandora asked.
"If you are referring to you is you know what. Then yes. I haven't told anyone." Karla replied.
"Good. I'm guessing your mother is home?" Pandora questioned.
"Yea. She came home this morning. She's upstairs finishing up Charlie's hair. Told them that you might be here to help Charlie." Karla replied.
"Well let me see what she's wearing and ill help any way I can." Pandora stated.
The girls walked up the stairs to the second-floor bathroom where Amelia was finishing up Charlie's hair. Pandora helped with the makeup to go with the dress that Charlie had picked out. It was surprising to know that Pandora wasn't going to change Charlie's mind when it came to the dress. Karla didn't know if they were on the same wavelength or what. But it was nice to have more help even when you don't think you need it.
"Well, it was nice of you to come over and help," Amelia stated.
"No problem. I'm still getting to know Karla but my brother stated that it was graduation and Charlie was in the graduating class. I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help. It seemed like you both had it under control." Pandora stated.
Karla honestly loved seeing Pandora doing her work on people. It was always like they saw them come out of a magazine. Pandora made her look fantastic on her first date with John and knew that she would make Charlie look fantastic before graduation.
"Thanks for doing this. I don't know you and my sister were close." Charlie stated.
"Were getting there but we went to Jaspers last week." Karla stated.
Pandora looked at Karla and smiled before finishing up Charlie's makeup. Karla smiled when she saw the final product before hugging both Charlie and Pandora. Pandora even helped Charlie pick out some shoes that Charlie was waiting to do at the last minute as she always did. Think all of them were lucky to have a fashionista in the house like Pandora to help them with these things. Amelia put an arm around Karla and smiled.
"Are you going to let Pandora do this to you next year?" Amelia asked.
"If she wants to. I'm not telling her no. She honestly might beg me till I say yes. So it's just easier to give in before it gets that far." Karla stated.
Truth be told she didn't know what the next year had in store for her. She was hoping she would be in the same place as Charlie. Knowing where I wanted to go to university in the fall and kinda have her life planned out for her. There were still a lot of holes that needed to be filled but Karla didn't mind looking at a possible future. She knew that she still needed to talk to John about a future that involved the both of them. As of right now, Karla didn't know if she wanted to be like them or not. Pandora looked at Karla with a sad smile. Karla had assumed that some of them had gifts and Pandora could read her mind.
"You will figure it all out. Just because Charlie knows where she wants to go to school doesn't mean you have to know where you want to go in a year. That's if you end up wanting to go to college." Amelia stated.
"I'll probably apply to a few schools before enrolling in the community college. That has always been the plan. Apply to a few schools and if I get rejected there's always community college." Karla stated.
Which was true. She had never spoken about her plans beyond graduating from high school. But at least she had a plan. She might not go the Charlie route but still having a plan was better than not having one at all. If needed she could always take online classes and hold down the fort here. Taking online classes always seemed like the best option for her. Especially right after high school. But things could change as they always had.
"Listen to mom. Just because I knew where I wanted to go since I was like 10 doesn't mean you have to know. This is still a year out and you're right there is still a lot that can happen. I saw the look on your face, Karla." Charlie stated.
"You are both right. And thanks. Plus we are focusing on the wrong person. We need to be focusing on Charlie. So do you want to finish watching Star Wars tonight or have you planned to go to a graduation party?" Karla asked.
"Most of the ones I got invited to are taking place over the next week. None are happening tonight so Star Wars and pizza." Charlie answered.
It wasn't long after that conversation that they all loaded up in Martins station wagon and found their way to the local high school. They all sat thew the ceremony and Karla swore that she heard both of her parents clap the loudest as Charlie walked across the stage to receive her diploma. They waited as Charlie took pictures with the others who graduated. Karla ended up being in a few of them. After that, they went to get a few pizzas before settling in for a long Star Wars marathon. Karla was going to miss weekends like this where she and Charlie pulled out the bed from the couch and watched movie marathons as well as falling asleep on the couch bed because they didn't want to get up. All these memories were coming back to Karla and she didn't know if they were coming back because Charlie was graduating or because she was leaving in a few short months. Either way, Karla knew that she was going to miss Charlie when she went off to Sam Houston State and miss these kinds of weekends.

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