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Things were going great between John and Karla. They were always around each other especially after Charlie woke up and had blood from the bag. Karla was still weary because of the fact that this was his sister and she didn't know if Karla wanted to hurt her on not. But at the other time they filled Charlie in on a possible threat that was coming in.

"Hold on. I just got changed into a vampire now I'm expected to fight some unknown figure that doesn't even know that I'm a vampire?" Charlie asked.

"Yea. Plus they will think that John changed me not Damien changing my sister. Well for now." Karla replied.

Charlie still seemed to be getting a handle on this. She didn't know that there were rules in the vampire world. Belladonna had given her a ring that made sure that she didn't sparkle or burn to death. Damien was there to make sure that Charlie wasn't going to do anything that wasn't needed. They had seemed to get along very well and it seemed that her feelings came with her into the vampire life.

Karla didn't know how to feel about her sister becoming a vampire. She should be happy because this is what she wanted. They had to tell her parents that Johns parents took her on a trip as a reward of getting out of the hospital. Which wasn't a lie but it seemed they had the most experience when it came to new vampires. They seemed more than happy to help Charlie and it seemed they will be more than happy to help Karla when the time came.

"You know we wont be able to outrun whoever is coming right?" Karla spoke out loud.

"We weren't going to. We didn't run from Alexander so we aren't going to run from this. Whatever it is, things are going to get difficult before we can think about changing you." John stated.

Karla sighed knowing there was no point arguing. This is what she was trying to avoid. Worrying about losing John or her parents. Karla didn't know what to think but she knew that she had to think of the positives. Karla knew that having her sister around would be a good thing. And if they didn't run from saving her from Alexander then they had a point when they weren't going to run from whatever this is. Karla had a feeling that not only they wouldn't leave but someone outside the circle would find out who they are and expose them for what they are. Which for all they knew could be Karla's former best friend.

"Karla!" Charlie yelled.

"What?" Karla asked.

"Did you tell Genevieve that we aren't doing the girls trip?" Charlie questioned.

"You were in the hospital. I thought you wouldn't want to do the trip. If you did we could continue planning it. I told Genevieve that it might be pushed back with what you originally had in mind. Knowing you, you would still want to do it. So if you get your thirst under control we can go on the girls trip. Don't need my friends becoming your blood bag." Karla replied.

Charlie knew that Karla was right. She still wanted to do the girls trip but she didn't want to hurt anyone. Karla knew that Charlie was trying with the whole Vampire thing and she was thankful for it. Things were getting better with that. John was always around to make sure that Charlie wouldn't hurt Karla.

"You know shes not going to hurt me. She seems controlled around me for some reason." Karla stated.

"That's because she doesn't want to hurt you. At least that's what Pandora says since shes the mind reader around here. She does seem tame. We might try your parents if she did this well around you." John stated.

"We should do that once she returns from her non existing trip that your parents were so gracious to take her on. If she did this well around me she might do better around them." Karla stated.

Which they both knew that it was something they are going to have to do sooner or later. With Karla spending so much time between the two houses especially with her parents at work. She has been bringing stuff between the two homes so Charlie can get use to Amelia's and Martin smells so that way she knows not to hurt them when she gets reintroduced to them as this new person.

As Karla looked at John she saw her future. The person she wanted to be. The person she inspired to be. But she knew that it was going to take alot of work to be half the vampire that John was. Karla worried that she wouldn't live up to the expectations that were on her shoulders after Charlie had a successful transition. John looked at her and smiled before striding over and kissing her lips. John knew of ways to make sure that Karla felt better especially when Karla was in her own head. Which had been alot as of late.

"You will be a great vampire. You will be a great mate and better yet you will be a better version of yourself. So can you please stop getting into your head. I know that's what your doing." John stated.

"I hate how you know me so well. But i cant help it. I'm worried that i wont live up to the expectations after my sister." Karla stated.

"I don't expect you to be your sister. You are your own person. You might take longer to get your thirst under control but that doesn't mean anything. You will get it at your own time. Just don't let your sister ruin your senior year." John stated.

Karla had almost forgotten about senior year starting tomorrow. Mary was back in town and they had been hanging out to catch up on missed things. They had seen Katy around town looking miserable but they had a feeling that it was just a matter of time before she came crawling back to be their friend. Karla hadn't thought about Katy since the blowup at Jasper's a few months back. Karla didn't miss Katy whatsoever because she knew that she was better without her.

Karla was laying in bed with John before feeling a knock on her door. John jumped up and hid as Karla rolled her eyes and went to the door. She saw that it was Amelia and Martin at the door. They both hugged Karla as Karla was confused on what this was about.

"Cant believe that you're going to be a senior. Thought Charlie would be here for this moment." Martin stated.

"I actually heard from her. She said shes going to be home by this weekend. But don't hold our breaths. Things change." Karla stated.

After a few more moments they left as Karla sat on the bed. John came out of the closet as he sat on the bed. John hugged her as they laid back down on the bed. Karla hated lying to her parents but knew it was something she had to do. They didn't know about vampires and it was better this way if they didn't.

These are the moments that made Karla grateful to have John and his family. It was almost like she was bit by love and knowing that she was going to be okay made everything better. As Karla closed her eyes she heard John saying that it was love at first bite. Not literally but she couldn't agree more with that statement. Better yet. She loved it. Because it seemed they both got bit by something neither one of them was expecting. Karla knew that she wouldn't change what she went threw the last few months. It made her the human she always wanted to be. She knew that in a year she will be starting the journey to become the vampire she always wanted to be.

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