Chapter 13:

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During the last week, Karla was always around Charlie, Mary and Genevive. Katy hadn't bothered them since the time at Jaspers last week. When she wasn't hanging out with her sister and her two friends she was always hanging out with John along with his family. It seemed like that caused a stir around the high school especially when Katy was involved with the rumors somehow. Karla always rolled her eyes at the rumors.
"What are they talking about now?" John asked.
"I don't know. I tend to zone them out but if I had to guess still us. Katy probably has something to do with it. Still think she's trying to get back at me for last week." I replied.
"Hopefully it will be over soon." John stated.
Karla knew that John was probably right but she still felt like he was holding back on something. She had no indicator to say that he was lying or if he was holding anything back. So who can say for sure if he was or not? During their exams for Chem, John passed Karla a note saying that he had something to tell her. It was their last class during the last day of school and Karla was excited to spend the summer with not only her sister but John as well.
"So are we having a sister summer or are you going to be spending it with John?" Charlie asked.
"Why not both? I mean I can hang out with you during the day and have a date night with John at night. That way my two favorite people get my attention. Also, Genevive and Mary might be getting my attention as well. So let me know ahead of time when you want to hang out." Karla replied.
"Seems like you're going to have a busy summer. Plan on making it official with John?" Charlie questioned.
"I hope so. Charlie, I like him. And last week I was hoping that I could bring both my worlds together. Especially if we were both in it for the long haul. And even if things don't work out I don't want people to think they have to choose him or me." Karla answered.
Karla knew what Charlie was going to ask almost as soon as she was going to ask it. She not only knew what Charlie wanted to hear but what she believed in her heart to be true. Karla didn't want to continue to bring John around her parents, especially her father if things weren't going to work out. Yea, they weren't official but Karla knew that she didn't want her father to become attached to someone like John. Especially if it meant becoming heartbroken in the end.
"Well, it's summer so I was thinking convincing dad of ordering Chinese from the next town over and having a movie night to celebrate the end of the school year and me graduating high school tomorrow." Charlie stated.
"That honestly sounds perfect." Karla stated.
Karla was looking forward to having a night like tonight. Where it was just her, Charlie, and their father watching some movies. Karla thought that it would be nice to have her father have a night off from working as well. John might have to wait cause he never specifies when they would meet for his "something I have to tell you." Karla knew that they might go on a drive mainly because the car was probably the most private place in the whole town. If they wanted to go somewhere then he needed to tell her so they could reschedule tonight's Chinese dinner.
"Karla. You are not an easy girl to get a hold of." Valentina stated.
"I thought you didn't like me. And we haven't been friends since you came into town mid-semester." Karla spoke.
"Yea I know. But John wants you to meet him tonight. Kinda like a date night." Valentina stated.
"Um. I kinda already made plans with my sister to have a chill night since tomorrow is going to be busy for her. If he wants to we can go on that date now so I can get home in time." Karla spoke.
John wasn't far behind when he heard Karla say that. It could be the most time the get together in who knows how long. John knew that he needed to take this opportunity before someone else told Karla of what they were.
"If that is what it takes to have someone on one time with you before the summer starts then thats what we going to do." John stated.
Charlie narrowed her eyes at the site of Karla hanging out with John. Tonight was supposed to be their night and she chose him over her. What Charlie hadn't anticipated was Karla hugging her and telling her that she would see her for dinner. Charlie thought that her expression was readable especially to her sister. This was more than likely the case because they tended to read each other's expressions pretty well.
"Do I want to know why you gave your sister a hug?" John asked.
"She had the look on her face that she wanted to kill you. Especially after we had just made plans to have a chill night of eating Chinese and watching movies at home. I just told her I would see her in time for dinner. I have a few hours before we start talking about movies and what we want from the Chinese place." Karla replied.
Karla had a feeling that this might be the day that John tells her his secret. Of course, she never wanted to push him into telling her. But Karla had this feeling since getting that note in Chem that it had something to do with that. Karla was happy if that was the case but she was happy whenever John wanted to spend time with her which seemed to be all the time. Not that she minded but there were going to be some rules considering she wouldn't see her sister all that much when the second week of August came around and Charlie would be attending Sam Houston State in Huntsville.
"So tomorrow is going to be busy huh?" John asked.
"For Charlie yes. Me not so much but am going to be on standby just in case she needs help. Knowing Charlie she probably will be. My mom called last night saying she's coming into town for my sister's graduation. So it's going to be nice to have more hands-on-deck when it comes to Charlie." Karla replied.
"Well if you want we can go on another date the day after. That if you don't run away from the secret." John stated.
"I have to know the secret first. But if I hadn't run away now what makes you think I'm going to run away when you tell me what it is?" Karla asked.
"Well, that's what I'm afraid of. It's part of the reason why I got the cold shoulder towards you on and off. Because when I felt myself getting close to you I knew I would be put into this position telling you who I am. And honestly, that's what I'm scared of the most. Seeing how you were going to react." John stated.
Karla didn't know how to react to John being nervous. But it made her nervous knowing that he was nervous to tell her. Karla wanted to tell him to take his time but that might not be what he wants to hear because then he might never get the courage to tell her. Especially if it had taken two months for him to tell her this time. So if he wanted to tell her Karla wasn't going to stop him. She had her suspicions but nothing could tell her what he wanted to tell her.
"I think we both know something is up here John. But you know that I haven't wanted to push you to tell me anything that you weren't ready to tell." Karla stated.
"That's the thing. I'm not ready but I don't think there is a better time than now to tell you. Do you believe in soulmates?" John asked.
"I don't know what that has to do with this. But yes I believe in soulmates." Karla replied.
"What are your views on vampires?" John questioned.
"As long as they don't hurt me or my family then I guess I shouldn't worry. I mean I do believe some of the myths that have been brought down for centuries but I haven't given it much thought. If I came across one I don't know what I would do." Karla replied.
"What if I told you that there was a vampire in Hunter Texas. You sat next to them every day in chem class and he took you on a date like 2 weeks ago." John stated.
"So you're telling me that you're a vampire?" Karla asked.
John shook his head looking at the ground worried about Karla's reaction to the news. Karla was honestly surprised, to say the least. Because she wasn't expecting to fall in love with a vampire. She knew that she accepted him but at the same time it was all too new.
"It's okay if you want to take a break till you accept it." John stated.
"I accept it John but it's the shock that is making me not believe that this is real. I don't know if a break will be good because Valentina kind of scares me. Kind of don't want her scaring me into this is real and to accept you when I already do. If you feel like taking a break is the right thing to do then that's okay with me." Karla spoke.
The initial shock was there for both of them. Karla wasn't expecting John to come out as a vampire as well as John wasn't expecting Karla to be all calm about it. Truth be told Karla was freaking out on the inside but showing that might not be good for either of them. Because Karla knew that it might be her regretting things later when she was alone with her thoughts. Karla knew that something was up with John she just wasn't expecting this.
"So you're not freaking out?" John asked.
"Oh, I'm freaking out right now. But you have given me no reason to believe that you will hurt me or those I care about." Karla replied.
John smiled before kissing her lips. There was more that needed to be addressed but something told her that she couldn't tell anyone. If John blended in this well into society it would be easier to lie to those around her. John hugged her and was happy that she was accepting her and what she was. But the road wasn't going to be easy. This was something that needed to be talked about at great lengths and he was ready for those talks. He took her home before kissing her one last time.
"I'll see you later. If you want me to sneak up into your room tonight just text me." John stated.
"Will do." Karla spoke.
She walked in with a smile on her face and began to talk about dinner with Charlie and Martin. After they ordered they went on a Star Wars movie series binge. It was what Charlie wanted to watch and no one was going to argue with the girl who was about to graduate from high school. They knew that they would probably finish the series up tomorrow as Charlie wasn't the party type but if she wanted to go to a graduation party nothing was stopping her.
"It honestly feels like everything is falling into place. At least I feel better knowing that when I leave you will have John, Mary, and Genevive." Charlie stated.
"Yea. I think we're both going to be okay. And we will fall into a routine. It will be different that's for sure." Karla stated.
They could honestly talk all night but Charlie had to get some beauty sleep before graduation tomorrow. For some reason, Karla believed what she said. That they would be alright.

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