Chapter 20:

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To say that Karla was scared and probably even more overwhelmed than she already was is definitely an understatement. It was finding out that a possible vampire was after her and those closest to her who didn't even know that vampires existed. It was honestly disheartening to know that she had to be calm around her family while freaking out on the inside that made it worrisome. John said that she should meet her parents because they wanted to meet her which might help shed some light on what they needed to do. They can hope that the vampires could stay away for a few hours so that way everyone could have a peaceful few hours.
"Why are you so nervous?" Charlie asked.
"Because this is his parents were talking about. The ones who loved him enough when his own parents didn't." Karla replied.
"They are going to love you. I mean who wouldn't?" Charlie stated.
Karla smiled at her sisters words. Plus it was easier to say that Johns adoptive parents were his parents because that's what everyone believed. That John was one of the kids who were adopted. But it seemed like no one really knew much about their adoptive mother and father. Which if she was going to be on the inside, Karla knew that Charlie would want information.
"I know you want information. Ill give you as much as you want to hear. Plus these could potentially be my in laws if John had it his way." Karla stated.
"Oh i need information. But don't think you have to tell me anything you don't want to tell me." Charlie stated.
Karla smiled before leaving the house to Johns car. She got into the passenger side and leaned in for a kiss which John happily obliged by. Karla could see by the look on Johns face that he was happy to see her. John grabbed a hold of Karla's hand as they drove on the outskirts of town to John's house. Things were weird especially when they pulled up the drive. Karla noticed that the house was almost like a mansion. It was big and seemed it could hold about a few hundred people just like her home.
"Welp this is where i live." John stated.
"Definitely think you've been hanging around me too much. You're starting to pick up 21st century lingo." Karla laughed.
John smiled as they went inside and Karla was immediately pulled into a hug by Pandora. Karla smiled and hugged Pandora back. They went deeper into the house and Karla found Johns parents. One of them looked roughly like her and she couldn't put her finger on it. They both looked up as they smiled as Karla came into the kitchen
"These are my parents. Well as close to parents as a vampire could ever ask for. They found me the day i woke up from transformation. This is Rune and his wife Belladonna. They've been together since the 1400s after Rune disappeared." John stated.
"So this is my ancestor?" Karla asked.
"Well aren't you even more beautiful in real life." Belladonna stated. "And yes this is your ancestor. My brothers would be fighting for you a millennium ago."
"Shes excited to finally get to meet you. Its very exciting to finally meet the human that John cant shut up about. I think you heard my story. John says its been passed down for generations." Rune stated.
"Um yea. My sister and i were told that you just disappeared. No body was discovered. I kept looking into it but i didn't think that you were a vampire." Karla stated.
"Well, that's what i wanted my ex wife and children to believe. They all went to live very happy lives. But John is as close to a son as one could ask for." Rune stated.
It seemed like Belladonna tensed up when Rune brought up his ex wife. It had been roughly 600 years and it seems like she still couldn't get over it. Even though he chose her. Karla saw how tense Belladonna became and it seemed like everyone did too. Rune went to soothe her as they started talking again.
"I'm sure John told you what we are. Do you have any questions?" Rune asked.
"Yes. Who in the hell is creating these new vampires to come after me and my family?" Karla questioned.
"We don't know. If we knew who turned John we might have an idea. But since we don't it could still be the same mysterious vampire who turned him." Belladonna replied.
"So because I'm the mate of a vampire my family has to suffer?" Karla asked.
"That's not the plan. We plan on figuring out who this person is and why they are in town. We ended up catching the one who was with Charlie yesterday. We haven't asked him anything yet because we don't think hes ready to talk yet." Rune answered.
Karla smiled and looked around. John had handed her some water and some chips as they went on a tour of the house. Karla hadn't know Johns family to be violent or the fact that her ancestor was one of them She had so many questions but some of the questions she had were for Rune and not John even though she opened her heart to John.
"Let me guess you have questions for Rune. I can go get him if you like." John stated.
"No. Its fine. I don't want to make Belladonna upset. I saw the way Rune brought up his human wife and she tensed up. Think it might be better if i didn't." Karla spoke.
"But we think that you could get closure. Especially if you are going to be part of this family eventually." Someone had stated,
They looked up and saw Rune and Belladonna. Karla motioned them to sit across from her and John. Karla saw the smile on Johns face. He had never told her how he changed but that was a story for another day. Today she was going to get the story of how her ancestor met the love of his life.
"I hope you know this isn't a life most of us wanted. I was in the same position you were in. A human who just so happened to find love with a vampire. It happened late in life and I had a few children and thought i was happy. Then i met Belladonna who was beautiful and still is. She told me as much as she thought i needed to know. Lied about what she was then when she told me i honestly needed a while to figure out what it was i wanted. I left my wife and family one day just like a normal day and a few days after i disappeared. I chose to be with my love and even though i regret how i hurt my ex wife i don't regret following my heart." Rune stated.
"Belladonna changed you?" Karla asked.
"Yea. I've been alive since 1445 but been living the vampire life since 1475. So roughly 300 years before John came along." Rune replied.
"I hope you know that there are rules for us. The first you must not tell any humans that we exist. If you do then there will be consequences for you." Belladonna stated.
"I wasn't planning on telling anyone. I actually haven't asked many questions because I've just thought it was easier to lie to my family and friends that way. If i was on a need to know basis. If you want to interview the guy you brought in you're more than welcome to do that with me either here or not." Karla stated.
"Well we think that he holds the key that's why we brought him in." John butted in.
Karla knew that she didn't want to be around for that. Better yet she didn't want to know any of the information that they got from this new vampire but she knew that they were probably right. That this new vampire did have some answers. John lead Karla out of the the room as Rune and Belladonna dealt with the vampire that was brought in. There were things that even Karla could hear which was screaming. Karla hid her face into John as she soothed her back this was something that she was glad that she couldn't hear the whole thing of. When Rune and Belladonna came down, Karla saw the blood on their hands and she knew that the vampire was dead.
"Well we got a name of the one who changed him." Belladonna stated.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Karla mumbled.
"Who?" John asked.
"Alexander Renoldi." Rune answered.
"That name sounds familiar wasn't he a king in like the 800s?" Karla asked.
"Yes. He was the one who changed me. He comes back every few hundred years to change a human. Meaning there could have been a handful of others before John was changed. We need to figure out a way to kill him." Belladonna stated.
"Well will my family be in harm? Cause i can suggest a vacation if hes just after me." Karla stated.
"According to our dead friend up there. It seems like you are the one hes after. Maybe to separate you and John." Rune stated.
They started discussing a plan to make sure that not only Karla was safe but so was her family. This is different territory now that they know who is after Karla. Karla was worried about it all. What if they couldn't kill the guy. But if all came down to it, Karla much rather be turned into one of them instead of dead. Karla knew that she will go down fighting and so will her family. But if it came down to it Karla knew that she wanted to be the one to protect her family from Alexander. She noticed how quiet John had been since Rune had dropped the name. She hopped that he wouldn't do something that he would regret. That's what she didn't want. Something that could kill him permanently. On her way home she had to break the quiet.
"Did it come back to you?" Karla asked.
"I don't know. I remember hearing the name when i was in war but didn't think anything of it. But i remember seeing a face almost similar to his before i entered transition. I will tell you more when I'm ready." John replied.
Karla knew that she wasn't going to push it. She asked her parents if John could stay over and they both agreed. Karla had a feeling that John needed her. She would tell her parents the reason why later. Even if it will be a lie. John knew that Karla was doing this mainly for him and he knew that he needed to process what he was told. Things were going to be different from now on. Hopefully they could kill this Alexander before he did any real damage.

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