Chapter 17:

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Karla was awoken with a phone call. She didn't know who was calling but it must have been important if it meant waking her out of a dead sleep. She was surprised that it was her mother who was crying on the other end. Karla jolted awake and was honestly scared. This was her mother.
"Mom? Whats wrong?" Karla asked all panicky.
"Can you wake your father? I've been trying to get a hold of him but nothing. I want to tell him i love him once last time." Amelia had stated.
"Mom. Hold tight I'm coming to get you. Dad will understand. I'm not losing you." Karla stated.
She jumped out of bed and grabbed her fathers keys. As she opened the door she saw both John and Valentina at the door. She didn't have time to explain she just gave the keys to John and sat in the passenger seat as they tried to make it to the hospital where her mother worked. They had arrived to see someone had her mother by the throat.
"You have to save her. I will explain it to her to the best of my ability just please save my mother." Karla had begged.
"We cant have humans knowing." Valentina stated.
"Please. I know that you don't like me but you had a mother once. A biological one. Just save her please." Karla stated with tears in her eyes.
She could hardly make out Johns figure as he ripped the figure off Amelia and killed the figure. Karla ran over to her mother as she held her hand. Karla looked at her mother as tears fell freely. Amelia smiled as she began to sit up. Of course things had to be explained but she didn't need her mother knowing that her boyfriend was a vampire.
"That thing just started tearing threw us. I didn't know what happened. One moment i was checking on patients the next i was fearing for my life. Thank you sweetie." Amelia stated.
"No problem. I think we need to get you home. Also, think you need to find something that makes you work from home. No offense mom but i don't want anymore calls like this okay." Karla stated.
Karla looked up and saw John rounding the corner as there was still some blood on his mouth. Karla looked back to Valentina who was on her way over. She bend down near Karla's mother as Karla went over to John. Karla whipped the blood from the corners of his mouth before kissing him.
"Ill tell you later." John stated. "You deserve to know the truth."
"But i cant keep lying to them. This is affecting them. The only way to keep them safe is if i become like you." Karla murmured.
It was the first time she had uttered the words. Up until that point she didn't know if she wanted to even be like John and his family. But after the incident with Amelia, Karla knew it was what she wanted. Even if it meant faking her own death.
"You don't know what your saying. If you want to be like me you need to understand what you are giving up. I love you Karla but i wont let you make a rash decision." John stated.
"Rash decisions are my middle name." Karla tried to joke.
Valentina had wrapped a blanket around her mother before all three of them went to the car. Karla held onto her mothers hand as they both looked out the window. They both said nothing as they arrived to their house. Amelia said nothing about John saving her or Valentina showing up. Karla knew that she must be in some sort of shock and she might need John to help her explain what happened today. Karla got her mother into the house before starting to make some tea.
"Do you need any help?" Valentina spoke.
"Um. Sure. My dad doesn't know about the call and i don't want to worry him or my sister just yet. Do you think that we can keep this on the down low?" Karla asked.
"Its alot to ask of someone who isn't your biggest fan. But think we can all agree not to talk about what happened." Valentina replied.
It was nice to know that they were on the same page as this. It was hard knowing that Valentina didn't like her but knowing that the could count on each other for this was nice. Karla knew that she would have to talk to John to get more information that she wasn't ready for. But it was information that was needed so that way she knew the best way to protect her family. This wasn't a world that she wanted her family wrapped up in. Even though her family was wrapped up due to association.
"I'm sorry i dragged you girls into this. Especially on a day where you had a date with John." Amelia mumbled.
"Mom, its fine. If i need to i can reschedule the date. I'm pretty sure John will understand since he saved you from what happened." Karla stated.
"Just your right. We shouldn't tell your father or your sister. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come." Amelia stated.
Karla thought of the worst and pretty sure everyone in the room knew what would have happened if Karla hadn't shown up with John and Valentina. Karla saw John in the door way and trusted Valentina enough to watch her mother as she went to talk to John. They both went outside and surprisingly sat in the car. Think they both knew if they were going to have a private conversation it had to be done in the car.
"That was a vampire who attacked your mother. A freshly new one. I don't know what he was doing with your mother but i know he wanted blood. The first few months after the change is when we crave the most blood. Over time we can blend in with human society and eat human food. I've been eating human food since 1778 so roughly 2 years after i was changed. I think he could have came after you and your family leaving nothing but a blood bath." John stated.
"But what does that have to do with me?" Karla asked.
"Nothing for now. But it could mean taking extra precautions. Like watching the house at night to make sure that none is coming close to you and your family. Damien graduated beside your sister and he can make sure that she is okay when she goes to Sam Houston State. He is doing classes online so it shouldn't be a problem." John stated.
Karla was worried about everyone else like her friends. It might be easier considering that they were around John and his family as well. But what about her father who wanted to return to the firm soon. What about her mother? Karla knew that her mother wouldn't handle another attack from a vampire. Karla knew that things were going to be different for both her mom as well as Karla.
"If you wont changing me now when will you?" Karla asked.
"In a year or so. I always wanted you to have a human life. More of a human life than i ever did. Even though i got more of a human life in the last 300 years. There's nothing that compares to having friends and family from your first life." John stated.
Karla knew where he was coming from and she wanted John forever. If he thought she should wait two years then Karla thought that she can at least make it work. She looked at John and she knew that this was her future and even better he stated that he loved her.
"I love you too. Didn't get the chance to say it earlier." Karla stated.
"I knew you would tell me on your own time. I always felt that you loved me. That's what i kept feeling anyways. You should know that you're my mate." John stated.
"So that's the feeling huh? At least i didn't have to wait till i was 30." Karla joked.
They both laughed as Valentina opened the door. Karla rushed inside and saw both Martin and Charlie looking at Amelia. She knew what to do but just hoped that her mother would go along with it.
"There was an accident at work. Shes still kinda in shock but it could have been alot worse. Think when shes okay shell come around. I can take of her." Karla stated.
"What was Johns sister doing inside our house?" Charlie asked.
"Watching mom. I had to talk to John about something. I wouldn't have left her with someone i didn't trust enough to watch her." Karla replied.
"What about your date?" Amelia asked.
"Its fine mom. Johns not in the mood to go out either. If we want to we can do the date here. Everything will work itself out." Karla stated.
Karla knew that it was true that eventually everything would work itself out. And her and John never did talk about the date for tonight. It was just assumed that it would be called off and honestly, Karla was okay with that. She wasn't in the mood to go out. There was food around here that could be made and if John wanted a date night then they can have a date night at home. Karla needed to be with her mother right now after the vampire attack. They didn't know what was going to happen. All Karla knew was that turning into a vampire would be easier when she did go off to college next year. But they might have to fake a letter to make it believable.
"Hey Karla. You left your phone in my brothers car." Valentina shouted into the household.
Karla went and grabbed her phone as Valentina hugged her. She didn't know what this meant but Karla had a feeling that this was the start of something beautiful between them. Valentina smiled before walking out the door.
"Hey Valentina. Tell John that if he still wants that date that he can came over here. I don't feel comfortable leaving my mom right now." Karla stated.
"Think he knows that. He is getting the stuff to make dinner for your whole family. So be prepared to be amazed. He makes the best food." Valentina stated.
Karla smiled before going back inside before telling her family that John was coming over for dinner. Karla saw Martin began to sweat about what make for dinner. Karla smiled looking at her father rush around the kitchen to make something for dinner.
"What do i make for your boyfriend?" Martin asked.
"He got it dad. He said he wanted to make dinner. Hes getting the stuff right now so don't worry. Take care of mom. Let John impress you. That's what he wants to do." Karla stated.
Martin instantly relax knowing that dinner was being taken care of. John came back and Karla helped set up the kitchen so that John can work. John kissed Karla's head as Karla went back to be with her mom.
"You have a good guy in there." Amelia stated.
"Thanks. I think so too." Karla stated smiling.
While the family talked about what to do now that Amelia was going to be home for the foreseeable future, Karla checked in on what John was doing. John shooed her out of the kitchen as he made food as Karla rolled her eyes. When dinner was ready, Karla was surprised as to how well the chicken parmesan was.
"This is a one time thing but if John wants to stay over we will allow it." Amelia stated.
"Thanks. And he can take one of the guest rooms so that way you don't have to worry." Karla suggested.
John had to get some things from home but promised to be right back. The family wrapped into a family movie night of Legally Blonde when John came back in. Karla already knew that John was going to be sneaking into her room once everyone was asleep. But it was a risk that she was willing to take. John knew that too and they hoped they could make it work. Especially if they were going to be living in the same house eventually. Karla knew that she didn't want to leave her small town but knew in order to keep the secret safe they would have to eventually.
"Do you think your mom will be okay?" John asked.
"Yea. This is my mom were talking about. Sooner or later she will be better. It might take some time. Just give it time." Karla replied.
They both knew that Amelia was going to be okay. But think it was something that Karla needed to hear out loud in order to believe it. Karla looked at Johns face and the look told the exact same thing that Karla felt. It was going to be okay. They were going to make it threw it. Just had to get threw it one day at a time. That's what they had to keep telling themselves. One day at a time. It might never be the same but it can come as close to how it was. John kissed her head before Karla slid into bed and looked at the ceiling. Like how was she going to sleep knowing that her mother might have nightmares keeping them up for nights and John the boy she was desperate to sleep next to for comfort. Karla tried to get to sleep before anything happened. It was when she felt Johns arm come around her waist that she fell into a peaceful sleep.

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