Chapter 15:

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Karla was still getting use to the fact that John and his family were vampires when Charlie bragged into her room the following morning with a scowl on her face. Karla knew that Charlie had something to say but she couldn't put a finger on exactly what it was. Karla didn't want to get into a fight even though it was almost unavoidable.
"So whats up?" Karla asked.
"I know why you invited Pandora over yesterday." Charlie stated.
"First of all, me and Pandora aren't that close. Second of all, I didn't even know she was coming over because i didn't invite her over. Third of all, what are you talking about?" Karla asked.
"The rat in the bathroom. Real cute i thought we weren't five anymore." Charlie stated.
"I didn't put a rat in the bathroom. If anything you looked in the trash and saw your hair therefore mistaken it for a rat. You know that i haven't pulled something like that since we were five." Karla stated.
Karla went to go see what Charlie was talking about. Lo and behold there were rats in the bathroom. She ran downstairs to tell both her mother and her father who went to go check it out for themselves.
"Any idea who would do this?" Martin asked.
"No. Especially if it wasn't Karla." Charlie replied.
"It might have been Katy. But i don't know why she would bring the rest of the family into this if the problem she has is with me. We got into a fight a few weeks ago. She wanted me to go out with a few guys from the next town over and when i said no she snapped. As well as try and ruin any chance i had with getting together with John." Karla stated.
"Ill call the rat guys." Amelia spoke.
Karla couldn't help but feel that this was her fault. Shes the one who stuck up for herself and now her family was the one paying for it. Karla had texted John to let him know what was going on since it seemed like he was worried about her. There was a knock almost immediately on the door as Karla opened it. There was John and Pandora. Karla took them both outside before to ask what they were doing here.
"I know you want to ask but were here to kill the rats." Pandora stated.
"I have so many questions about why that shouldn't come out of your mouth. But i guess it has something to do with you know what?" Karla asked.
"You could say it." John replied. "But yes."
"We have cameras and they tend to pick up on conversations. Plus i have a feeling that some secrets you cant tell other people. But if you think you can kill the rats without us having to move i guess you can give it a shot." Karla sighed.
Karla told their parents why they were here. It was a small town and they were working at the local pest job in town. She lead them to where the rats where and let them do whatever it was they were going to do in order to "kill the rats." Charlie came and set next to her on the stairs as their parents were in a different area of the house.
"They aren't human are they?" Charlie asked.
"Of course they are human. They are both 17." Karla relied.
"Then why are they taking care of our rat problem?" Charlie questioned.
"Because they got a job working for the pest control people around here. They both stated that they wanted to open up their own business one day so why not see if its for them." Karla answered.
Of course it was a lie but it was the best one she could come up with stating of why they were here taking care of the rat problem. She didn't know the consequences of what would happen if she did in fact tell someone that her boyfriend were not human. There was no way to explain that without having to tell her that they might be something else from this world. Karla could have handled it but she didn't know how the rest of her family would handle it. If lying to them kept them alive then that's what shes going to have to do.
"Well we took care of the rats and even put down some rat poison. I don't think it will affect the whole house but if you both are going to be up here i would suggest wearing a mask. And sleeping on a different floor." Pandora stated.
John gave them both masks before smirking at Karla. Karla rolled her eyes but felt John close to her. She turned around and saw him right behind her.
"I'm not giving you a kiss considering you just dealt with the rats in our bathroom. Give it a few days lover boy." Karla stated.
Also because she didn't really know where that mouth had just been. Karla didn't know alot about vampires but she knew they drank blood. John and hist family seems really under control around humans so if that was the case then they might have drank the blood from the rats to make sure they would stay dead. If that was the case then they might not have put rat poison down in the bathroom. But she was grateful for John and Pandora for coming over and taking care of their rat problem. The door went off and it was the people that their parents called.
"Um the rat problem has already been handle. My boyfriend and sister took care of it." Karla stated.
"If that's the case then we better take a look to make sure that no more rats can get into the house." The man responded.
As they did that's when Karla got a text from Katy. She let her father look at the text before deciding what to do next. Martin looked at her as he brought her into his study on the 3rd floor. It was rare that Karla needed her father to be her lawyer not her father.
"Since this isn't the first time i did draft a restraining order against Katy. I haven't gotten in touch with her mother yet but wanted to see what you wanted to do. I am your father first and your lawyer second. Its always been that way sweetie." Martin stated.
"Well can you get in touch with Marie? I don't think shes working today. She works in town at the diner." Karla stated.
It was true that Karla didn't want to use the restraining order but if it was necessary it was a good idea that her father already have something drafted up just in case it went that far. Karla knew that her father was good at his job but this was a bullying case. Don't know how much he can actually do as a professional lawyer. He never expected his children to pay and even if he did he would never let her nor Charlie pay full price. Once her father got off the phone, Karla didn't know what kind of expression it was that he was holding.
"So i just got off the phone with Marie. And it seems like she is going threw alot right now that she hasn't noticed Katy's behavior. Marie has talked with Katy's step mom and they both agreed that Katy needs to get out of town. So her step mother is going to pick her up and make sure that Katy and her father spend time together. If Katy chooses to come back then we can discuss the situation with Katy again. If she texts you dint reply because if we have to take this thing to court i want the judge to see you had no contact with her after the 23rd of May." Martin stated.
Karla wasn't going to respond to Katy anyways but it was nice that they might not have to revisit this case whatsoever. But there was the possibility that they might and it was something that typically didn't rule in her favor without evidence. Maybe that is why her father was stating please don't reply. When they went back downstairs the rat men where gone seeing that there was no other entrances in the house and that both her and Charlie were talking to Pandora and John who still hadn't left yet.
"You both okay? You both were up there for awhile." Amelia stated.
"Yea were fine. I needed legal advice on how to handle Katy that's all. Shes still bothering me. But if she is going to go see her father like her Marie claims threw dad then it might not be a problem." Karla replied.
Karla caught Johns eye as he pat the seat next to him. She cautiously sat down next to him as they both smiled at each other. For some reason, despite all the questions that she had she knew that she was making the right choice for her. That she was putting herself out there and making herself happy for the first time in a while.
"So whens the wedding date?" Amelia asked.
"Mom! Can we become an official couple first? There's steps to this!" Karla replied.
Everyone seemed to laugh as Karla's face became beet red. As much as she knew that she wanted to marry John she wanted to take things slow. They had only been on 2 dates. There hadn't been a label on this yet. Karla wasn't sure if they were dating or not. So as far as Karla knew they were just friends who went out occasionally.
"John hadn't asked you to be his girlfriend yet?" Charlie asked.
"No. We've been out a few times as well as kiss but he hasn't asked officially yet." Karla replied.
"Because i thought it was obvious that i wanted you as my girlfriend. And if we do get married it will probably be after college." John stated.
Karla loved that about him. How confident he sounded. Especially considering that he saw them still together going strong in roughly 5 years. Karla smiled but knew there was alot to unpack and she wasn't sure if she was ready for those answers. John never pushed her to know everything since the night he told her that he was a vampire. Karla honestly thought that there were questions that she was going to have to ask but she didn't know how too. Things felt really good right now and Karla didn't want to ruin them. But there were things about a human knowing made her think there was more to it. When John and Pandora were about to leave, Karla followed them to their car.
"You don't need to be kept in the dark about everything. We can tell you as much as you need to know." Pandora stated.
"I know but there's alot of questions i need to sort out first before i start asking. I think i want to know more i just don't know where to start." Karla stated.
"Well take your time and we will be here if you have any questions." John told her.
John got into the car before Karla went back inside she noticed Charlie at the window. Karla knew that Charlie knew something was up. Charlie might be feeling that something was off again even though they hadn't brought it up to the other in quiet awhile. When she went back inside she started making the couch bed in the front room.
"So you're really not going to tell me whats up with them? We both know that something is up with them Karla." Charlie hissed under her breath.
"I'm not going to tell you something i don't know. I don't know whats up with them so can we drop it." Karla stated.
"Would you tell me if you knew?" Charlie asked.
"If i thought it was something you needed to know then yes. You kept things from me because you wanted to keep me safe. So if I'm keeping anything from you its because i want to do the same for you." Karla replied.
The sisters had a realization that they both kept things from each other. And honestly, this secret that Karla knew about John was her secret. She wanted to protect both herself and her sister from things in their world. Karla knew there was more and she thought that she figured out why she didn't want to know more than what she already knew. The more she was in the dark the more she could protect Charlie.

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