The Goal

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Bailey had been traveling for a few days. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "Jaken. If you're going to follow someone make sure they cant smell or hear you." Bailey said turning to the forest. After a few moments Jaken stumbled out and bowed. "Lady Bailey. Please forgive me." He said with his face still in the ground. "Why are you following me?" Jaken shook his head. "I cant say. Lady Bailey." Jaken screeched. "Just Bailey. Ok Jaken." She said walking passed him. Jaken quickly got to his feet and fell into step behind her. "Why are you here in the east Bailey?" Jaken asked curiously. "I'm looking for someone." Jaken lifted his eyebrow at her. "Whom would you be looking for out here?" Bailey stopped and turned around grabbing Jaken. "Why are you here and dont lie." Bailey said as her pupils dilated. "Lord Sesshomaru sent me to keep an eye on you." Jaken said then blinked and sweat dropped. "Why?" Bailey asked. "Bailey. Drop him." As she heard Sesshomaru's voice she released her hold on Jaken and turned towards him. "Why do you have him following me?" She asked putting Jaken gently back onto the ground. "I want to know why you are here." Bailey laughed. "So you sent Jaken to follow me? You've met Jaken right?" Jaken huffed and folded his arms cross his chest. "I think I was doing well until today." Jaken said under his breath. Bailey rolled her eyes and looked towards the sky. I'm going to set up camp I want to relax for a bit." She said smiling.

Going up to a tree and breaking off a few branches

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Going up to a tree and breaking off a few branches. "Finally." Jaken said exhaling dramatically. Sesshomaru walked up to Bailey and knocked the branches from her hands. "What are you doing here?" Bailey narrowed her eyes at him and bent down to pick up the branches until Sesshomaru put his foot on them. "What is your problem Sesshomaru!" Bailey snapped at him. Sesshomaru quickly pinned Bailey to the tree behind her. "Why are you here!" Sesshomaru's voice now coming out in a growl. "I'm looking for someone. Ok." Bailey said through gritted teeth then shoved Sesshomaru back. "I have to find and slay a beast." Bailey said huffing a bit out of breath from Sesshomaru's sudden reaction. Sesshomaru nodded and bent down picking up the branches and walking them to the campsite. "Once you slay this beast. Then what do you plan to do?" Sesshomaru asked. Bailey looked up at him. "I'm not sure. I haven't really thought of it." She said sitting next to him as she broke the branches into smaller pieces. Jaken started the fire as Sesshomaru watched Bailey. Bailey seemed completely peaceful besides the fact that she was back only to kill the beast king. She leaned forward closing her eyes.


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"Bailey." Sesshomaru said quietly. His body naturally gravitated towards her as it did years ago. Bailey opened her eyes and watched as he closed the distance between them. "When I saw you. Again. After all this time. It's as if no time had passed." Bailey's eyes widened slightly as tears stung the back of her eyes. She had felt the same way. A small smile crept across her face. But pain shot through her heart. "I know how you feel. Sesshomaru." She said putting her hand on his. "My goal here is to kill the beast. I can't be distracted from doing this." Giving his hand a squeeze she released it. "I will help you with this goal. So that you don't perish." Bailey looked away irritated "Again."

"This time I'm not linked to anyone

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"This time I'm not linked to anyone. I have no reason to hold back. I just need to find this Kirinmaru." She said slightly irritated. "What." Sesshomaru asked. "You're after lord Kirinmaru?" Jaken asked shocked. "I am. He is the beast king that I've been brought back to kill." Bailey stated. "A being who is not a demon nor a human." Sesshomaru said. Bailey looked up at him. "Yes that's what the tree of ages said to me." Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes. "And what of his sister?" Sesshomaru questioned. "I was only told to kill Kirinmaru. But if the sister gets in my way then she will die as well." Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes even more at Bailey quickly reaching up and snapping her neck. Bailey fell backwards onto the ground. "Lord Sesshomaru. If Bailey is after Lord Kirinmaru and Lady Zero then Rin will be in danger." Sesshomaru picked up Bailey's body unknowing to him of the necklace that tumbled softly to the ground. He flew as far away from the east as he could. Touching down at the tree of ages. Sesshomaru quickly entered the tree and laid Bailey down near the pillar in which held Rin suspended in the air. "What will you do with her now?" Jaken asked. Sesshomaru looked up at Rin as she was sleeping peacefully. Rin's eyes opened and she tried to gasp.

"Zero is dying

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"Zero is dying. Who struck her?" Sesshomaru questioned as he fled from the tree of ages. Jaken looks up at Rin worried for her. Bailey gasps for air but quickly catches her breath seeing Rin spasming and gasping for air. "Rin! What's happening to her?!" Bailey yelled furiously. "Someone has struck down Zero. The demon linked to Rin. She is dying." Jaken explained. "No!" Bailey yelled out tears falling from her eyes. Suddenly Rin's movements calmed and her breathing went back to being steady. "That was a close one Rin." Jaken said now breathing calmly. Bailey rushed out of the tree of ages following Sesshomaru's scent. She knew he had save Zero with Tensiga. If she found him then she would find Zero and compel her to release Rin from the link. Then she would kill her for daring to even disrupt Rin's life. Bailey was running at full speed when Sesshomaru's scent got stronger she also caught Towa, Setsuna and Moroha's scents as well. "It was them? They killed her?" Bailey said in disbelief.

Always And Forever ☆Book 2 Sequel to Secrets, Beauty and Bravery☆ Where stories live. Discover now