Break the curse

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Luna watch the village from the hilltop and she could see them all scurrying around below. She smirked as she ran towards the village eyes glowing gold as she transformed into her wolf form.

 She smirked as she ran towards the village eyes glowing gold as she transformed into her wolf form

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Catching the scent Sesshomaru raced off towards her sword drawn. As they collided Luna mauled Sesshomaru's arm causing him to drop the sword. Using his demon power he closed the deep holes and gashes in his arm. Luna charged jumping high aiming for Sesshomaru's head. Cries and screams were heard coming from the village as wolves descended upon the villagers. Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku did their best to slow the wolves down but they were out numbered. The demon slayers all surrounded the hut containing Towa, Setsuna and Mizuki. Setsuna stood with her weapon drawn waiting incase the wolves got passed the demon slayers. Towa cradled Mizuki close as she heard the screaming and cries erupting all around the hut. Mizuki stirred and began to cry frightened by the unfamiliar noises around them. "Its alright Mizuki! It's going to be ok." Towa said as she gently rocked him back and forth. Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed hearing Mizuki's frightened cries. Sesshomaru's eyes glowed red and the wind whipped around him as he transformed into his true form. Luna coward and whined as she saw his gigantic form. The wolves on the village heard her and ran from the village. Sesshomaru snapped at Luna as she ran passed him. Letting out a furious growl he lept forward cutting her off. Quickly grabbing her with his teeth she let out agonizing whines and howls. Luna transformed back into her human form with her arm dripping with blood. "Please let me go! I will help you! I can break the curse!" Luna cried out in pain. Sesshomaru carried Luna back into the village and dropped her to the ground in front of the others. As she wrapped herself in a kimono she turned to Sesshomaru. "If you want to save Bailey then we must hurry. If the curse fully takes over there will be no way to stop it. Or her for that matter. She wont be able to tell friend from foe. She'll be a monster that does nothing but kill." Sesshomaru's eyes widened. "Klaus and Kenna should be getting there soon! If the curse is complete by then they'll be walking unknowingly into danger!" Kagome said worriedly. "Show the way." Sesshomaru said as he picked Luna up. She nodded and they sped off towards the hideout.
Klaus and Kenna were getting close to the wolves' hideout. Klaus could smell nothing but wolves at this point. His ears not picking up anything but the sounds of their own footsteps. "Dad. Mom is close." Kenna said looking around in the dark. "Kenna listen to me. Your mother is cursed we dont know what her state will be when we get there. You need to stay on guard. Be prepared for anything. Do you understand?" Klaus said looking into Kenna's eyes and holding her by her shoulders. Kenna searched his eyes but all she saw was the seriousness in them. She nodded tears stinging the back of her eyes and her voice caught in her throat. Swallowing thickly Kenna prepared herself for the worst. As Klaus put a hand on the boulder to the hideaway entrance Bailey grabbed his wrist. "What the hell are you doing here Klaus?" Bailey asked furiously. Her eyes blood red with the blackened veins and her fangs extended so they protruded slightly from her mouth. "Mom!" Kenna cried happily. Bailey slowly turned to face Kenna and as she did Kenna stopped moving towards Bailey frozen in fear. "Kenna!" Bailey said her eyes filled with hurt as she saw the look on her daughters face. "Its alright. I'm still me." Bailey said reassuringly. "Bailey. These wolves they plan to use your son to bring back Michael." Klaus said as Bailey turn back towards him. "The hell they are!" Bailey said her eyes glowing red. Klaus and Bailey's heads shot to the side as the wolves returned from the village. Half of the men were changed back to their human forms the other half still in their wolf forms. Kenna flicked her wrist and sent flames towards the wolves.

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