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"You are not going anywhere! You are to stay here!" Sesshomaru's voice was loud as thunder as he watched Bailey pack a bag. "You can not stop me. This needs to be taken care of now!" Bailey yelled back frustrated. Sesshomaru grabbed the bag from her and picked her up carrying her down the halls. Towa, Setsuna and Jaken watched with wide eyes as Sesshomaru passed them and Bailey was yelling furiously for him to put her down. The three sweat dropped and quietly followed after them. Sesshomaru entered the dungeon chaining Bailey's ankle to the floor. "You have got to be kidding me!" Bailey growled as she yanked on the chain. "You will stay here in this room. I will go seek out Bokusenō and get answers. I will not loose you again." Sesshomaru growled back. "Jaken." Sesshomaru said as he turned. "Ye-yes milord." Jaken said cowering down. "Erect a barrier no one is to enter this dungeon. You will care for Bailey while I'm gone. Towa. Setsuna. Both of you are to protect the palace and everyone in it." Sesshomaru ordered as he walked out. Jaken nodded his head furiously and quickly erected the barrier. Towa and Setsuna looked at each other and sat down on the outside of the barrier. As Sesshomaru flew to the forest the healer came and had Bailey practice breathing exercises for her upcoming birth.

"That's good my lady

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"That's good my lady. Just like that." The healer said as she watched Bailey. "So I guess this means no epidural." Bailey said smirking. Towa laughed nervously scratching the back of her head. "Bailey I dont think epidurals have been invented yet." Towa said nervously. Bailey smiled "I know I'm just joking around. I've done it before without an epidural I can do it again." Bailey said confidently. "You have another child?" Setsuna asked. Bailey nodded. "I do. I have a daughter named Kenna. She is also a tribred she is part witch, part vampire and part were-." Bailey stopped feeling intense pain in her stomach. The healer and Setsuna watched with wide eyes as Bailey gritted her teeth in pain. "Well that is definitely just as painful as I remember." Bailey said rubbing her belly. "Yes it seems that the baby may be coming sooner than expected." The healer said Bailey sat up removing her jacket. Setsuna stopped her and pulled her shirt to the side. Towa's eyes widened. "What is that?" She asked her voice cracking nervously. Bailey looked over her shoulder and gasped. "What the hell?!" She said touching the black mark that had appeared on her back. The mark resembled deep scratches going down Bailey's back from her shoulder blades to the small of her back. The healer ran her fingers over the mark. "Does it hurt?" Bailey shook her head and furrowed her brows. "I will send a guard to alert Lord Sesshomaru. If anyone knows anything about this Bokusenō will." She said exiting the dungeon.
As Sesshomaru landed in the forest and walked up to the old tree he was greeted with a husky voice. "Lord Sesshomaru. It's been so long. I hear you and your wife have a pup on the way. Congratulations are in order." Bokusenō said with a smile. Sesshomaru nodded. "I have come to ask you of a situation that occurred earlier with Bailey." Sesshomaru stated. "Proceed." Bokusenō said giving Sesshomaru his full attention. "Bailey collapsed earlier today. After hearing a familiar laughter in a field. She was spewing blood from her mouth. When she was unconscious she said she was in between worlds with an old enemy." Sesshomaru explained in his emotionless demeanor. "I see. That is very peculiar." Bokusenō said rolling the information around. Just as Bokusenō was about to respond a bird from the palace landed next to Sesshomaru with a scroll in its grasp. Sesshomaru reached down and took the scroll unraveling it and reading it quickly. "Bailey has scratch marks going down her back and doesn't know where they came from. They were not there yesterday." Sesshomaru said. "Scratch marks? Do they have coloring?" Bokusenō asked. Sesshomaru's breath hitched in his throat. "The scratches are black." Sesshomaru replied. Bokusenō clicked his tongue at this information. "Lord Sesshomaru. Your first wife. You said she had once done something out of character and cursed Bailey. Is that correct?" Bokusenō asked. "Yes. She cursed her to be in her wolf form until she finished her deed or until Rin was dead. That night she finished her deed but also lost Rin as well." Bokusenō grumbled. "And how was this curse set? By Bailey drinking something? Or by her being covered in something?" Bokusenō asked. "Rin blew a dust mixture at her. She inhaled it and was covered by it." Sesshomaru explained. "And this enemy. In between worlds." Sesshomaru furrowed his brows. "Bailey killed him many years ago. He was the one who gave Bailey his blood creating a Sire Line. Which was broken." Bokusenō hummed at this. "This enemy was turned to ash correct?" Sesshomaru's eyes widened as he remembered Michael's burning body crashing to the ground. "The ashes of the enemy must have been in the materials she used for the spell. Other wise this sort of thing wouldn't be possible. It seems that the curse wasn't broken completely the unknowing ingredient embedded itself and slowly grew. Take some of my leaves and brew a tea for her. If anything it will protect the child." Bokusenō explained. "And what of the curse?" Sesshomaru asked. "If these marks continue to grow I'm afraid that there will be no way to stop them. It would take a very powerful witch to break this curse. Sadly a witch that powerful doesn't exist here." Bokusenō explained. Sesshomaru furrowed his brows and collected some of Bokusenō's leaves. Flying back towards the palace Sesshomaru was flooded by emotions. Him and Bailey were finally happy and about to have a child of their own. As he landed in the gates Sesshomaru gave the leaves to the servants and ordered them to make tea with them immediately. Bailey's grunts and groans of pain were audible from the gates of the palace. Sesshomaru quickly made his way down to the dungeons where Bailey laid covered in sweat shaking from the pain. Within a few moments tiny cries filled the dungeons. "Go work Bailey you did great." The healer said as she cleaned the baby off. Bailey looked to the door of the dungeons and smiled. "I didnt think that you'd make it in time." Bailey said to Sesshomaru. The healer turned towards him with the baby in her arms. "A son my lord." Sesshomaru took the baby from the healer and held him in his arms. "A brother!" Towa said excitedly. Bailey sighed watching as Towa and Setsuna walked over to see their new baby brother. "Look him over Sesshomaru. Make sure there aren't any of these black scratch marks on him." Bailey said worriedly. Sesshomaru unwrapped the baby and looked throughly but there was nothing. "Not a single mark on him." Sesshomaru said and walked over to Bailey handing the baby to her. His hair was grey and his eyes golden. On his shoulder was the same mark Bailey had on hers a birthmark that looked like a crescent moon surrounded by clouds.

 On his shoulder was the same mark Bailey had on hers a birthmark that looked like a crescent moon surrounded by clouds

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Bailey smiled down at her son. "What sould we name you?" She asked sweetly. Sesshomaru smiled small and watched the two of them. "Mizuki. It means Beautiful Moon." Sesshomaru said. Bailey smiled. "Mizuki is perfect." She said kissing Mizuki's forehead. In that moment everything was perfect. Then that moment ended.

Always And Forever ☆Book 2 Sequel to Secrets, Beauty and Bravery☆ Where stories live. Discover now