Someone You Loved

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Inuyasha and Kagome rushed into the village. Bailey reset the bow in Moroha's hair. Moroha had been acting off after Towa and Setsuna were reunited with their mother so Bailey took it upon herself to help Moroha get ready for the feast. Bailey's head snapped to the door as Inuyasha and Kagome's scent hit her nose. She smiled and cleared her throat. "Moroha." She said snapping Moroha out of her daze. "Its your turn." Bailey said gesturing to the door. "My turn?" Moroha asked confused as she stepped outside. "Moroha!" Kagome and Inuyasha said in unison. Moroha looked over seeing Inuyasha and Kagome a few huts away running towards her. "My turn? Then that's...?" Moroha trailed off "Moroha!" Kagome yelled with tears streaming down her face while she wrapped her arms around Moroha. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around both of them as Moroha cried into Kagome's chest. "Mmother? Fffather?" She cried as she let their warmth engulf her. Kaede let a tear roll down her face as the villagers all watched with smiles on their faces. "Kagome! Inuyasha!" A man's voice filled the village. "Sh...shippo?" Inuyasha asked half in disbelief. Shippo smiled brightly at them. His long red hair blowing in the breeze. Inuyasha sweat dropped Shippo was now a few inches taller than him. Kagome hugged Shippo tightly. "Kagome. Inuyasha." Kohaku said smiling at them. "Sister and brother should be on their way soon I sent Kirara for them." He said happily. "Looks like the whole gang is going to be together again!" Kagome said happily hugging Rin and the twins when they reached her. "Isnt that adorable." Bailey said catching their attention. "Bailey!" Kagome sweat dropped hearing her voice. Inuyasha and Shippo looked to Bailey then to Rin and the twins. Bailey shook her head. "Relax you guys." Bailey said lifting her eyebrow at them. Bailey sighed and walked to the feast that was being set up. Rin watched as Bailey walked away and Sesshomaru appeared by his family's side. Rin eyed him without actually looking at him to see him staring at Bailey. Rin took a deep breath and walked out to the forest. As the tables were filled with food everyone gathered around to celebrate the return of Rin, Kagome and Inuyasha. Soon the villagers began to dance and sing. Bailey watched with a small smile on her face as Hisui asked Setsuna to dance and Riku started dancing with Towa. Rin stood to her feet offering Sesshomaru her hand. Sesshomaru stole a quick glance at Bailey as he stood. Rin winced for a moment seeing the longing in his eyes. She looked towards Bailey to see her talking with one of the village men. Sesshomaru shook his head as he took Rin's hand and started to dance. Bailey and Kimari had been talking for a bit since she came back to the village. Bailey had found out that not once but twice she had accidentally destroyed his hut over the years. He had no family his maroon hair flowed down his back and his green eyes shown like emeralds. As they laughed Bailey could see Sesshomaru out of the corner of her eye glaring daggers at Kimari. Every few moments Sesshomaru would do an elegant spinning move causing Rin's feet to lift off the ground and come around where Kimari's head would be which Bailey would tug on Kimari so he wouldn't be hit by Rin's feet that in turn everytime earned her a narrowed gaze from Sesshomaru. Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango and Miroku watched from the side as Rin's feet would barely miss Kimari's head shaking their heads. Kimari and Bailey laughed and talked for about an hour. Kimari held his hand out to Bailey with a small smile. Bailey smiled and took it as they drew close to each other Bailey realized that Kimari had no scent. Quickly she threw him over her shoulder causing him to knock down a few trees. Everyone stopped and watched as Kimari got to his feet. "Who the hell are you!" Bailey yelled baring her teeth at him. Snapping his fingers his disguised melted away to reveal Kirinmaru. Bailey gritted her teeth as his scent and aura filled the area. "Kirinmaru." Bailey said. "Bailey." He said holding out his hand to her again. Kirinmaru said taking a step forward. In a flash Sesshomaru was in front of Bailey with his sword drawn. "Sesshomaru. I see your wife is free of my sister's link." Kirinmaru said gesturing to Rin. Bailey stepped protectively in front of Rin with her eyes glowing. "I freed Rin and killed Zero. A fate you will soon share." Bailey said and Kirinmaru gritted his teeth. "Sesshomaru. Step aside." Kirinmaru said his voice deep and low. Sesshomaru tightened his grip on his sword. Kirinmaru gripped his sword then let go. He seethed at Sesshomaru and Bailey. "Next time we meet you will not be so lucky." Kirinmaru said then took to the sky. "Bailey I will see you again soon." He said as he disappeared. Bailey turned to Rin and the girls. Once everything was calm Bailey walked silently away from the village. Rin carefully followed after her. "I see the way he looks at you. Its still the same. After everything that we've all been through. Even after giving him a family." Rin said with her head down so her bangs covered her eyes. Tears stinging her eyes as memories came flying back to her. "Its as if no time has gone by at all for both of you. I can see the longing and pain in his eyes." Rin said through gritted teeth. Bailey turned to look at Rin. "Rin. What are you saying? He loves you and your little family." Bailey said putting a hand on her shoulder. Rin balled her fists as tears streamed down her face. "Since you've been back he doesn't look at me like he used to. He didnt step in front of me and our daughters to protect us. It was only you. We should be his priority not you." Rin raised her voice for the first time to Bailey. "Rin. It's not like that." Bailey said. Rin held out her hand Bailey look down but saw nothing but dust. "I'm sorry Bailey." Rin said before she blew the dust in Bailey's face. As Bailey inhaled the dust her eyes glowed gold and her bones began to crack and snap. "Ahhh. Rin! No! Please."

Rin lowered her head as Bailey's body involuntarily transformed to her wolf form

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Rin lowered her head as Bailey's body involuntarily transformed to her wolf form. "Rrriiiiiiiiiiiin" Bailey cried out before her voice was taken over by mournful whimpering wolf cries. "I'm sorry Bailey." Rin said before she turned back towards the village. "Mother have you seen Bailey?" Towa asked seeing Rin coming back into the village. "Bailey is gone. She didnt say where she was going." Rin said then entered Kaede's hut. Towa was taken aback by the news and went to look for Setsuna and Moroha. Sesshomaru had followed Rin's scent out of the village not knowing she had already returned. Coming to a spot where the ground was distributed and dirt tossed around as if there was a fight he found Bailey's torn clothing. He bent down and picked up the outfit he had hand picked for her to wear at the feast. He turned and flew back to the village landing right next to Towa. "Towa. Where is your mother?" Sesshomaru asked. Towa pointed to Kaede's hut. Sesshomaru walked over and entered dropping Bailey's tattered clothes on the floor. Rin's eyebrows furrowed as she looked from the tattered clothes to Sesshomaru. "Explain." Sesshomaru's voice boomed inside the hut.

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