Unsettling laughter

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Each day that went by Bailey's belly grew bigger and bigger. Bailey smiled as she felt the kicks and hiccups of the baby. Their baby would be part demon part werewolf and part vampire creating the first of it's kind. Sesshomaru, Towa and Setsuna all watched as Bailey's body developed faster than that of a regular pregnancy. Sesshomaru and Bailey went to the flower field near the palace and sat enjoying the sun and the calm breeze. "The nursery will be completed today. You and I will look over it once the servants are done." Sesshomaru said with his eyes closed and leaning back against a tree. Bailey watched the clouds roll across the sky and rubbed her belly. Taking a deep breath her eyes snapped open hearing the sound a familiar laugh. She stood scanning the treeline for any movement. Sesshomaru got to his feet on high alert he also heard and recognized the laugh that had sounded close to their proximity. The laugh disappeared as fast as it had appeared. There were no sound of footsteps or any sign that the forest was being disturbed by anyone. Bailey furrowed her brows and looked around still searching for an intruder. Sesshomaru simply put his hand on the small of her back and guided her back towards the palace. Bailey was still on guard until they reached the palace gates. "Close the gates and put guards on patrol on all sides of the palace." Bailey ordered as she walked passed the guards. They nodded and immediately followed her orders. Towa and Setsuna exited the palace to see the guards doubling and being sent to their new posts. "How was the flower fields." Towa asked as she and Setsuna came to a stop in front of Bailey and Sesshomaru. "It was relaxing until a few moments ago." Bailey replied looking over her shoulder towards the treeline. Towa and Setsuna followed her gaze then looked at each other worriedly. "Lady Bailey the guards are in place as ordered." A guard informed her. Bailey nodded and took to the garden. Standing by the sakura tree Bailey wracked her mind on how this laugh was even possible. She knew she wasn't imagining it because Sesshomaru had heard it as well. Bailey shivered and trembled just thinking of it. Bailey chest tightened and she leaned on a nearby post that held a lantern towards the top. Bailey started coughing and wheezing. Coughing harder and harder Bailey began to spew blood from her mouth gasping for air as she saw her hand covered in blood.

 Coughing harder and harder Bailey began to spew blood from her mouth gasping for air as she saw her hand covered in blood

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"Bailey!" Towa yelled as she watched Bailey collapse to the ground

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"Bailey!" Towa yelled as she watched Bailey collapse to the ground. Her mouth and hand covered in blood. Sesshomaru ran into the garden and stopped in front of Bailey. "Towa alert the infirmary!" Sesshomaru said as he picked up Bailey. Towa ran as fast as she could to the infirmary throwing open the doors and yelling to the healer. "Its Lady Bailey! She's collapsed in the garden and my father is bringing her right now." Towa was nervous waiting as her father laid Bailey down for the healer to examine her. The healer put her hand on Bailey's stomach and waited for the baby to move. After a few moments the baby kicked furiously. The healer let out a sigh of relief. Bailey opened her eyes to a world of blue hue. She looked around confused knowing exactly where she was. It was New Orleans in the home where she, Kenna and Klaus shared those two and a half years together. Everything was the same as she remembered it. As she looked around she got the chills and turned around seeing nothing. The laugh from before erupted into the open space. Bailey's eyes widened as she felt someone grab her from behind. "Amusing to see you so frightened! Did you really think you could be rid of me that easily?" Michael's voice hissed in Bailey's ear. Bailey's eyes widened and her hands gripped his arm that was around her neck immediately.

Always And Forever ☆Book 2 Sequel to Secrets, Beauty and Bravery☆ Where stories live. Discover now