Insecure (pt.2)

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(Y/N)'s POV:
This morning, I decided to go on a run. My limbs and core were aching and had been for a while so I took it upon myself to only do something small today to give my body a rest. I had realised a big change in my body but the monsters in my head told me it wasn't enough. They had took over my brain since the beginning of this new "diet." I ran for about 10 minutes before I started to feel a little dizzy. I guess the lack of nutrients and vitamins from food was starting to catch up with me, but I couldn't give up so I pushed and pushed. Eventually, I ended up in a park. I had ran through the gates and over towards one of the small lakes they had there, populated by ducks, swans and fish. I ran around the lake, I did about 3 laps around before feeling even more dizzy, making me feel like I was about to faint. My vision went blurry and my head wouldn't think straight. I stopped to have a little break and leaned up against a tree.

Dom's POV:
I woke up that morning, finally ready to speak to (Y/N). I put on a shirt and went over to her bunk. I whispered her name, just in case she slept in this morning. I said it three times with no response so I lifted up the curtain to find no one, just a messy pile where she left her blanket. I asked Tom and Michael if they had seen where she went.

"Guys, have you seen (Y/N)? I need to talk to her." I asked, praying they knew.

"I think she said she was going for a run, she might be headed toward the nearest park." Tom explained and pointed me in the direction to go. I didn't want to waste any time to I took a pack of chewing gum I had bought a few days back and took one out then popped it in my mouth. I then slipped on my creepers, tucking the laces into the shoe and ran out the door, following Tom's directions. I ran about 10 minutes or so before finding the park. I quickly ran through the gate and jogged around, studying each exercising person around me to try and find (Y/N). Eventually, I reached a small lake. I stopped to look around and noticed a slim, frail body resting against a tree. I looked closer and noticed that I finally found her. I jogged over to her and greeted her.

"(Y/N)! There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you!" She didn't look to well. She was pale in the face, staring at the floor. She didn't look up to speak to me.

"Hey..." She mumbled.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, placing my hand on her bony shoulder. She mumbled in approval but I didn't believe her. I bent down to look at her face, her breathing was fast. I lifted her head but as soon as I did, she stumbled backwards. She was dizzy, I could tell. She looked as if she was about to pass out. I picked her up, bridal-style and walked back to the bus, with her in my arms.

"We're gonna get you back to the bus, you need food, some water, what do you—" I was swiftly interrupted by (Y/N)'s protests.

"No... I need to... finish my run... please, Dom?" She requested weakly.

"No, love... we're gonna get you back into the bus." I repeated, sternly. "I need to speak to you anyway. I'd rather it be on the bus than in public."

"But... I need... to get skinnier... I need to... exercise." She continued through her deep, heavy breaths. I shook my head. I walked slightly faster to get her back, but her head started to move more like a rag doll. Immediately, she latched onto my shirt.

"See? You're fucking dizzy. You need to get back." I pointed out. (Y/N) eventually gave in and let me carry her back to the bus.

~~Time Skip~~

I finally got (Y/N) back to the tour bus so I quickly carried her over to the couch and took a can of cola from our mini fridge along with a bar of chocolate and paracetamol to help with the pain she's facing with her body. I went to hand her the items before she stuck her hand out and shook her head.

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