Chapter 16: Who's the Princess

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Before this Chapter starts, the answers to the QnA will be at the end.
Crabulon's Den, Dylan POV

Me: I can't believe that the break is almost over.

After the Blood Moon incident a few days ago, Eve started playing with the seeds she dug up from the tainted grasses. Raechel and her were trying to make some Solutions for something they called the Clentaminator. Val- I mean Y/n, and I figured out how I make Hallow appear: spit at the grass. So, the others except for me and Raechel have been working on mob farms and "hoiked" arena spots.

Raechel: We got a decent amount of things done, but we still need to help Y/n reach redemption.

We are both sitting in the damp cave we made for Crabulon, who is eating some moss off the walls right now. It is very relaxing, and the sapphire gem trees make it feel like it is the crab's own small castle. I liked building this place with Raechel... but something's missing...

Me: Raechel, do you think the NPCs will end up here?

Raechel: Probably not, since there are already people living in this world.

Me: Yeah... but there are empty rooms in the arena.

Raechel: If someone were to move in they would have already.

[Terra-chat Public]
[Dylan: Hey Y/n.

Y/n: Yes?

Dylan: Will the NPCs move in?

Ruby: What are NPCs?

Y/n: Non-people creatures
Dylan: Non-personal character
"Eve": No personality creation
Raechel: Non-Player Characters
Bianca: No Payment Clause

Dylan: What
Ruby: huh?

Yang: No personal chest]

Me: I mean... technically right?

Raechel just looks at me in confusion before she seems to realize it too: they sell stuff but can't store things. Although judging from Y/n's and Bianca's reactions in chat, there's something we're both missing.

[Y/n: leave Imagination out of this.

Bianca: you know it's true!
Yang: I'm just saying!

Dylan: You didn't answer my question

Y/n: yes let's leave this topic
Eve: Us Terrarians are here because of either something we did or to keep Hart in check. NPCs would have no reason to be here

Raechel: So is Bianca here as an obstacle?

Bianca: no I'm perfect.
Eve: Most likely
Y/n: Yes

Bianca: Oh fuck you.
Andrew the Guide has arrived!]

Wait what. RWBY, JNPR, and Ozpin are now spamming the chat asking about what that means, aside from Ruby threatening Bianca for cursing, but it's obvious? The guide named Andrew moved in.

[Y/n: Okay, in our old worlds, when you hit a certain... fame level... people would move into the town you built.

"Eve": That's... actually probably the best way to say that. Dylan, could you take Raechel to investigate the arena's housing areas and see if you can find the Guide.

The Steampunker has appeared!

Y/n: and her, after that meet up at either Ozpin's office or the cafeteria if you want food first.

Valiant Hunter (modded Terrarian reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now