Chapter 2

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Liam's POV:

How could you be so stupid? I thought to myself. I wanted her so badly, but I knew she was a virgin. I knew that if I gave in I would hurt her. I didn't want to do that to my angel. I loved her more than anything and I couldn't bear the thought that she left here in tears. I pulled out my cell phone and quickly dialed the number I knew by heart. I heard a vibration coming from the couch cushion. "Great she left her phone here." I said to myself. I decided I would go after her. Explain to her why I didn't want to go all the way. I needed her. I love her more than anything. I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. I started my car and backed out of the drive way. "Great. This is going to take forever." I thought to myself as I saw flashing red and blue lights ahead. I noticed from a distance a car that looked like Natalie's. "No. It can't be." I shouted. I looked at the license plate. It was Natalie's. I broke down in tears. I jumped out of my car and ran as fast as I could.

 "Son I need you to back away." A man in a uniform told me pushing me away.

 "That's my girlfriend!" I yelled more tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry son, but if you're not a family member I can't let you see her."

"What happened? Is she ok?" A flood of questions came out of my mouth. I looked over and saw two paramedics rolling her to the ambulance on a stretcher. I released more tears. "Do you know who I am? I need to see her."

"No son, I don't and I can't let you do that."

I looked over at her crushed car, there was another one slammed into it. I saw a guy next to it up against his car being handcuffed from behind. He did this. That's it he's going to pay. I thought to myself. "What did you do to my girlfriend?" I yelled at the man. He had shaggy dark hair and tattoos all up his arms. He looked over at me.

"What did I do? Well you see I'm not sure exactly. Oww those hurt!" He yelled back at me as a cop adjusted the handcuffs.

I could tell he was drunk. It was his fault. I wanted to kill him for hurting my princess, for being so stupid.

"I'm Liam Payne from One Direction. I will give you 100 dollars if you just let me see her." I said to the officer. I broke through and ran over to her. "Natalie? Natalie? Please wake up it's me. It's Liam. I love you!" I screamed as two hands grasped my shoulders and pulled me away.

"Son I need you to get back in your car."

I reluctantly did. I took Natalie's phone and called her parents. "Hello Natalie where are you?"

"This is Liam. I'm so sorry... this it it’s my fault." I said into the receiver. I started crying.

"What are you talking about?" Her mom asked in a frightened tone. 

"She got in an accent. She left my house in tears. I went after her. I saw the lights. The cop’s, the ambulance." I could only manage to get out so much. I didn't think I was speaking in full sentences. "There taking her to the hospital."

"Oh my." I could tell she was frightened. It took her a minute to speak again. "Liam I want you to know this. It’s not your fault that she got into the accident. I’ll be there in 10" she said into the phone then I heard the line go silent.

But I knew it was my fault. If she hadn't of left my house at that moment because I pushed her away... She wouldn't have been driving when the drunk driver was. I got in my car and sped down the road to the hospital. I got there and paced back and forth in the waiting room.

I saw her mom run into the waiting room. She ran over to me and gave me a hug. "Everything is going to be okay Liam. Don't worry. It's not your fault." She said letting go. She walked over to the desk. "My daughter just came in here. She was in a car accident. Is she okay?"

"I don't know ma'am. What is your name? I will call you up when I know more details. Please sit down and wait until she is allowed visitors."

"My name’s Jenny. My daughter is Natalie!"

She walked back crying. I wrapped one arm around her as we walked to the chairs. I sat uncomfortably on the chair moving every few seconds probably annoying everyone in there. But I couldn't stay still. My baby was in there. And I didn't even know if she would make it out.


"Right here"

"Natalie is in room 22, down the hall to the left and the second door on the right. She's suffered from a concussion and will need to stay overnight for observation. Other than that she just has a few bumps and bruises." The nurse said.

"Can her boyfriend come back too?" 


We walked briskly into her room.

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