Chapter 3

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Natalie's POV:

My eyes fluttered open to a bright light shining down on me. I quickly closed them.

"Natalie, I need you to open your eyes again. Now look at me. Can you recall what happened to you?"

"No. Why am I here? What happened?" 

"You got into a car accident a drunk driver hit you right on."

"How long have I been out? I don't remember."

"That's because you suffered from a concussion and might find yourself having memory gaps of some events. You might remember something but not remember the details. We'll have to do some scans and tests to see how much brain damage you have. Luckily enough the driver seemed to be going pretty slow based on the impact of the hit."

I looked at the man taking it all in. I looked around at the white washed walls. Why couldn't I remember what happened.

"You'll have to stay overnight for observation." The doctor said as he got out of his chair and started to leave. "My mom, where is my mom?"

"I'm sure she is somewhere in the hospital." He said closing the door.

I closed my eyes again. I heard the door swing open.

"Natalie!" A familiar voice said.

I opened my eyes. "Liam?" I said as more of a question than a response. He ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. "Oww that hurts."

"Sweetie are you feeling okay?" My mom asked concerned.

"Yes I'm fine. I'm just a little bruised. That’s all."

"I was so scared when I pulled over and saw your car on the side of the road. I ran over to you but you were unconscious. I'm so sorry about our fight" he said carefully hugging me. 

"What fight?" I asked.

"You don't remember? That’s why you left my house."

"When was I at your house? What was it about?" 

Liam's POV:

She didn't remember our fight. She wasn't mad. But it felt wrong to not tell her. "We can talk about it later." I told her. I was so relieve that she was okay. My baby was okay. Except, she didn't remember and that scared me.

"I'll let you too talk I have the night shift. Bye sweetie I love you." Natalie's mom said kissing her forehead then leaving.

"I love you so much. I wouldn't know what I would do to myself if you weren't okay."

"I love you too Liam."

Natalie's POV:

"Tonight we had a fight. You wanted to go all the way, but I pushed you away." Liam said taking my hands in his.

"Wait if you love me why did you push me away?"

"I didn't want to hurt you. I love you so much that I was afraid of what I would do to you. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to stop, to control myself with you."

"Oh Liam, You're so kind and caring. But I mean it was bound to happen sometime. And you're the only one I want it to be with."

"Will you stay with me tonight?"

"Of course I will baby." I moved over a little and he lied down on the bed next to me. I tried lifting my head a little to lay it on his chest but it hurt too much. "Oww it hurts a lot."

"Shh it will be okay." Liam said calming me down. He started stroking my hair and I quickly fell asleep in his arms.

I Love You Isn't Enough (A Liam Payne FanFic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang