Chapter 5

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My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the screen. I answered it.

"Hi Harry."

"Where have you been? Don't you remember we have rehearsals at 10?"

"Oh... Opps I forgot." I said. I looked at my watch. It was 9:30 now.

"How can you forget something so important?"

"Maybe because I have more important things to do."

"Like what?" He could tell the sadness in my voice.

"Natalie's in the hospital. She's in a coma."

"Oh my god, Liam, I am so sorry." He said in the phone. Do you need us to come there?"

"No I'm going home to shower and I'll be at rehearsals at 10:15."

I rushed home took a shower and went to rehearsals. We went through the set list thinking of ideas for the Take Me Home tour.

"Hey Liam, we're all gonna come with you to the hospital." Niall said. "But first let’s go to the store."

"For what?" I asked.

"Duh cards, balloons, a big teddy bear. Things you get people in a hospital. I don't know what else to do." Niall said looking at the ground.

"Thanks guys." I replied softly.

"No problem we love Natalie, she's the sweetest." Zayn said. 

We all walked into a store which was a really bad idea. Fans were screaming and running up and taking pictures of us. The asked for autographs and pictures with us. Normally I would live doing it for the fans, after all it’s because of the fans were famous, but today I just couldn't handle it. I signed a few and then walked away leaving the other boys to it. I grabbed some balloons and found the perfect stuffed animal. It was a big cuddly bear. I checked out and called the boys over to tell them we were leaving. Some fans tried to follow, but we took so many detours to the hospital it took us about a half an hour.

I ran into the hospital the others boys followed behind. I checked in at the desk and asked the lady if she had woken up yet.

"I'm sorry she hasn't, they moved her into intensive care unit (ICU) to monitor her more closely. It's room 47 up the stairs and down the hall on the right." She said pointing.

The boys finally caught up to me and I told them that she had been move to ICU. A blank face washed over their faces as they didn't know how to respond. We followed her directions and found the room. I knocked on the door.

"It's open." The nurse said. I opened the door and the rest of the guys slipped through and stood there staring. She laid there still, she looked so beautiful. It was just like she was sleeping but couldn't wake up. She looked peaceful, but I knew the reality of the situation. There were IV chords hooked up to her. The boys set down the balloons and the teddy bear on the corner table opposite of her bed.

They just looked at her. Niall started to shed a few tears. I pulled him into a hug and started crying too. The other boys gathered around and tried to comfort me.

"Li" I heard a soft faint sound coming from Natalie. I rushed over to her.

"Natalie! I love you." was all I could manage to choke out.

The nurse rose and went to go get the doctor.

"Liam?" she asked.

"Yes it's me baby!" I took her hand in mine.

"What are you doing here?" Her faint voice rang out.

"I'm here to see you. Are you feeling okay?" The doctor arrived.

"She's talking!" I practically yelled.

He walked over. "Natalie can you hear me?"

"Yes" she responded.

"Can you open your eyes?"

There was no response. "Natalie? Are you still with us?"

"What's happening?!?" I ask worried. "She's not???" I trailed off.

I Love You Isn't Enough (A Liam Payne FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now