Chapter 9

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Natalie's POV:

"Liam can we go to the park. I want to enjoy the sun." I begged him.

"Only for a little while, the doctor said you shouldn't be outside for a long time." He said as he gently pushed a piece of hair out of my eyes.

I had been out of the hospital for 2 weeks now. I was practically back to normal. I was able to eat and gained back the weight I had lost. My mum was working extra trying to pay Liam back but he would accept the money. I had been staying at Liam's apartment most nights while my mum was at work. I still had physical therapy monday wednesday and fridays to help me regain leg muscles to keep my steadier. I could walk fine but I just got tired a lot quicker and had to sit more often, but the therapy was helping with that.

We walked outside into the bright sun. I shielded my eyes as they adjusted to the light. We got into Liam's car and he drove down to the park. He ran to my door to help me out of his car. I intertwined my fingers with his as we strolled through the park. We sat down at a near by bench. I rested my head on Liam's shoulder as he quietly sung in my ear.

"I'm so glad your doing better Natalie. I was so scared all through the whole ordeal." He admitted.

"I'm glad I'm okay too. Because now I get to spend all this time with you."

"Oh my god you Liam Payne!!" A nearby girl screamed drawing attention from everyone in the park to us. I lifted my head as I wasn't ready for this.

A bunch of girl ran over to us asking for pictures and autographs. The flashing lights gave me a sudden headache. I started cupping my face in my hands trying to subdue the pain.

"Natalie? Are you okay?" Liam asked concerned.

"I just have a slight headache." I lied trying to not make it a big deal.

I didn't work. He picked me up bridal style and walked me to his car as girls kept taking pictures. I clenched his shirt and buried my head into his nice warm chest. He sat me down in the seat and handed me some water.

"Liam I'm fine." I insisted.

"No you're not, your obviously hurting. I can see it." He said going around to the drivers side and hopping in.

I gulped down the water and looked out the window. I watched the passing cars go by as we pulled into the parking space.

The pain was unimaginable it felt like my brain was going to explode.

"Natalie, are you okay?" Liam asked looking over at me with his definite concerned face.

"I-I'm fine..." I mustered out a lie.

"No you're not I can tell." Liam said pulling back out of the parking space.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking over at him taking another sip of water.

"I'm taking you to the Hospital." I announced with fear in his eyes.

"No you're not I'm fine." I insisted. "Lets go back to your house."

"Fine, but if it doesn't go away soon I'm taking you there." he said.


"Wake up beautiful" Liam's voice rang out.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I asked opening my eyes to see my beautiful boyfriend laying next to me.

"3 in the afternoon."

"What?" I asked not remembering what happened. "What day is it?"

"It's the same day you fell asleep on. Remember we were at the park this morning and you had a headache. You fell asleep in the car and I carried you upstairs.

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