Chapter 4

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Natalie’s POV:


"Huh what?" I said opening my eyes. I saw the nurse who helped me earlier. 

"We need to wake you up every few hours to make sure you don't fall into a coma." She said. "Are you hungry?"

"No I'm fine" I said. She exited the room and I looked over at the handsome boy next to me, the love of my life. I knew this was childish but this was my first time sleeping with him, actually sleeping not 'sleeping'. It was sweet his arms were still around me. I nestled my head on his chest and fell asleep again.


"Pleaseee can we watch toy story?" Liam asked.

"No we already watched it a bunch. You’re going to have to get the remote if you want it." He started tickling me. I fell of the couch and hit the floor.


Liam's POV:

"Natalie? Natalie?" I slid her head off of me and laid it gently on the pillow. I went to go to the bathroom. When I got back up she still wasn't up. "Natalie?" I shook her. "Natalie!" I began to panic. I searched for the call button and when I finally stumbled to find it I pushed it rapidly.

A nurse soon appeared. "Yes what's wrong?"

"She won’t wake up!!!" I yelled.

"I'll go get the doctor." She said briskly walking away. I watched her walk down the halls looking for the doctor.

The doctor finally arrived. It felt like a century.

"Looks like she's in a coma." The doctor said.

Well no duh captain obvious I wanted to say, but I held back. I watched them hook cords up to her watching her brain wave patterns. "Is she going to..." I asked not ready to hear the answer.

"No I don't believe so. I believe that she will come out of it soon enough."

I started to cry. I cried more than I ever had before.

"You know it helps if you talk to her. She can hear, she can tell if a love one talks to her. Try it I'll show you." The doctor said.

I opened my mouth and words just started flowing, "Natalie, I love you. Please stay with me! I don't want to lose you! You're the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Even greater than when I became part of the band. I want you to know I love you. I always will. I have since the day I met you. You’re so special."

"See these brain waves; they increase when you speak to her. She can hear you she just can't respond." 

Natalie's POV:

I laid there not being able to move. My eyes closed shut. I wanted to scream. I wanted someone to hear me. I wanted to respond to Liam. I heard everything he said. I thought it was so sweet. I didn't understand why this was happening to me. It was like I was in a dream where I can't wake up.

Liam's POV:

It was that entirely that drunken guys fault. I wanted to hunt him down. Natalie twitched I ran to her side holding her hand. I didn't know what to say. It seemed like saying I love you wasn't enough, it didn't do anything. I couldn't wake her up.

It was now 9am and she still wasn't out of her coma. The doctor came back, "You know you should go home for a while. Take a shower, go out get some fresh air."

"But I want to be here when she wakes up." I replied.

"I'm sure it will be fine. Come back in a couple of hours. We have to do some tests anyways." He told me.

I left the room and walked back down to the waiting room. It was Jenny. "Jenny did you hear about Natalie?"

"Yes I got the message after I got off of work. I rushed over here. What are you doing?"

"I'm going home. The doctor told me I should leave for a couple of hours. I'll be back soon." I told her.

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