Chapter 11

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"Come on Natalie we're going to be late!" Liam yelled from the other room in our newly shared flat.

I had moved into Liam's a couple weeks ago. But now it was time for us to leave for the United States for the Take Me Home tour. I was sort of nervous because I had never been on a plane before. "Coming" I yelled back dragging out my enormous purple suitcase.

"Are you packing for a year?" Liam asked looking at my bag.

"No, we're going to be gone for 7 months. I'm a girl I need my clothes." I replied. Liam took my suitcase out to the limo where the rest of the boys were waiting impaciently.

"Wow Natalie you could fit a whole person in there" Harry said as he helped Liam lift it into the trunk.

I grabbed my purse and locked the door behind us. I made sure I had everything before we pulled out.

When we got to the airport we were surround by fans. We were quickly ushered to our plane and took our seats. I sat by Liam and the rest of the boys were spread out all over the plane. Liam grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "It's okay Natalie I'm right here with you, always." he said kissing my hand. I gripped his hand as the flight attendant began to speak.

Niall's POV:

I sat down in a seat and pulled out my bag of food.

"Wow that's a lot of food." A voice spoke. I looked up to see a beautiful girl standing above me. "I think that's my seat." She said. I stood up and helped her put her bag in the overhead compartment, then she scooted in and sat down and I took my seat next to her. "I'm Niall" I said noticing how her light brown eyes lit up when she smiled. "I'm Annie" she replied taking my hand and shaking it. As the attendant sat down the plane began to head to the runway. "Tell me about yourself" i said to her listening closely to what she had to say.

Natalie's POV:

I gripped onto Liam's hand as the plane took off. Once we were in the air I relaxed and sat back in my seat closing my eyes.

"Natalie wake up" Liams voice spoke softly in my ear. I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see the ground close by. I lifted my head off of his shoulders to get a better look. "We're almost here" Liam said running his hand through my tangled hair. "You slept the whole ride. that's impressive."

"I guess I was really tired." I said. "whoa its the Statue of Liberty" I said excited to see it for the first time. I was finally almost in the states for the first time.

"look over there at Niall and the girl he's sitting by. you missed a lot while you were sleeping" Liam told me. I poked my head around the corner to see the brown haired girl lying against Nialls shoulders while his arm was wrapped around her as they both were asleep.

"aww good for Ni. He deserves to find a sweet girl" I replied turning back to Liam.

The plane landed smoothly and we gathered our stuff before heading off the plane. I noticed that Niall didn't leave the girls side. When we finally got into the airport I could feel the humid Miami heat even though the airport was air conditioned. The boys body guards surrounded us and Niall got cut off from the girl. I nudged my way to Niall and started talking to him.

"Niall who was the girl?" I asked curious and excitedly.

"Her names Annie. We met and talked, that's it. Don't read anything deeper Natalie." he said to me. But I could tell he was longing to see her again.

"Did you at least get her number?" I asked.

"Yes, but I can't start anything, we are touring the world, moving from place to place every few days. I can't get to know someone that quickly then leave just as fast." he said.

I knew he was right, but I just wanted to see Niall find a sweet girl who he could be with. It was always so hard for him because the rest of the boys were always dating.

We arrived outside and it was even muggier. My clothes started to stick to my body as the sun beat down on us. We hopped into the limo and were finally safe. There were a few crazy fans trying to run after the limo, but we finally lost them. The boys started to tease Niall about the girl he was sitting with and somehow Louis had gotten a hold of Niall's phone. He began to text and I suddenly knew what he was doing.

Louis read, "To Annie: I enjoyed getting to know you today, would you like to meet up later today? - Niall"

"Louis Tomlinson you better not send it!" Niall shouted pouncing on him.

"Opps too late it already sent..." Louis said.

"Way to go Niall. You finally found someone." Harry applauded.

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