Chapter 6

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"I've experienced this with other patients. This is actually a good sign-"

"What? How can this be a good sign?" I asked cutting him off.

"Listen closely to me" he said. "Some patients tend to have moments when they come out of their coma. It usually last only a few minutes at first, but as time goes on they tend to stay awake for longer periods of time and eventually are back to somewhat normal. When a patient wake's up for a short amount of time it usually mean they won’t fall into a vegetable state, but there brain is healing itself."

I stood there her hand was still in mine. I took it all in. I didn't know whether to take this as a good thing or not. "What do you mean by somewhat normal?" I asked him.

"Sometimes the brain losses important functions and some have to relearn how to eat, walk, and read that sort of thing and some fully recover. But most usually need just a little bit of therapy, usually just physical therapy."

It was all too much to handle. I ran out of there and out of the hospital as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was going, but I got in my car and just started driving. Tears were now welled up and I released them, tears streaming down my face. It was a never ending chain, they just kept coming.

I drove up to the hill that Natalie and I had our first date at. I sat in my car and looked out into to city. You could really see everything from up here.


I picked her up at a quarter to seven. I had met her mom for the first time and was really nervous. I took her up to a hill. The city lights of the houses brightened up the dark night. I rented a truck for the night so we could have a picnic in the bed of the truck. I laid down a few blankets and pulled out all the food I brought.

"Wow it's like a feast" she said looking at all the choices.

"Yeah I wasn't sure what kind of food you would like." I told her.

"It all looks delicious" she said digging in. I liked a girl with an appetite. After all I was used to it because Niall ate constantly.

We talked and got to know each other. She had told me what happened to her dad. She was so open and honest with me. It was really nice, someone I was able to really open up to and talk to for hours. She wasn't spending time with Liam Payne from One Direction; she was spending time with Liam Payne, the boy who didn't know how to talk to girls, the boy who I was behind all the fame. It didn't matter to her that we didn't go somewhere fancy. In fact it was her idea. She had told me the first time we talked that she would love it if a guy took her out for a picnic in a pickup and laid in the truck looking up at the stars afterwards. That's exactly what we did. After we finished the food I leaned up against the back and she snuggle in my arms. We looked up at the stars. It was a beautiful clear night.

"You know this date was perfect." She said looking me in the eye and biting her lip.

I was nervous but I took a chance on fate and kissed her. It was magical.

"Wow" was all she could say. "You know I never told you why I like looking up at the stars." She said continuing, "It's peaceful. And every time I see a star it reminds me of my dad and that he's watching over me, he still here in my heart." She said as she started to shed a tear. I pulled her in closer just holding her in my arms.


I wished she was here right now. So I could just hold her and be with her.

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