Chapter 7

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I went back to the hospital day after day. I was practically living off of hospital food. I spent every waking moment at the hospital and by Natalie's side. I wanted to be there when she wakes up. The doctor had said she was basically in a conscious but unresponsive state, meaning she could hear, see and feel but her stimuli were unresponsive most of the time. They took her in for tests almost every day. Giving her MRI's cat scans and a whole bunch of others. The results always came back the same, there was still bleeding and swelling in the brain from the accident and there wasn't much they could do for her. However she was getting better. A few days ago she was talking for about an hour before she became unresponsive again. It had now been a week after the accident and it was already time for me to go home. I left the hospital and it was pitch black outside. The cold autumn air nipped at me sending chills down my back. I quickly got in my car and blasted the heat. I went back to my apartment, deciding to skip going to see my parents. Natalie had loved being over there, which was why we were there the night she got into the accident. That was also another reason it was hard for me to go back there. I pulled into the lot and the boys greeted me in the lobby.

"Hey guys I'm not really in the mood to talk." I admitted.

"That's fine we just wanted to make sure you were feeling alright, you know considering." Louis said.

"Considering what?" I snapped.

"You haven't really been eating much, or sleeping much and-"

"And what? My girlfriend is in the hospital and you expect me to go through life like everything just dandy? Well news flash, it's not!" I yelled in anger storming off.

I knew I shouldn't have blown up in their faces like that, but all the sadness had built up into anger. They were only trying to help. And I was being selfish. Skipping rehearsals when they were really counting on me. I walked back down the stairs.

"Guys I'm really sorry. I didn't mean any of it. I didn't mean to blow up in your faces. I'm just said she's not fully recovered yet." I told them begging for forgiveness.

"It's all good. We totally understand, it's a hard thing you're going through." Harry said.


I felt a pillow hit my face and I sprung up to see Harry standing in the doorway.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed at his presence.

"Natalie's mom's on the phone." He replied.

"Hand it to me!" I yelled looking at the clock. How could I have slept through my alarm! I wasn't at the hospital yet. I clutched the phone in my hand and said in a raspy voice, "Jenny, it's Liam."

"Hi Liam can you get to the hospital quick?" she asked.

I tried to assume this was a good thing, but my mind kept wondering every which way. I didn't want to know the news but at the same time I had to brace myself to hear the worst. I threw on some clothes and headed out.

At the hospital I quickly checked in and ran up the stairs into Natalie's ICU room. I saw Natalie sitting up in bed.

"Natalie?" I asked hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

"Liam, is that you?" her voice was still faint.

"Yes it's me baby." I said running to her bedside. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine. My head just hurts. I don't really understand what's going on with me though." She spoke.

I hugged my fragile delicate girlfriend. It had looked like she had lost a lot of weight. And she was already so small, it didn't look healthy. "How long have you been aaa-awake?"

"I think a couple hours" she said looking for approval from her mum.

"Yeah she's been up for a couple hours. The doctors have been in and out motoring her. She still can't quite eat on her own. And she has to have some more tests done to see if the internal bleeding has stopped and the swelling has gone down."

Jenny filled me in on the rest but it all didn't seem to matter. All that matter was that Natalie was awake, even if it was only for a couple of hours. Like the doctor said, it shows improvement, I thought to myself.

"Liam, I want you to know I heard everything you said. How you love me, how I am the best thing that happened to you. I want you to know I love you too. You're the best thing that's happened to me. I love you so much and I love that you've been here day after day for me even when you didn't know for sure that I was able to hear you. Well I was. And it means so much to me that you brought the boys here too." She said slowly but steadily.

I wrapped her in my arms and held her tight. She wrapped her fragile hands around my neck and grasped it tight. "I love you" I whispered in her ear. Suddenly all the pressure of her hands went away. I no longer felt her hands grasped around my neck. There was something wrong. Something wasn't right. I let go of her gently and her head fell to the pillow.

"Natalie?" her mom asked walking over to the bed.

"I'm sorry Jenny." I said as a tear rolled down my face.

"It's not your fault Liam. None of it is. You really need to stop blaming yourself for all of this." Jenny said with a sincere look on her face.

I couldn't help but blame myself. It seemed like everything bad happened to her when I was around her.

I sat in the chair impatiently as the doctor came back in to do some more tests.


2 hours later the doctor came back in.

"There's some good new and some bad news" He said sitting down in his chair.

I braced myself getting ready to hear what he had to say.

"It seems like all the internal bleeding has stopped. The swelling has also gone down as well. So I think she's about ready to come out. But there are going to be a few obstacles she'll have to face. She isn't responding well to the IV food, so she has lost a lot of weight. When she's up, we'll have to see how well she can eat and how well her boy will process the food. The other thing is that she'll need to do some physical therapy to regain strength."

"Ok I understand, does the insurance cover the physical therapy?" Jenny asked sounding concerned.

"I'm sorry but it won't cover it all." The doctor replied.

"How am I supposed to pay for this all? I'm a single mother working two jobs." She said frightened.

Before I knew it words came out of my mouth, "I'll pay for it all."

"No Liam, I don't want you to have that responsibility. I'll come up with the money somehow."

"No, Jenny. I couldn't think of a better way to spend my money. To get my girlfriend, who I love, healthy again. I will take care of everything." I sincerely told her.

"You know that's going to cost thousands of dollars" The doctor said sounding like more or a statement than a question.

"I know sir, I'm in a band and I make quite a bit of money." I told him.

"That's where I recognized you from! Your from One Direction!" He said excitedly.

Wow that took him long enough to catch on I thought to myself.

"Will you sign this for my two daughters?" He asked handing me a sheet of paper.

"Of course! Especially for everything you've done for Natalie."

I Love You Isn't Enough (A Liam Payne FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora