Chapter 32

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A/N: I own nothing but the plot. Enjoy!


"Because I love you."

Annabeth blinked. There were already tears in her eyes, hazing up her view.

"What?" She whispered.

She could have sworn that Percy had just told her he loved her.

Why? Annabeth almost blurted out. Why her?

She couldn't recall whether Percy had said the same words to Lady Rachel. As far as Annabeth knew, Lady Rachel had privately told her that the relationship between her and Percy were only platonic. Annabeth would have been perfectly content if the current relationship between Percy and her would have been the same status.

In this life, Percy was much more affectionate, but Annabeth had only attributed this affection as Percy merely enjoying the physical intimacy benefits of their relationship.

Many have said that eyes were the windows to the soul. Despite the haze of tears, Annabeth could see the raw sincerity in those beautiful green eyes. And in those soft eyes were the reflections of her, as if she was only one that he saw. The only one he held as precious in the world.

But could she dare to accept those thoughts? True, there was no written stipulation on the contract that they could never fall in love with each other, just that each would be the other's partner. But did she dare to fall down that rabbit hole again? Love had rendered her brokenhearted, ultimately losing all that she had worked for, and even her own life.

The logical thing to do would be to hide behind those walls so more pain could go through. But those walls had been constructed from sand and quickly disintegrated by this man.

Yes, this very man before her. There had been a part of her unwilling to admit it, but even in her past life, Annabeth had secretly admired the man now professing his love before her. Both did not truly love their respective spouses before and were constrained by their titles of business partners. In her last life, sometimes when she had her nose buried in files and blueprints, Annabeth could feel the duke's piercing gaze flit to her a few more times than necessary. And she too, had secretly enjoyed spending time with the duke, and unconsciously feeling guilty because they were both married to other people.

But that had been in the past, and this was now. Her life had completely diverged from its former path. Couldn't she allow herself to be happy in this life?

Something bellowed in her heart, slowly melting the barriers she had placed on that word called love. Somehow he had left an imprint on her heart, an imprint shaped by warm embraces, soothing words, and a smile that penetrated into her very soul and beyond the realm of time.

Annabeth's next words caught in her throat so the words that came out were barely above the volume of a whisper.

I love you, too.

But it was more than enough. Before her lips had even shaped the last word, Percy was pulling her up from her seat, his lips landing on hers. Annabeth felt her eyes close as her lips instinctively melted to his. They had kissed many times before, but this kiss was different.

Unlike the former deep kisses that were for mere pleasure, this one was full of hope, soft but coveting. Their lips parted for a brief moment, before Annabeth pulled him close to her once again.


"Has everything been planted?" Princess Medea asked.

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