game addict- keima katsuragi

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Y/n pov

I was walking to school I stopped at a walk sign when I saw a boy with a pfp I think he's in my class keima katsuragi san I think

He was about the cross the cross walk when I saw a driver going through the red light "hey watch out" I said pulling him back in

He was amazed he didn't see the car coming was it this girl who saved him but why is all keima thought as he just stared at her

I sighed putting a hand over my chest "that was a close one you should try to be more careful you need to look both ways before crossing the street" I said calmly

"Thanks..." He said questioningly I sighed "keima katsuragi san did you listen to a word I just said" I said a little panicked

"How do you know my name?" He asked is he serious "I'm in your class I'm y/n l/n" I said sweatdropping this is embarrassing

"Oh you mean the clumsy girl" he said knocking his fist into his hand I almost tripped over myself thankfully he caught me

"I'm not clumsy I'm just unfortunate" I said with a shadow over my face "geez don't take it to heart I was just joking" he said

I sighed and looked at the time "oh crap we're gonna be late" I said as I grabbed his wrist and used the shortcut that I usually use to school

Keima's pov

I was being pulled by a girl I barely know actually I do know a bit about her she's just hard to notice I looked at her why does she care if I live or die

Why did she save me I then looked in her bag a pink pfp is she a gamer? Without even realizing it we're now at school

Just as we entered we got soaked this must've been a prank or something I looked at y/n and she was shaking I saw a tick mark appear then saw her calm down

She sighed does this happen to her a lot or something? "I'm so sorry I got you involved katsuragi san" she said bowing her head

Well she's nicer than the other girls I met I wonder why though I saw a shadow looming over her huh what's that aura

"Divine brother your here" I heard Elsie she noticed I was wet "why are you wet divine brother did it rain today" she asked

I ignored her and saw y/n try and dry herself off she pulled out her handkerchief and gave it to me "you should dry yourself off too" she said with an awkward smile

I wonder how long she's been picked on elsie's alarm started going off oh no don't tell me "Divine brother that girl has a loose soul" she said I figured as much

2 days later

Y/n pov

For some reason katsuragi san has been trying to hang out with me lately he's even helped me avoid the bullies who pick on me

I've noticed for the longest time that whenever he's around my heart seems to pound out of my chest I feel my cheeks turn red too

Do I have a crush on katsuragi san I saw him come up to me "katsuragi san can I talk to you" I said he looked a bit taken aback

We went up to the roof "so what is it you wanna talk to me about?" He asked "why" I asked he tilted his head in confusion

"Why what?" He asked "why are you suddenly helping me I don't get it" I said he sighed "guess I felt sympathetic" he said

I clenched my fists "what's the real reason" I said he seems surprised at my cold behavior I sighed and covered my eyes

"Sorry just forget it" I said because I'm sure he'll just forget about me "why don't you tell the teacher's your being picked on" he asked

I sighed "I'm not trying to be a snitch to anyone even if they're picking on me" I said "why are you crying then" he asked I was covering the tears I've been holding back

"Hey" he said I didn't even notice him walk up to me "I've seen you stare at me do you happen to have a crush on me by chance" he said

My whole face turned red "..." "Your not denying it means I'm right" he said with a small smile "so what if I do have a crush on you wh.wh.what are you going to about it" I said stuttering

He lifted my chin up and kissed me he actually kissed me I closed my eyes and kissed back he pulled away "I might have a crush on you too" he said blushing

I felt my cheeks warm up the tears that have been building up decided to flow out of my eyes he hugged me "go ahead let it all out" he said

I cried against his chest while he was rubbing my back this feels nice falling in love getting a boyfriend this feels amazing

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