water- haruka nanase

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Y/n pov

I was at the pool dipping my feet into the cool water I loved the feeling of the water but unfortunately I don't know how to swim

I sighed and felt something pull at my leg "hya" I scream only to see it's my boyfriend haru "ne haru don't scare me like that" I said

"If you keep dipping your feet into the water try swimming sometimes" he said "you know I never learned how to swim" I said

He remained stoic faced as usual "it's not too late to learn" he said "you know I can't" I said as I told him "I'll teach you then" he said

"Your not going to leave it alone are you" I said he nodded "well first of which is I would need a swimsuit" I said "you don't own one" he said

"Well I never learned because my parents were lazy so no I don't own a swimsuit" I said stating the absolute obvious

"We'll go swimsuit shopping then" he said "please tell me your joking" I said "what?" He said confused "my parents would freak if I went shopping with a boy" I said

"So?" He asked "I think they'd be more comfortable if I was accompanied by gou sorry maybe I'll pick a swimsuit you actually like" I said he gave me his rare smile "I'll be looking forward to it" he said

The next day at the mall

I had asked gou to come with me to try and pick out a swimsuit "hm where" I said confused my head was spinning profusely

"This is so confusing" I said "it's over here y/n chan" gou said I followed here and sure enough there were the swimsuits right there

"Which swimsuit would suit you" gou asked "hell if I know I never had one before" I said "hm oh y/n" I heard and saw rin

"Oh hi" I said "what are you doing here" he asked "aniki listen to this y/n never wore a swimsuit" gou said smirking cheekily

I glared at her "huh why" he asked "next time zip your lip" I said coldly she sulked in a corner "we're shopping shoo shoo" I said

He shrugged and left "honestly" I said and kept looking at swimsuits maybe... I looked at one in the far right "that one" I said

The next day

Haru's pov

I was waiting by the pool "she sure is taking her sweet time" I said "you say something haru" I heard y/n my demon of a girlfriend

"No not a thi...ng" my eyes widened she was wearing a one piece swimsuit that looked pretty good on her "what are you staring at" she said turning her head embarrassed

"You ready then" I said "yeah I'm ready" she said as I jumped into the water "We'll start with the basics ok" I said as I reached to catch her

She jumped into the water and I caught her "ok let's start with a normal backstroke" I said "like I would know how to do that" she said

"That's why your learning the basics" I said she pursed her lips "this'll take forever for me to learn" she said I pecked her lips "of course" I said

She smirked "you jerk you caught me off guard now come here and give me a real kiss" she said I leaned in and kissed her on the lips

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