ice cream date- guren nash

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Y/n pov

I hate waiting especially if I have to wait for my ice cream to be delivered to me by my boyfriend guren "y/n" I heard and saw guren

"Here's your (insert favorite flavor ice cream) y/n" he said smiling "thank you guren" I said smiling "Your very welcome" he said

I started to happily eat my ice cream guren chuckled "w.w.what" I asked "Your so adorable y/n" he said I blushed a deep red

"Weirdo" I said licking my ice cream "why did you get a cup ice cream" I asked "well I don't want them to melt on my hands" he said

"Speaking of" he said pointing to my ice cream cone "how did it melt so fast this isn't normal at all I barely had time to enjoy it" I said teary eyed

"You can have some of my ice cream" he said scooping some into his spoon and giving it to me "thank you guren your the absolute greatest boyfriend in the whole world" I said

I hugged him tightly "y/n your squeezing me" he said "oh sorry guren" I said letting him go so he could breathe a little

"Y/n you have some ice cream on your hands" he said "oh so I do" I said he grabbed my hand and washed it with a wash cloth he had in his bag best date ever I thought

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