depressed- kyoya ootori

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Y/n pov

I was heading to class feeling depressed as usual I sat in my seat and started reading a book I am always the first one here no one talks to me so

I heard the door open and ignored the fact that they were talking about me then more started to come in its too loud in here

I walked out as soon as class was over to look for a quiet place to read I looked and saw a room "music room 3?" I said as I opened the door

"Welcome to the host club" said a group of boys my face paled I was about to leave "hey where are you going you just got here miss" the hitachin twins said

No let me go "let go" I said feeling the pressure and my breathing was getting heavy "hikaru, kaoru let the young lady go she looks uncomfortable" I heard a deep smooth voice say

It was kyoya ootori I think he's in my class "kyoya who is she" I saw tamaki who is also in my class "miss y/n l/n a second year student with a mild case of depression" he said

They all looked at me "senpai if she wants to leave we can't force her to stay" the brown haired boy said "but shouldn't she at least enjoy being here" tamaki said

I started to sweat and my breathing was getting heavier I need to get out of here "tamaki she has..." Kyoya was about to say something but I passed out

Kyoya's pov

I sighed "what happened why did she pass out" tamaki said "she has a heart murmur" I said pushing in my glasses "why didn't you say that before" tamaki complained

"Because you didn't give me a chance to say anything before that" I said annoyed I carried her to one of the couches and set her down

"What should we do" honey said all teary "relax she just needs an injection of her medicine" I said "how would you know" hikaru asked

I looked at her pale face she might not remember me but we were in the same middle school together and I used to watch from afar


I opened the door to the classroom I noticed someone was already here she had short h/c hair and e/c eyes she was reading a book

She didn't acknowledge my existence until I closed the door it startled her a bit and she looked at me "woah that scared me" she said sighing

Her face was a bit red and she had her eyes back on her book I sat behind her and I saw what she was reading it was a good book

I stared at her trying to figure out why no one was sitting next to her I saw tamaki try to talk to her only to be utterly ignored

She seems to block people out from her peripheral vision at the end of class I see her walk out I saw some guys following her

I have a bad feeling about this "hey loser give us your bag" one said she looked pale they took her bag by force "give it back" she said

"Hm now let's see what's in here" they said looking through her bag "hm the hell there's only medical stuff in here" they said

"Give it back" she said screaming and started coughing "huh what's this insulin" they said "that's medicine for heart murmur" I said

"Huh oh your kyoya ootori" they said "so what if I am" I said glaring at them "what are you going to do about it" I said annoyed

They flinched and dropped her bag and ran I turned to her she was turning paler by the second I took the injection out

"Let me see your arm" I said she looked at me and obeyed I inject the medicine inside as she seems to have gained some color in her face

She was breathing normally "why did you help me" she said I just smiled at her "I thought I might lend a hand" I said

"How did you know I had a heart murmur" she asked "my family owns a hospital" I said she was crying "thank you kyo kun" she said

She gave me a nickname already I thought "why do they pick on you" I asked "why would you care" she said I sighed "I want to help you" I said

End of flashback

I injected her medicine in her arm as her breathing began to turn to normal I may have fallen for her even though she's so fragile

She opened her eyes and smiled at me "thank you kyo kun" she said my eyes widened so she does remember me huh I think I made her world a little happier

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