prolonging- zyro kurogane

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Y/n pov

I was on my computer doing some work and I got the strangest feeling I was being watched I looked around but I didn't see anyone

"Hey y/n" I heard and saw zyro I smiled "hey zyro you going to battle someone" I asked "not right now just hanging out" he said

"I see" I said glancing back down at my computer screen "so what cha working on" he asked "just some programming" I said

"Hm" he sat down next to me and peeked at what I was doing "how long have you been working on this looks complex" he said

"Awhile I even pulled an all nighter" I said he gave me a worried look "maybe you should take it easy you do tend to push your limits at times" he said

I stopped typing and looked at him "since when did the great zyro kurogane worry so much about me hmmm" I said smirking

He coughed trying to hide the blush creeping up on his face "it's nothing I was just concerned for one of my closest friends yeah....that's it" he said laughing nervously

I felt my heart pang it hurt when he called me a friend he seemed to notice the look of distress on my face "y/n did I say something wrong" he asked

"It's nothing really" I said turning back to my computer screen typing away at my keyboard

Zyro's pov

I scowled at how much y/n was typing away instead of hanging out with me it's like she pretends I don't exist I think she needs to get her mind out of that program

I closed her laptop she gave me an annoyed look "what did you do that for" she said with an irritated tone "you need to relax a little" I said

"Give it back" she said trying to swipe it from me "I said give it back" she said clearly not wanting to play any games with me

"C'mon y/n I'll give it back to you near the end of the day in the meantime come hang out with me" I said she sighed

"Your obviously not going to let this go are you" she said I nodded she rubbed her temple annoyed "fiiiine I'll hang out with you" she said

Y/n pov

Honestly I can't believe him sometimes I thought and sighed but can't be helped if I must I must he brought me over to the lake

It was very beautiful especially at night I wonder why he brought me here though I glanced at zyro he was looking at me while smiling sheepishly

I blushed "wh.wh.what are you looking at you weirdo" I said flustered "oh sorry" he said scratching his chin with his forefinger

"Hey lovebirds do this somewhere else" a random guy said pushing zyro on top of me as we fell to the ground "ow that hurt" zyro said

"That guy should really watch where he's ok y/n" he asked I was too busy admiring his face and saw how close he was to hear him

"Hey y/n why are you so...quiet" he then realized he was on top of me and blushed "well...heh um this isn't exactly what I had in mind" he said

"Could you maybe move your knee" I moaned he then realized the position we were currently in "I'm so sorry let me help you up" he said

He cleared his throat ignoring the fact that just happened we headed over to the bey arena and I sat down "hey guys" oh it's shinobu

"What's going on shinobu" zyro asked "a new blader in town thinks he's hot stuff and wants to battle you" shinobu said zyro groaned in frustration

"Ok guess I'll have to" he said he got to the platform and readied his samurai ifrit "so you like Zyro huh" shinobu said out of nowhere

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said he chuckled "you act like you don't but you do like him you know your just prolonging the inevitable" he said

"I am not" I said "sure your not then why are you fidgeting like that" he asked I didn't even realize how nervous I was feeling

"Yes another win" zyro said I walked up to him "good work" I said "oh just get it over with already" shinobu said pushing me into zyro

Which caused me and Zyro to kiss we both blushed a dark red we both pulled away embarrassed "shinobu what was that for" Zyro asked

"I was just moving things along" he said "moving what along" I said annoyed "you guys obviously like each other why bother denying it" he said

Me and Zyro were blushing in embarrassment we both started to chase him we weren't gonna let him get away with this

I would usually deny my feelings but the next day or so we actually became a couple guess shinobu was right we were prolonging the inevitable

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