soft kitty- Sebastian michaelis

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Y/n pov

I was tending to the chores in phantomhive manor where a certain demon was picking on me I groaned and said "what do you want Sebastian" I said annoyed

"I'm trying to finish the chores" I said scowling at him "I know you are" he said smiling innocently that fake smile doesn't fool me one bit

I walked into the garden to get away from Sebastian "that butler I swear sometimes I think he does this to torture me endlessly" I said

"Meow" I heard and saw a small cat come out from the bushes "aw are you lost little thing" I said petting it making the cat purr

"Hello young lady" a mystery voice said I turned around and saw grell pouring a liquid substance on me next thing I know I'm a cat

"Hey what grell" I said complaining all he heard was meowing though he ignored my plea and left me in the garden

"Damn him I'm going to kill grell once I find out how to turn back to normal" I said wobbling in my cat body I fell to the ground "agh" I screech

"Oh what's this" I heard a familiar voice say I turned and saw the one person who absolutely adores cats the one person I didn't want to run into while I'm like this "Sebastian" I meowed

He pursed his lips into a devilish grin and picked me up I was swiping my claws at him "you better let me go right now Sebastian" I screech

All Sebastian heard was hissing "it's alright" he said petting me behind the ear what is this feeling I purred "see you like that don't you" he said smiling

He rubbed under my chin darn cat instincts I can't stop then he stopped and took a good look at me "your rather filthy perhaps I should clean you" he said

I blushed internally hell no I don't want him to clean me he took me to his room and drew a bath in the sink he picked me up and put me in

"I absolutely hate this" I said crying my eyes out while Sebastian was cleaning me he was rather gentle though

He dried me off with a towel "there we go nice and dry" he said rubbing underneath my chin I purred "Your a soft kitty" he said

"Your fur color reminds me of y/n" he said smiling what he actually thinks about me he pet my head making me meow in approval

He set me on his bed and layed on it "you know if she saw you I think she'd love you" he said petting my back if only he knew I was y/n

"I have a secret I'm actually in love with y/n" he said making my eyes widen in surprise he loves me I blushed a deep red color

I got on top of his chest he looked at me "what's the matter" he said petting my head "I love you too Sebastian" I said but he heard meowing

"You really are energetic aren't you just like y/n" he said I went up to his face and licked his lips he gasped then smoke appeared around me

I was back to normal and I was laying on top of Sebastian I sweatdrop I'm so dead I gulped "y/n" he said in a dark glare

"Heh heh....h.h.hey Sebastian" I said laughing nervously and shaking intensely "you were the cat" he said darkly

"It wasn't my fault ok grell poured this liquid on me making me turn into a cat" I said "punishment is in order" he said darkly

"Y.y.yes Sebastian" I said fearing for my life "close your eyes" he said I closed my eyes fearing what he might do I felt something soft on my lips

I opened my eyes to see him kissing me I blushed immensely and kissed back he chuckled and hugged me tightly "my soft kitty" he said

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