7: Mystic Academy

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As they were inside their cubicle inside of the bus, the two stared out the window. The bus went inside the tunnel, and after a minute, when it came out, the new students were most surprised.

Suddenly, they had appeared in a whole new world. Dragons and one-eyed monsters roamed the skies instead of birds. Different four-legged creatures were running in the vast green plateau.

With these unique creatures in their sights, the students' eyes widened, and their mouths were agape.

"Hey, look at the flying eye! What is that monstered called?" Aranea asked.

Her sister opened her bestiary of beasts and opened her book to the flying type beasts section. The moment their eyes saw the picture of the creature on the book, they looked at the monster flying on the sky. They had already confirmed the name of the beast.

"The name of the beast is Floating Death," Elenea mumbled, making Aranea arch a brow at her.

"Why is the beast named Floating Death?"

Elenea's eyes widened more as she read the text on the book.

"It is named Floating Death because once its eye started to glow, its lightning stare is enough to critically hit you, leading to a grave injury, or sometimes even death!"

"What the--" Aranea blinked her eyes a few times. "How the hell is that Floating Death roaming freely in this world!?"

"Simple. The monsters can roam because we have magic that can subdue these beasts."

Hearing an unfamiliar voice in their cubicle, the twins instinctively looked at their unexpected visitor. He sat on the seat in front of them, making the twins feel slightly uncomfortable.

He has brown, unkempt hair, his eyes are blue, and he wore glasses. He wore a casual shirt, and he wore worn-out jeans as seen by the fading colors. He looked quite simple for a guy with magical powers.

"Er, who are you?" Aranea asked, caution evident in her voice. The man in front of them chuckled, sensing their nervousness.

"I'm Vayne," he introduced himself, then he adjusted his eyeglasses to prevent it from falling. "I'm a second-year student. I assume that you guys are freshmen?" he said and asked, making the twins nod slowly.

"Yeah," Elenea answered flatly.

"Welcome to Mystic Academy," he welcomed them, and the two gave him a small smile. "I hope you don't mind me sitting with you guys," he added as he scratched the back of his head. "Everywhere else is full."

Aranea nodded, "It's fine."

"So," Vayne started, making the two girls look at him. "What are your names?"

"Oh!" the red-haired girl chuckled, realizing that she and Elenea hadn't introduced themselves to Vayne. "The name's Aranea, and beside me is my twin sister, Elenea."

"Nice to meet you two!" The three did a handshake, now finding their atmosphere less awkward. "So, what's your magic, guys?"

The moment he asked this, Aranea bit her lip as she looked at her twin sister. The girl now felt embarrassed when she realized that she's going to Mystic Academy when she doesn't even have a magical ability like her sister.

Not wanting to make her sister feel bad, Elenea smiled and talked first.

"I can heal people magically when I start singing," she said, making Vayne's eyes widen in surprise.

"Woah, that's amazing!" he exclaimed, making Elenea smile.

"Well, what's yours?" Aranea chimed in, not wanting for her to share that she doesn't have any magical powers.

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