14: About the Ranks

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With the professors of the academy now introduced, it was now the Headmaster's turn. He stood up gracefully from his chair and walked in the middle to make himself visible to all of the students present in the great hall.

"Finally, it is my turn to introduce myself, especially to the freshmen of the academy," he started as he gave a small bow, getting everyone's attention.

"I am Headmaster Gavin and as you all heard from Professor Gertrude, I have founded the school for each and every mage from across the globe," he added as he extended his arms for a warm welcome.

Aranea and most of the freshmen looked at the Headmaster as he rambled on with how great the academy is.

He told them how Mystic Academy is the only academy which is the best among the best in all of the magic academies present in the world. This made Mystic Academy exceptionally best, as told by their Headmaster, Gavin.

"Now with that, I hope you enjoy your stay during the academy and I hope you do well to follow the rules and regulations," he reminded them as he was about to end then his face suddenly turned serious.

"Failure to comply with anything at all unless if the reason is plausible, prepare to pack your belongings and go back to the human world."

The Headmaster now walked back towards his seat and sat back down, making Professor Samuela stand up next as she walked to the middle then continued explaining what would happen next.

"Now we will discuss the ranks and the ordeals that everyone has to take. Even though undergoing ordeals is mandatory for every freshmen student to take in order to determine one's rank, the students at the higher level will also have to take this ordeal yearly to assess if you are fit to level up or if you are to retain your rank, or worse... if you are to go down to a lower rank."

Hearing that, the students in the higher levels murmured as they thought about the upcoming ordeals that would happen before they formally start with their classes.

It is known that in Mystic Academy, they would have to undergo an ordeal in order for them to determine their ranks. Once the ranks have been announced and finalized for each student, classes can now formally start.

"Hey, Vayne," Aranea called out to the man in front of her. "What is the importance of these ranks?" she asked, making Vayne look at her.

"Oh, that will be answered by Professor Samuela," he said then she returned her gaze to the woman who was still busy explaining in front.

"This is no longer new to the old students. However, as a refresher and especially for the freshmen, let us discuss this briefly once more," Professor Samuela started as she put both of her hands on her waist.

"First and foremost, your rank determines your benefits in the academy."

When Professor Samuela snapped her fingers, seven gigantic different colored diamonds flashed before the students' eyes as it floated above the professor's head. She pointed at it one by one as she discussed what the diamonds are.

"The diamonds and their colors represent your rank. The colored diamond will then be stitched on your right collar in order for the people to identify your specific rank," she said then she cleared her throat then continued explaining.

"We have blue, red, green, orange, pink, yellow, and black diamonds. The first color stated is the highest rank of all."

Hearing this, Elenea looked at Zann who's sitting in front of her. On his collar, she saw that his diamond is blue, making her eyes widen slightly in astonishment.

'So he is in the highest rank already? Amazing!'

Aranea looked at Vayne seated in front of her and saw that on his collar was a pink diamond, indicating that he is in the 5th rank.

'I see... so this is how it works...'

"Further explaining about the ranks..."

Professor Samuela got everyone's attention as she clapped her hands, making the diamonds on top of her disappear.

"Each student is to be given their allowances every month according to their rank."

With a flick of her hand, a large floating board appeared beside her with the following information written on it. The first column showed the ranks and the second column showed the money per month each rank would receive.

1st Rank: Blue Diamond = 200 diaz

2nd Rank: Red Diamond = 175 diaz

3rd Rank: Green Diamond = 150 diaz

4th Rank: Orange Diamond = 125 diaz

5th Rank: Pink Diamond = 100 diaz

6th Rank: Yellow Diamond = 75 diaz

7th Rank: Black Diamond = 50 diaz

With the columns shown, Professor Samuela winked at the students.

"Remember that 1 diaz = to $5! Oh... the diaz can't be converted to real money, take note on that—as they are not aware what a diaz is. It's only exclusive in our world," she said and explained, making most of the freshmen talk among themselves.

"So we have to determine our rank before classes would start, right?"

"Yeah! I hope I get at least a high rank!"

"Woah... so we have our own currency then. Amazing!"

"I wonder what we could buy during our stay at the academy!"

"Any rank is fine... I just hope I won't land on black!"

Aranea's hands under the table tightened into fists. She hoped deep down, too, that she won't be getting a low rank during her stay in the academy.

But how can she possibly level up her rank--or rather, how can she possibly have a high rank if she has no powers at all?!

Now with this thought, she furrowed her brows as she bit her lip, starting to feel nervous. If they are about to determine their ranks soon, and knowing that she has no magic at all...

Can Aranea land to a high rank at all?

"Now let's get down to business," Professor Samuela said loudly, her low voice echoing in the room, getting the attention of all the students.

"We will now talk about the ordeals one must face to identify your rank."

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