Rapid |c!wilbur|

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A/N: vent fic, cross posted on AO3
TW: swearing, small mentions of blood/injury, panic attacks, slight paranoia, character death

Word count: 7507

Wilbur had always hated noise.

The squeaks in doors were too loud and the crumpling of a chip bag made in uneasy and panicked. All the sound was unnecessary. It could be panic enduring for some as well.

It's okay, stay calm, Wilbur thought to himself. He had asked Phil if he could have a snack , he was allowed to. Nothing he was doing was bad or deceitful. No one will get mad.

What if they do though, the little nagging voice in the back of Wilburs head thought. The fox hybrid didn't want to think of that though. It would be easier to ignore the voice. The little constant negativity and anxiety in the back of his head. If he ignored it it would leave him alone, even if just for a little while.

Techno once said that trying to ignore or forget about something made it more constant to think about. It pops up in your head more because you're actively trying not to think about it. Distractions worked best. Food was a good distraction it's why he had asked Philza if he could grab a snack (he never knew if they were going to have dinner soon and he didn't want to make anyone mad by eating and then not being hungry for dinner). That reminded him, Phil told him that humans are relaxed after eating. Being full makes your body sleepy.

Wilbur memorized a short list of foods that calm anxiety. There was salmon but Wilbur hated the texture of it. There was also chamomile because it was a relaxing herb, green tea, yogurt and dark chocolate. Wilbur liked chocolate, it had a bit of caffeine as well which would keep him awake. The chocolate was in the pantry and Wilbur knew since he didn't eat the rest of the dark chocolate it was still there. No one else liked it enough to eat it.

He just needed to stay calm. Everything he was doing was allowed, people had allowed him to do this. He had no need to be quiet he could be as loud as he wanted if he so dearly wished. Tommy could come in and ask him what he was doing and Wilbur would be 100% honest. Techno could come in and question him and Wilbur wouldn't care. Phil could ask what all the noise was about, and Wilbur wouldn't care. Well maybe he would just a little bit. He didn't care that he was allowed too, he hated making too much noise.

It was still noisy though. Too noisy for Wilbur. Silence was sensitive, one wrong move and it shatters like glass. Wilbur loved and hated the silence. It was deafening ironically. It left him alone to his thoughts. Yet he loved the peace it brought. It could be calming or overwhelming, two opposite sides of a spectrum which was simply amazing. Silence could be two things at once. Breaking the silence when it naturally formed seemed like a crime. It could shatter peace with a simple creak or a whisper. Silence was scary like that.

The cupboard squeaked when the brunet opened it and he looked around to check if anyone was disturbed by the noise. It was only open a tad bit, just enough to see to contents inside of it but not enough to grab anything. He cursed internally at that and slowly closed it making sure it did not make another sound. A mental sig of relief, no one had heard or no one had cared. Wilbur walked over to the fridge avoiding the floor boards that creaked.

The fox hybrid memorized which ones creamed so he could easily avoid them. When he had to take walks at 4am because his head hurt and he needed to clear his head he needed a safe path to the door. He always oiled the hinges of the door when they were starting to get squeaky. The possibility of a robber breaking in and Wilbur and his family trying to get out but alerting the robber they were at the door because of a squeak was terrifying. Of corse the downside was if someone broke in through the door they wouldn't know because it was silent.

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