Loud |techno&c!dream|

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Based on the song "It's all so incredibly loud" by Glass Animals. Btw all platonic, no shipping here just had to make that clear

Footsteps echoed along the walls of the blackstone prison. The sound of levers and buttons rang through Technoblade's ears every time they came across another gate. Being killed over and over for safety processions. Add poison to that now. It wasn't the most pleasurable feeling, certainly there were better. No wonder no one other than Tommy had come to visit. The thought of Tommy doing all this to visit the person who hurt him most gave Techno the patience to continue down the long hallways, re setting his respawn point over and over. The pink haired male lost count of how many times he had to be killed in this prison already. From the sheer amount of times its happened, or just because he found the floor more interesting at some points Techno didn't know.

What would he say? Techno had planned to come here on this day as soon as Dream was thrown in prison. He had a separate notebook to write out what he was gonna say, yet the pages were still blank the moment he left his house. Technoblade had no idea how he was going to approach the subject and he had never been so unsure of the outcome. There were no hints, nothing was falling into place. Metaphorically speaking this situation could be compared to that of a puzzle. You have to connect the first pieces and finish an area before you have any idea how to solve the next area. One section at a time.

"The lava wall will come down and I'll remove the blockade. If you die, you'll respawn at the bed over here." Techno nodded lazily not having a clue what Sam had just told him. The obsidian was dark that without the faint purple hues any passerby would assume that it's just an empty void.

The lava wall slowly came down front of the two, the blinding brightness fading only slightly. An obsidian box reveal itself in the middle, a one block blockade out of netherite and mining fatigue the only two preventions from an escape now. Sam motioned for the piglin hybrid to get on the bridge and Techno did so willingly, careful to not stand too close to the edge.

The bridge rapidly approached the obsidian cell. Could it even be referred to as such? It was more of a box, more of a confinement. Everything appeared to be in slow motion. The pistons pushing the pink haired male towards the box. A blonde man approached the Netherite as Techno got closer. Green sweatshirt not as bright as it once has been, smiley mask cracked along an edge and black pants covered in dust at the knees. The piglin stepped off the bridge no expression on his face before nodding at Sam.

The two stared at each other as the lava wall came back down. Dream looked nonchalant from a ways away, leaning on the barrier without a care in the world. Close up though even a fool could clearly sense the smirk underneath the mask. If someone else had come to see a prisoner smirk that would assume dream had gone mad. Techno knew better though, Techno knew Dream better.

"Your acting skills are shit" Techno spoke up once the wall of lava was almost all the way down. Dream frowned under the mask going to lean against the wall beside his clock as the blockade came down next. Techno walked in standing opposite to dream quickly glancing around getting as much information as possible. Glowstone on top the chest, next a lectern, then a cauldron filled with water and a hole with water in the opposite corner. Not much information to go off of Techno thought. Not that he would be needing it anyways.

"Thank you!" Dream said with faux enthusiasm. It fell silent again. A quiet and comfortable silence. It hung in the air gracefully and danced around them with a blanket of comfort. Lava bubbled gently on the wall being the only background noise. Peaceful, calm. None of those words described it perfectly. Amicable, Techno thought. Amicable was the perfect word for now.

"Tommy showed me a game" Dream breathed out, "You spin the clock around. Kinda boring but I made a new one. You take the clock out of the item frame and see which person catches it. Wanna play before we start discussing?" Techno hummed in agreement. Playing a stupid game was the least he could do. The piglin could only imagine how boring it was to be here all alone all the time and have only TommyInnit as a visitor.

So he plays. First Tommys game of rotating the clock. Techno didn't understand the point but Dream seemed to mildly enjoy it. The pinkette supposed he would too if he had been stuck here with nothing else to do.

"I have to go." Techno spoke up after merely 5 rounds. He didn't want Dream to get bored of the single player game and if he stayed hey may play it for too long. The other one seemed to require more than one person and would keep someone occupied longer. Not that Techno wanted to stall of course. The piglin would never do that, he was brave he could fight armies of people and win. He could look death in the eye and death would cower away from him. Social interaction would be easy and the least of his problems.

"Okay. We can play my game next time." Techno sensed a genuine smile underneath the mask but also the true intent. They would speak next time. Techno made sure his face was void of all emotions before nodding at dream and telling Sam to bring him back. The Netherite blockade came up between the two as the lava walls slowly came down to reveal Sam on the other side. The pigling hybrid stepped on the bridge making sure his cape wasn't hanging off the edge as it slowly moved away from the prisoner.

"Everything went okay?" Sam had asked once the lava wall was down. Techno looked up into Sams eyes and nodded.

"Okay. Let's get going then." The two walked down the familiar hallways. The bubbling sound of lava getting quieter the farther they went on.

The silence was deafening. The lava wall came down in slow motion as he saw Sam and Techno walk away without a second glance. A scowl made its way onto his face the moment the lava was completely down and the netherite blockade, the only thing in the way of his escape if the lava wall was down, came back into the floor.

Dream scowled behind his mask. Techno needed to tell him swim thing, he could tell yet he hadn't pushed. The blond would have to next time Techno came. He gunned in delight that it would be soon. The pinkette agreed they needed to discuss plans for their next course of action soon.

A week passed by and no visitors. Dream had gotten used to this though. It was normal. The deafening silence was normal. A month passed and still nothing. When was Technk coming back? When was anyone coming back?

Sam gave him a letter this morning. It was in Technoblades hand writing, Dream could tell. He didn't want to open it. The unspoken words from the hybrids last visit would be on the paper.

Dream wanted to know so desperately why. But he didn't want to find out if no one would visit again. The letter sat in his hands for two days. He was by the lava the entire time, secretly hoping the letter would fall in while he was asleep. His hope wasn't answered and each morning it would still be in his hands (he was thankful for clock or his sense of time would be gone).

Finally on the third day he ripped the top off and grabbed the letter out. He was angry and needed answers.

Dear Dream,

By the time you get this you'll have noticed I stopped visiting. I thought I should give you a bread explanation.

I cant work with you anymore. I decided to retire for good, I don't want to be part of more wars or bloodlust. We hurt so many people and in the moment it was a good idea, but it doesn't work. They keep building themselves back up and I admire them for that. Let them have peace. It's the least you could do.

Goodbye Dream.


An old friend

Everything was quiet. Even the lava seemed to have stopped its constant bubbling. The letter shook in Dream's hands. He caused this, it was his own fault for wanting to control everything. In his hunt for power he had pushed everyone away. Maybe that was for the best, he was a monster after all.

A broken laugh echoed through the prison yet it did nothing to fill the overwhelming silence. The letters burned gracefully once it was chucked into the lava.

Dream knew he would never burn like that. It would be an ugly thing to have human flesh burn. So he didn't.

The silence was all there was after that. There was nothing left after everyone left.

It was only Dream. It was for the best, that doesn't mean he was okay with it. But it didn't matter what the villain wanted. No one likes the villain, they only love the hero.

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