April Fools |dsmp|

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Please don't take any of this seriously. Word count: 811

"Give me the milk!" Sapnap exclaimed. George frowned but stood his ground.

"You have to finish your grass with a side of fish bones first. I'll tell Dream if you don't." George said back. Sapnap looked into George's brown orbs and George couldn't say no to the younger. He handed the dark haired male a glass of oat milk as the younger skipped away happily.

"GOGY WHY DONT I GET FUCKING OAT MILK!" Tommy yelled carrying something in his hands. Puffy ran up behind him and started screaming.

"PUT TUBBOX DOWN!" She said harshly. Tommy pouted, his large blue orbs looking at Tubbo in the box in sadness before putting his best friend down. Ranboo teleported and grabbed his platonic husband before teleporting away.

"Oh look it's my favourte gremlin child!" Ghostbur said happily, floating up to Tommy. The blond scowled and glare cat his older dead brother.

"Don't you have some salmon to fuck?" Ghostbur frowned and tossed blue on himself as he floated away. Tommy almost felt bad. Almost. But the bloke blew up the nation and said bye motherfuckers then dropped dead when Tommy needed him. That thought was enough to make Tommy not pity the man.

"HEY FURRY!" Tommy yelled as Fundy walked passed. Fundy flipped him off before asking what the gremlin needed from him.

"Where are you headed?" Tommy asked kindly interested. Fundy looked bored as he told the teenager he was headed to see Bad and Skeppy. Tommy yelled that that was boring and started building a cobblestone tower aggressively.

Fundy rolled his eyes and went on his way. He kept walking along the beautiful prime path until he saw Bad and Skeppys mansion in the distance. However as he got closer he could see Technoblade chasing Bad with a sword and yelling a bout library's in Spanish. Fundy looked to the left and saw Skeppy standing with his arms crossed.

"What's happening?" Fundy asked genuinely confused. Skeppys orbs stared back into Fundys. The diamond boy looked surprised at fundys arrival.

"Techno found out Bad is an orphan." He shrugged as if his friend wasn't trying to commit murder on his other friend. Fundy assumed it was normal by now though. The blood god finally killed Bad and immediately went to planting potatoes near the ruined mansion.

"Come Fundy." Skeppy said and led the younger to the prison. The diamond boy told Sam code potato and Sam immediately let the two in. Fundy started asking questions on the way to dreams cell.

"I can't tell you until we get to dream." Skeppy told him ominously. The fox hybrid started thinking of the worst scenarios.

They arrived at dreams cell and swam through the bubbling lava with a fire resistant potion. They got to Dreams cell very quickly and the masked man looked over as they arrived.

"We need to revive Wilbur. Code potato." Dream immediately understood what Skeppy was asking and went to work on reviving Wilbur soot.

"The fuck is happening?" Fundy was very confused again.

"Techno is planting potatoes cause of the voices and only Wilbur knows how to stop it." Skeppy explained quickly. Soon enough Wilbur was alive in his bloodied trench coat again. Oh ghostburs gone :(( sad sad Fundy is in shock. The fox left, he couldn't face his father, not right now.

Wilbur blinked and as soon as he realized he was alive he did the Debby Ryan and blew up a nation before snap chatting it.

"#justblewupanation #feelinggood #selfcare" he put in the caption. Skeppy rolled his eyes. Typical quirky Wilbur, he wasn't like other girls.

"Wilbur get off snap chat. You can send your skskksksk streaks later but code potato." Wilbur threw his phone once Skeppy said that and left to techno. He pulled a rapunzle and knocked Techno out with a frying pan before slapping Philza in the face for killing him. It was very rude.

Phil didng appreciate the slap and adopted Ranboo and Tubbo in retaliation. Wilbur scoffed and looked around for the askers. He couldn't find any!

Quackity joined the server and proposed to Karl and Sapnap. They said yes and had a beautiful wedding but what's this??? Dream comes by.

"Me and George are having a wedding too now, to one up you all." The masked man yelled. Everyone left the trios wedding and went to dream and George's.

"I do." Dream said lovingly.

"I don't." Ouch rejection. George was merciless with it. So cold hearted.

"Why?!" Dream exclaimed tears in his orbs.

"Because. You can see al the colours in the rainbow." George did a hair flip and went to sleep through another war.

"Dream is in Spain without the S." Ranboo said taking a sip of his iced coffee. Tubbo nodded in agreement.

Then a meteor came down and killed them all and the dreamsmp is no more.

The end.

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